
The Eternal Battlefield

[A dynamic plane of war, existing for aeons is now in the process of devouring your planet!] [Welcome to the Eternal Battlefield!] [It is a place where extinction is frequent and technology can dissolve stars, a complete battle zone where you must kill to gain levels and skills.] [You have been identified as a human, a non-mana based being. Starting enhancement process...] [Process complete you are now Lv. 0 human (No class)] [Enter human. I wish you good luck] . . . [You will need it...] _____ Summary: Noah and Alice are childhood sweethearts that have been separated for years due to circumstances. In a dramatic reunion the two discover a new world called ‘The Eternal Battlefield’. Living up to its name, this game like world isn’t as peaceful as it seems. Under the skills, magic, monsters and dungeons is the fight for survival of the human race. Currently on volume 1 [Protected Zone]

GoldSoul · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Limitation of Sword Mastery

Kira looked at him top to bottom, seeing him smile shyly, "I think you're getting something wrong here, I only like guys stronger than me."

She then picked up her packed bag and walked away. Vince stood destroyed as he felt his entire being be crushed and blown away by her words.


Kira walked to building D to join Noah and Alice, thinking about what she just said.

She had rejected Vince straight out since she didn't want him to misunderstand. She wasn't interested in him that way or rather she wasn't interested in dating in general.

The Eternal Battlefield was a knife hung above her head, she didn't want to get distracted in other things. This was the time where she needed to focus on her training the most.

As for liking stronger guys, that wasn't the whole truth. She did like stronger guys, but they were basically impossible to find. Most of the people stronger than her were decades older than her already married. She respected them, as people to learn from. They weren't romantic interests.

Only Noah was stronger than her in a similar age group. Which was why she said something in the first place. She did have a crush on Noah because of how cool he looked defeating his opponents.

It was after she got to know him that she realised that he was better as a good friend or brother at most. If you ignored that he was taken, she still wouldn't want him as a lover. His type of love was too obsessive for her, Alice could handle it but she didn't think she could.

Walking into Building D, She saw Noah and Alice laughing as they trained together. The two had to be the cutest couple she had seen. They were always in sync with each other like they were spiritually connected. She was happy that even after being separated for 4 years they were still together.

Seeing the two, hugging as they laughed, she imagined herself in that position and had a shiver go down her spine in disgust. It wasn't just Noah, she couldn't imagine herself hugging someone else so lovingly. She wasn't that type of person.

To have someone care for her would be a nuisance, she could take care of herself better than anyone ever could. As for caring about someone else seemed like too much work. She was happy with how she was now. Reflecting on her thoughts she wondered how she would ever be in a relationship.

Shaking her head, she waved, "Hello lovebirds, I'm here."


In the Eternal battlefield, in the balcony of the room he was staying at he sat on a wooden chair looking at his status page. Mostly everything was the same except for one big difference.

Sword Mastery had levelled up to level 15.

What was weird, that even after he had learned three enhancers it hadn't changed to a C Class skill.

"System why isn't the skill upgrading?" Noah asked.

[You have reached the limit of the skill]

Noah continued to ask for an explanation but the system didn't give him one. It gave him the same answer or that the information was locked.

Seeing this as a waste of time, he got up and left for the library in ImmortalCloud City. The library in capital cities were the largest, so it was likely he could find something there.

Walking to it, he saw the large marble palace library. It had acres of land surrounding it filled with stone statues, plants and floating lights. It was set to be a magical garden, it was late at night but many people were there together experiencing the beauty of a magical world.

Noah walked straight in past a large water fountain, up the stairs and into the tall palace door.

On the inside was floor to ceiling wooden shelves filled with books. Some books coming out from their spots flying around. The ground was carpeted blue and there were chandeliers hung. There were large historic paintings around. Walking past the information desk that had an old person reading a book sitting at, he read the signs and found the section he was looking for.

The libraries in the Eternal Battlefield didn't have any restrictions other than that you couldn't take any books outside the premises.

In the section, Noah hoped onto his Levitation Staff and flew up going through the books on the shelf. There was a ladder scaling the whole shelf nearby, but the Levitation Staff was more convenient.

He found three books, pulled them out and flew to an empty table. Putting the books down, he hung the staff back on his back and sat down to read.

Flipping through them, because of his attributes and awakened talents he was able to read at a frighteningly fast speed. Stopping in his second book he found what he was looking for.

"Sword Mastery needs an additional skill to upgrade to C Class called Sword Energy." Noah read aloud.

First, you need to gain a particular type of energy skill that is dropped from dungeons, till now he had completed almost all the dungeons on the entire map yet he hadn't seen such a skill. After getting the Energy skill he needed to integrate it to his Sword Mastery turning it into a Sword Energy skill.

Looking for alternatives, he found that it was possible to form Sword Energy on your own, however, it was extremely hard to do, taking decades of training. Noah put the book down and left.

"I've reached the limit of what I can do with Sword Mastery, for now, Energy skills are too rare. Not one has dropped since I started running dungeons." Outside he flew towards the Dragon WIng Auction House.

"It seems like I should now focus on levelling up Firearm Mastery and finding enhancers for it." He still hadn't given the skill any enhancers and decided to wait for something good. It would be best if he could get an elusive Diamond rank enhancer but they were completely unseen.