
The Eternal Battlefield

[A dynamic plane of war, existing for aeons is now in the process of devouring your planet!] [Welcome to the Eternal Battlefield!] [It is a place where extinction is frequent and technology can dissolve stars, a complete battle zone where you must kill to gain levels and skills.] [You have been identified as a human, a non-mana based being. Starting enhancement process...] [Process complete you are now Lv. 0 human (No class)] [Enter human. I wish you good luck] . . . [You will need it...] _____ Summary: Noah and Alice are childhood sweethearts that have been separated for years due to circumstances. In a dramatic reunion the two discover a new world called ‘The Eternal Battlefield’. Living up to its name, this game like world isn’t as peaceful as it seems. Under the skills, magic, monsters and dungeons is the fight for survival of the human race. Currently on volume 1 [Protected Zone]

GoldSoul · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Back to the island

The next day the three met at the harbour, getting back on the yacht they had sailed on at Alice's birthday.

Alice looked around, "You bought this? I thought you rented it."

"I bought it for us if we ever wanted to go on a trip, look it came in use so soon."

The destination had been set for the island Noah and Alice had washed up on after jumping off the bridge. Noah had its location memorised since he had gotten off the island, it was the location of the access point for the Eternal Battlefield.

Kira and Alice stood together on the superyacht's deck as they watched the seagulls fly by.

"We're going to an island off the coat of country S, was that so hard for you to tell me?"

"Just wait for it, you'll be surprised," Alice answered.

They stopped near the island any closer and the yacht would touch the ground.

"We'll have to ride a boat there," Noah revealed speed boat which they got on. He then had the boat lowered onto the water.

Then had the boat stop onshore. The three got off, Kira looked around for what might surprise her, she didn't find anything.

"Follow us, it's deeper inside," Alice beckoned Kira as she entered the forest.

Noah led the way, the memories of carrying a feverish Alice were too strong to forget. He felt nostalgic going through the same woods again. They arrived at the waterfall.

This place made Alice sentimental, she remembered how much Noah had cared for her and how scared he was at the time. She took off her shoes, pulled up her yellow summer dress and splashed into the water laughing. "It's in the water, take your shoes off and follow me."

Kira put her shoes to the side and walked in, she was wearing shorts so the water didn't reach her clothes. She followed behind Alice and Noah who were looking around in the water for something.

"Found it!" Alice shouted. The other two walked towards her and surrounded the smooth stone slab.

"Now you have to stand on it," Alice said pointing at the plate.

"What is it?"

"Touch it and you'll understand," Seeing Alice's excitement Kira touched it lightly with her feet.

She heard a computerized ding! She looked up from where the sound came from to see what seemed to be a floating holographic notification.

[You have found an Access Plate!]

[You will be teleported soon to the Eternal Battlefield.]

[Number of people who have registered using the plate (3/5)]

Her face filled with confusion she looked at Alice and Noah, "Eternal Battlefield? Is it that pla..." she disappeared unable to finish her sentence.

The two looked at her disappearing and touched the plate.

[You have already registered]

They couldn't enter the Eternal Battlefield from here so they went back to the yacht. The speed boat pulled up they got on the deck again.

"We'll see her when we enter the Eternal Battlefield today," Alice said, "So what now, are we going back?"

"How about we have a seven-day vacation till Kira comes back?" Noah said as he hugged Alice from behind.

"Did you already prepare everything?" Alice said as she looked up.

Noah smiled, of course he had.


In the Eternal, Noah came back to the Inn after finishing his workout at the Titan Training Ground's gravity room. He was now going there daily.

Alice woke up soon and they both left for BlueCloud Town. Walking to the Teleportation Hall in ImmortalCloud City. They had already told, Leona, Tasha and Sofia that they would be bringing a friend here yesterday.

In BlueCloud town, the two looked at the familiar scenery, it had gotten more packed as people had finally arrived here. The few people walking by stopped seeing Alice and Noah. The equipment they wore was stunning.

Alice and Noah walked to the wooden house they first appeared in. Entering the house, everything still looked the same, it was returning home after a long trip.

They walked up the stairs and checked the rooms, three rooms were still locked. Kira hadn't arrived yet.

"The time is still 8:02 AM Kira entered at 9:30 AM, we have time unit she arrives." Noah said looking at a clock.

"We should go get equipment for her from our warehouses," Alice said, Noah agreed and the two left from the Dragon Wing Auction House in the town.

They both went to each of their warehouses and brought back all the equipment they thought was useable to their house.

Taking their equipment out and showing it to each other, it was already time for Kira to arrive.


Kira stood in her room looking around, she had just stepped on the plate Alice told her to and she was now here.

"Is this the place I think it is?" Walking to the door, she opened it and walked out. Noah and Alice had walked up the stairs to greet her.

"Alice? Noah?" Kira asked with uncertainty, looking at the two people wearing silver deer masks.

"It's me, Alice. I forgot I had the mask on." Alice not understanding Kira's reaction remembered the masks, she was used to wearing it she had forgotten it was on. She took off the mask, so did Noah.

"Is this the same Eternal Battlefield people are always talking about online?"

"It is, you know about it?" Kira didn't use the internet much so it was surprising.

"I've heard of it, but I thought it was fake. So everything people were saying about an alien invasion is true?"

"Well, I don't know about that. For now, just think of it as a real-life game world. Noah and I found the access point you entered from a while ago and were brought to this world. A lot of the stuff online is nonsense, it's better to experience it yourself to understand." Alice said bringing Kira down the stairs. "Let's sit down here as I give you a summary."

The two sat down and Noah brought something to drink. Alice explained, "This whole world is real, and is combining with Earth. Every month people are brought here in waves, which is why it got so popular, 10,000,000 people had entered at the beginning of this month."

Alice continued to explain to Kira giving a quick summary.

Until Noah intervened, "We need to leave soon, we told the others we would introduce Kira to them. Also Kira, don't tell people about the access point, it could lead to a dangerous situation if people know that you know the location of one."

"Before we go what's your Awakened talent, we need to give you equipment that would suit you." Alice asked.

Kira looked at her status screen.



Name: Kira Lancer

Age: 18

Race: Human


[Strength 10] [Agility 10] [Physique 10] [Intelligence 7] [Willpower 8] [Sense 8] [Mana 1]

(Bonus Attribute Points: 0)

Awakened Talents-

[Flames of Emotions (A+ Class)]


[Super Body] [Valiant] [Passionate]


[Lv.1 Fiery Fists (D Class)]

(Skill Points: 0)


"Flames of Emotion, A+ Class," Kira readout.

Both of them were impressed, she had only one, but it was the highest rank they knew off.

"So what's its effect?"

[Flames of Emotions (A+ Class)]

-Allows the use of all fire type skills and magic

-Increases the damage of all fire type skills and magic

-The flame of skills and magic is affected by the user's emotions

-Through strong emotions, new flames can be created

Kira finished reading, then activated her skill, Fiery Fists to try it out. Both her hands were coated in orange flames. She waved her hands around feeling power course through them, she looked at Alice and Noah excitedly.

"You guys see my hands covered in flames, right?" Kira asked, She punched out in the sending out a large crackle. "I could kill an elephant in a punch with this much strength."

'The skill suits Kira,' Alice thought, then she noticed how the skill wasn't turning off after so long, Kira should only have one point in mana. "Kira, does the skill not use mana?" She hadn't heard of such a skill before since Noah had told her about Winter Syle.

"Mana? Is it that weird energy I feel inside of me, it's using it but only really little of it. I could probably keep it on for hours." Kira answered starring at her hands, still amazed.

Now both Alice and Noah were shocked. To have a skill that used such little mana, they understood the reason, it was her A+ Class talent that made it that way.

Noah picked out the equipment suited for Kira. He set it out for her, "Kira, change into all of this, then we'll leave."

The five pieces of equipment were all of the fire element. He had set out, gloves, armguards, chestplate, leggings and boots. Other than the chest plate and gloves which were E Class the rest were F Class.

The gloves he gave Kira were special, instead of armour, they were considered as a weapon by the system. They had dropped from the B Class Fire Wolf dungeon he had cleared. The gloves were made from thick red leather with wide spikes on their knuckles. It also had a silver metal back with red engravings.

[Flaming Wolf Claws] (E Class)

Strength +30, Intelligence +23, Willpower +23, Mana +30

Increase the damage of fire magic by 50%

Reduce the mana usage of fire magic by 50%

Decrease the cast time of fire magic by 50%

Passive skill: [Heated Touch] Everything you touch is burned by the heat emitted from the gloves

Active Skill: [Flame Claw] launch claws of flames at your enemy

cooldown: 10 minutes

Kira picked up the armour looking at it. It all looked cool to her, she then went back to her room and changed. Her attributes increased exponentially, the E Class armour and gloves brought her to the level of Leona, Tasha and Sofia. Noah and Alice still had higher attributes as they had two weapons and accessories equipped.

Compared to Leona, Tasha and Sofia, Kira would still fall short in the damage she did as she didn't have a mastery skill.

Kira came down and the three left for the Teleportation Hall. Inside it, "To ImmortalCloud City," Noah said to Kira, then paid the 20 gold for her.