
The estranged love between Fire and Dust | Shigaraki x OC

This is my OC and Shigaraki, Only fluff and LOTS of suspense, because what is a story without suspense? Comment or review your thoughts! (This is my first story jsyk)

Zelli_0306_Emby · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Meeting and Rides

—Previously on "Shigaraki x OC"—

"You want intel? I'll get you something better. However, we have to leave immediately." Kurai stated, turning around and forcing their way through the door.

Shigaraki got up, and walked into the bar, "Meeting, now."


Kurai followed Shigaraki into the bar, Kurogiri had at some point teleported behind the bar, now polishing crystal drinking glasses. Toga was sitting with Twice, and Dabi was at the bar.

"Meeting so soon? I see you break easy." Dabi said, making eye contact with Kurai.

"No, your just a dumbass. Also, I suggest you work on your persuasion skills. They suck." Kurai stated, walking towards the bar.

Dabi (Idk what word to put here, but he makes the "tch" sound.), glaring at Kurai who walked to the bar, opened the cabinet, grabbed a soda, took a crystal drink glass from Kurogiri, poured the soda in the glass, yeeted the can somewhere, and sat down on a bar stool and took a sip of their drink in accomplishment.

"Weren't we gonna have a meeting-" Toga finally said, breaking the silence.

"Yes, now, we need to plan our next attack. I was thinking we strike at the Sports Festival." Shigaraki stated, pointing at the arena on the map on the wall.

"Or, unpopular opinion, we not do what's expected? Also, I have a ride coming, and have to get on it in 30 minutes, can we speed this up?" Kurai said, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Toga asked, from the couch.

"Greece." Kurai stated, putting their jacket on. "Want to come? I can get you guys info, and you can probably learn to attack the heroes without being obvious."

That's right, the legency of Greece knew about the attack at the USJ, before it even happened.

"Alright, since your so cocky about it, where is this ride gonna be?"

—-Time-skip—- (Because idrk what to write here, anyway, they are in Greece, and Dabi, Kurai, Toga, Twice, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri are with them. Also, Mr. Compress, Mange, and Spinner are on a mission.)

"Aaaaa bro I really missed the Greece air." Kurai sighed, walking down the steps of the plane, 17 hours later.

"Why have you dragged us all the way, to fucking Greece?" Dabi asks, still clearly annoyed.

"Because I can?" Kurai said, walking away towards the city, probably going to get a gyro.

Yep. They went to get a gyro.

Sorry it's a little short guys, I didn't have a lot of motivation for this chapter, but I tried my best! The next chapter, will start with a time skip, and in the next few chapters we will meet some new characters~