

Andrea's best friend Erin's father has been poisoned and the blame is on her. But they find out the real culprit and go on a traveling journey to capture the criminal. Will justice be able to be served? Will they succeed in their escapade? Find out in this thrilling novel as they go on their adventurous journey to discover the truth.

Angel_Fire20 · Teen
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6 Chs


The Redeemer's Church of Christ was filled with laughter and euphoria, for it was their honourable Reverend's birthday. Everyone was happily celebrating, eating and merrying in honor of one of the servants of the Lord. Meanwhile, Andrea was preparing to make the tres leches cake. Erin was super excited. "Andrea! Can't you speed up?!" She asked multiple times with exuberance. Andrea slightly smiled.

"If I speed up, I'll mess up. Slow and steady wins-"

"The boredom championship game!" Erin cut in. "SERIOUSLY girl, I can't wait for you to finally have a boyfriend. Maybe that'll make you stop acting like a grandma. Heck! My Gammy's much more exciting than you've ever been!" Andrea grinned. "Oh I'm sorry! Why do we even hang out with each other if I'm soooo boring?"

"Well, if I did, you'd probably be a miserable loner and I'm not heartless to leave you hanging

Besides, if I don't shake you up a bit and teach you how to have fun, who will?" Erin laughed out. "Now let's keep baking." Andrea scoffed. "Pfft! You mean let ME keep baking." Yeah yeah. But it's too bad your mom and sister couldn't come." Andrea laughed.

"Are you kidding? I'm glad they had to go somewhere. They're both a pain in the neck!" They both laughed.

"Alright Erin, you can help by giving me anything I need. Got it?" Erin gave a salute. "Roger that!"



"IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!" Erin smiled. She was right. The cake WAS beautiful. It was a pure white cake with a touch of sprinkles to make it look colourful and exciting. Erin's mouth started watering and she wanted to taste the cake so badly. Andrea looked flabbergasted.

"Uhhhmmm...…. Erin? Are you okay?"

"CAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!" Erin groaned like a zombie as she leaned in to swipe a finger through the side of the cake, but Andrea definitely did not approve of that.

"CAKE! Yum!- hey! That hurt!" Erin yelled as Andrea smacked her palm before she could spoil her hard work. She gave Erin a warning look.

"I used more than 2 hours to make this cake and I'm not gonna let your fingers ruin that."

Erin sulked. "Oh come on! It's not my fault! I didn't even get to taste the batter!" She wailed. Andrea raised an eyebrow.

"Fine." Erin sighed ", but you're making this for my birthday."

"Pfft! Yeah right! I'm not your personal bakery."

" Well, you're my best friend, so that counts as a birthday present."

"Let's go. We don't want to keep your father waiting."

As they stepped outside the kitchen, the paparazzi were already waiting for them. They were all over Erin and Andrea. Literally.

"Erin, do you have any fashion advice for the press?"

"How do you feel about your father's 50th birthday?"

"Do you plan on taking over him when the time comes?"

"Andrea, what's it going to be for you? Acting like your mother or science like your father?"

"Are you still in touch with him after all these years?"

Andrea's face fell immediately. She hasn't heard from her father since he and her mom got divorced 6 years ago. He was a great scientist and Andrea was intrigued by his work. She wished she could see him again.

Erin noticed the look of sadness on Andrea's face. She felt so sorry for her.

"Alright! Alright people! Back off, freshly baked cake coming through!!!" Erin yelled as she pushed Andrea from the back all the way to the altar to meet her father. On the altar, Erin's parents, James and Jasmine Sapphire were in front of a table with more than 20 cakes from different people. Erin and Andrea were so astonished by the number of people who brought cakes for him.

"Erin,look at all that cake!"

Andrea suddenly felt like her gift was too common and probably won't even matter much. But Erin on the other hand was looking at the table greedily.

"Cake... Cake...Cake!" Andrea sighed and shoved her with her elbow.

"Ow!" Erin whimpered and Andrea signaled her to move to her dad. Erin gave a nervous smile.

"Oh right! Dad's cake."

Both of them put the cake on the table and greeted the Reverend.

"Good morning sir. Happy birthday."

"Happy birthday daddy!" Erin gave her father a tight hug. Andrea smiled. She wished to be with her father, even if it was for a minute. Erin's father smiled.

"Come here Andrea." He held out his hand to her as she came forward. He gave her a hug.

"You know, you're like a daughter to me Andrea. Thank you for the cake. The best gifts are made from the heart." She smiled. "Thank you."

"May the Lord Bless you and keep you dear." Rev.James Pat her head gently. Erin groaned.

"Dad! Please give your speech so we eat! I skipped breakfast."

The congregation burst out laughing. Her dad laughed too. "Don't mind my gluttonous daughter here," He coughed. "But she's right. Let's not waste time."

After his 20 minute speech, the congregation clapped with joy. Erin's father gave his family a big hug, including Andrea. She felt like part of a complete family, mostly because she barely spends time with her mom because of her job.

"Alright enough lovey dovey stuff. Cut the cake dad!" Erin said with excitement. She's acting like she's never seen cake before! Andrea rolled her eyes. Her dad cut the cake and everyone laughed. Now it's cake testing time.

"I would like to thank everyone who brought a cake for me. It was very thoughtful of you guys. Now we can all have cake and continue the celebration before the service!" He smiled at Andrea. "AND thank you dear Andrea for your beautiful Mexican cake. It's my favorite, so I'll have it first." Andrea smiled nervously. She really wanted him to love the cake. Erin ran to ask for a slice but her mom and Andrea held her arms.

"Erin, let your dad eat first!" Andrea scolded.

"She's right Erin!" Her mom agreed. "You should learn some manners. Can't you be like Andrea when it comes to that aspect of life?" Erin frowned.

"Fine." Erin's dad took a bite. He looked really pleased.

"Mmmm! Andrea! Your cake is-"

He paused. He started feeling dizzy. He was losing his balance.

"Dad?" Erin's voice echoed in his head, until finally, he collapsed and his hand hit the cake off the table.



"The cake!!!"