
The Eternal Battlefield

[A dynamic plane of war, existing for aeons is now in the process of devouring your planet!] [Welcome to the Eternal Battlefield!] [It is a place where extinction is frequent and technology can dissolve stars, a complete battle zone where you must kill to gain levels and skills.] [You have been identified as a human, a non-mana based being. Starting enhancement process...] [Process complete you are now Lv. 0 human (No class)] [Enter human. I wish you good luck] . . . [You will need it...] _____ Summary: Noah and Alice are childhood sweethearts that have been separated for years due to circumstances. In a dramatic reunion the two discover a new world called ‘The Eternal Battlefield’. Living up to its name, this game like world isn’t as peaceful as it seems. Under the skills, magic, monsters and dungeons is the fight for survival of the human race. Currently on volume 1 [Protected Zone]

GoldSoul · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Anti-Gravity Ring

Flash Stepping outside the Teleportation Hall. Noah walked in. A few days ago he finished all the B Class dungeons in the country he was currently in.

The supercontinent in the Eternal Battlefield was divided into three countries: Flame, Cloud and Light. He was currently in the Cloud country, his destination was a town in the Flame Country. It cost 1 gold, to teleport from one country to another. Compared to the 20 gold needed to teleport to capital cities within countries, it was nothing.


His eyes flashed Balck as he appeared near the red-furred beast, the Dungeon Lord had a decrease in Physique. The monster feeling its impending doom wanted to retreat but a sword swept past, coated in interweaving black and white energy. The large flaming red wolf fell to the ground releasing light. Items dropped to the ground forming a small mountain in front of him.

"Evil Glare's physique drop is the only reason I can still use my sword on B Class Dungeon Lords. Other than Yin-Yang reinforcement all my attacks with the sword just leave scratches now." Noah said shaking his head, the Black Estoc wasn't good enough anymore. Looking at the black sword in his hand. He sheathed the blade and walked to where the wolf died.

Filling his sack up with all the items, Noah got back onto the Levitation Staff.

He flew back on the Staff. The area around him was covered in red firey soil. Heat blowing out from the ground as he passed patches of cooled lava. This dungeon was fire-based and was set on some type of volcanic mountain. It was annoyingly hot causing him to drip with sweat as he fought. He had drunk up almost all the water he carried on him just in clearing one dungeon.


Out of the dungeon, the sky was dark as the moon was hidden behind clouds. Noah was spending his daytime with Alice and the Rose Foxes. They had moved on to clearing C Class dungeons together. Leona, Tasha and Sofia had gotten better equipment now and were much better at fighting.

Alice had gotten better at fighting after all the training and was able to stay in battle with a C Class Dungeon Lord now. Fighting in a group, she didn't need to keep the Dungeon Lord's attention and was able to deal a good amount of damage in each battle.

'Explorer Map.'

A map of the area around him appeared, zooming out, Noah followed the map. Reaching GreenFlame Town, he directly flew to the Teleportation Hall and teleported to YellowFlame Town. He was going to another B Class dungeon.


Inside the other dungeon, he walked through a bridge over a cavern with floating rocks around. He had pushed open the Dungeon Lord's Lair's entrace.

[You have entered the Dungeon Lord's Lair]

A monster made of round boulders stacked up together to form a giant human-like body stood up. The boulder that made its head had a red crystal embedded in it.

[Acient Rock Golem]

B Class

Level 73

Extending his hand holding the flintlock pistol Noah shot three times. Green bullets hit the shoulders of the golem one after the other pushing its upper body back because of the force of the bullets.

The Golem stood straight again and the entire underground cavern shook. The ground Noah was standing on broke apart. Pieces of the ground rose up around the Dungeon Lord. Soon the whole lair changed to floating islands of dirt with encompassing darkness underneath.

Standing on an island Noah Flash Stepped around as he shot with his gun. Seed Bullets pierced into its body in moments. Pulling the trigger, he lightly whispered.


An explosion followed! The giant had its entire body blow up and boulders shoot out all around. Not hearing the system say anything Noah retreated back. The boulders that had been launched out came back to where the golem had stood. They stacked up again and formed its body.

Its size was smaller, the boulders that had seed bullets embedded in them were blown into dust so weren't added to its body again. The golem floated up from the floating island it stood on.

With Bloom on cooldown, Noah ran forward appearing behind the giant. As he was about to shoot he felt his body freeze mid-motion behind the Ancient Rock Golem. Then a strong repulsive force threw him back.

Smashed into an island then dragged around from island to island like a doll. The Dungeon Lord had gotten a hold of him using some type of telekinetic powers and threw Noah around as it pleased.

Seeing the ground approaching, Noah used his arms to defend himself. Boom! he was slammed to the ground, then dragged along until he was thrown off the island. Then brought to another one. Where the hold weakened but pressured him down, holding him in place with the force.

Pushing himself up Noah was able to stand. He saw the golem floating as its red crystal glowed. Two skyscraper tall boulders formed above him. The enormous meteor-like rocks slowly fell with speed and momentum. As the world crushing rocks came down, Noah was held in place by a stronger force.

Pointing his gun down, he shot. The bullet scraped his foot as it broke the earth underneath it. As his foot fell to touch the ground again he activated Flash Step and disappeared.

Not stopping, he teleported again close to the Dungeon Lord and pointed his gun at it. A yellowish orb formed stretched into a beam. Ancient Solar Ray! The yellow laser beam was as thick as a tree trunk. It pierced through the Dungeon Lord.

The Dungeon Lord exploded out to decrease the amount of damage taken.

Flash Stepping again, Noah unsheathed his sword and switched the gun to his left hand. Activating Yin-Yang reinforcement, he quickly cut the boulders that were being launched out. His blade swung with speed and seamlessly cut all of the boulders down before they could get far.

[You have slain the Dungeon Lord!]

A familiar tone rung. Items dropped all around, he went through them and putting them away. He then stopped at one item. It was a simple silver ring.

[Anti-Gravity Ring] (E Class)

Strength +30, Agility +30

Active Skill: [Anti-Gravity] Cancels the gravitational force on you allowing you to have a lighter body for 5 minutes.

cooldown: 1 minute

The Anti-Gravity Ring was his first E Class accessory and he was happy it was. One of the major drawbacks of using the Gravitational staff was being affected by its strong gravitational zone so he had to stay in ranged combat to not be affected. Now he could cancel the effected and fight in close combat.

Rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings were counted as accessory equipment. They were all extremely rare drops. The main way to get them would be through shops that were run by the people from the Eternal Battlefield.

In B Class dungeon they were slightly more common. Till now he had a few F Class rings drop but they all only gave a few attributes, he was currently wearing the best one, it gave +10 Mana. Taking the ring he wore off. He put the thin silver ring with light engravings onto the thumb of his left hand.

The number of rings a person wore was not ten. Noah had asked the system about it. A person could wear a maximum of one to two rings in total on both hands. The system didn't restrict wearing more rings as it did with weapons and armour, one to two was a recommended amount. You could wear more but your hands would burst as they wouldn't be able to handle taking in the energy from the rings.

Keeping the ring count low was best. Noah planned on only wearing one for now. He would think about wearing more later if he really needed the attributes or skills the rings gave.

As for other accessories, he hadn't found any yet.