
The estranged love between Fire and Dust | Shigaraki x OC

This is my OC and Shigaraki, Only fluff and LOTS of suspense, because what is a story without suspense? Comment or review your thoughts! (This is my first story jsyk)

Zelli_0306_Emby · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Move Kurogiri!

—Previously on "Shigaraki x OC"—

"One last question."

This guy is really annoying me… Kurai Turned around, smirked, and asked.

"Enlighten me: What else could you possibly want to know?"

"Would you like to join the LOV?"


"Sorry, but unless the pay is worth it, no." Kurai said, turning around. Yet again, Kurogiri would not move.

"Oh, you think you have a choice in this matter?" Shigaraki tilted his head to the left a little, smirking only the smile of a psycho. To Kurai, a annoying average psycho, but still a psycho.

"You will be joining. You will go apply to UA high, get in, and give us intel. Do you understand?" Kurogiri stated very sternly.

"No. I have a night job, and a day job. If the pay is high, I'll consider."

"How is 2.5k. For the month?" Shigaraki asked, still not letting them leave.

"I can get more than that in one night. But more money would be good… Let me talk with my team, then I will get you your answer." Kurai turned back around, to leave, and Kurogiri STILL WOULDN'T MOVE.

"Your not leaving until I get the right answer." Shigaraki mumbled.

"You want intel? I'll get you something better. However, we have to leave immediately." Kurai stated, turning around and forcing their way through the door.

Shigaraki got up, and walked into the bar, "Meeting, now."


Sorry it is so short, I just don't know what else to do for this chapter. I have two future chapters (I think they might be chapter 11 and 12 it depends) written, I just don't have any idea for the meeting chapter, so if you have any ideas plz comment them!