
The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Thousands of years ago, humankind left the Old World. We enter a new age where science and magic are no longer opposing concepts. With these new opportunities came danger in the form of the Dark Races and the ones that named themselves Gods. However, if there was one thing humans were good at was their ability to destroy. Humankind fought and carved a bloody path into the new world. Cain's luck had never been good, but his destiny changed forever once he decided to harden his heart and face the world without fear or hesitation. --Godslayer Humankind's motto.-- We can comprehend the supernatural. We can dominate the supernatural. We can kill the supernatural - Adam, Emperor of Godslayer Humankind, The First Titan. Current schedule: 21 chapters a week. Bonus chapters: Over 400 power stones: 3 extra chapters. Over 800 power stones: 6 extra chapters. Over 1200 power stones: 9 extra chapters. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/R666sNEdrU

Redsunworld · Fantasy
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1008 Chs

The Final Fight / Horus' fall

Cain, fueled by the Darkmist Force, surged with power. His body's strength elevated to new heights. His vitality, pushed to the brink just a few minutes ago, regenerated instantly. Like a meteor, he streaked forward, the Spear of Doom radiating like a dark sun, its nine flames scorching the air.

"Wrath of the Nine Hells!" Cain's voice echoed across the underwater city as he drove the spear toward the Depravita of Rage, his body transforming into a fiery typhoon.

"All this is your fault!" Horus roared in hatred and rage as his entire body began to rotate, creating a tornado of rage-fueled energy around his body that dove toward the fiery typhoon. "Enraged Cyclone!"


A colossal explosion erupted as the fiery typhoon and the enraged cyclone collided, the Scarlet King and Depravita of Rage transforming into natural disasters as they battled. Their forms streaked through Lovecraft City, obliterating all the buildings in their path.