
The Enlightened One (Senju!SI)

Man is self inserted into the body of an orphan in Konohagakure. Come to find out he's secretly a Senju with quite the lineage. Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7UqqJ6Nf9h Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kakukami

Kakukami · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 45

My eyes cracked open as I stared up at my ceiling. I felt groggy, more groggy than I had in the entirety of my life.

For several minutes, I lay in my bed. I hadn't done such a thing since my last life. There were too many future threats to prepare for to sleep in. Now, it's not that I didn't want to get up–

It was hard to.

I pushed myself into a sitting position with extreme effort, grunting all the while. I heard a few footsteps approaching the room at a running pace.

The door slid open and my eyes locked onto a pair of blue ones, white ones, and black ones.

"Lei, you're awake!" Naruko shouted, jumping into the air and my entire body tensed, not being able to do anything as her body came down, landing on me.

A silent wheeze left me. Any strength I had was now gone. My body dropped back down on the bed with Naruko straddling my waist.

""Naruko!"" Both Hinata and Satsuki shouted at the same time, stomping over.

"He's weak, what are you doing?!" Satsuki crawled onto the bed, giving the blonde a deep scowl.

"Lei, are you alright?" Hinata asked as she got on the bed. She moved the pillows away and picked my head up to rest on her lap as she stroked my hair.

"I…What?" My vision was blurry, and I had a mean headache. More than anything, I wanted to go back to sleep, but I couldn't just stay down.

"Have you forgotten?" Hinata questioned with concern. "The chakra pill wore off and you experienced a great deal of exhaustion. Almost immediately you were knocked out, we had to drag you here."

That was…wow. I didn't even remember that. Maybe it was because of my splitting headache, but anything that happened the day I fell asleep was a blurry mess.

"How long has it been?"

"A week since we got back, five days since chakra exhaustion got to you." Satsuki helpfully informed me.

"I was down and out for five days?!"

I forced my body back up into a sitting position only to have all my hard work erased as Hinata pulled me back down. My head was cushioned by the softness of her thighs once more. She looked down at me with a pout that I found adorable.

"You are not going anywhere." The Hyuga Heiress' voice held the tone of finality, and I was smart enough not to resist.

I wanted to head out to talk to Gramps. If it's been a week, we should start our training today!

Why was I even out for as long as I was? The usual recovery time for chakra exhaustion to the extent that the soldier pills caused was around three days. Five days and the affected person should be walking again with crutches.

So why was I so exhausted?

I had a few guesses, one had to do with my overuse of the pseudo-sage mode. I believed that was the most likely reason, but I could be wrong.

"Did you hear me?" Hinata frowned, "You are still exhausted, you're not going anywhere."

I looked at her, completely aghast. I needed to grow stronger and I was supposed to be training with the current Hokage! I couldn't just stay down!

As I looked to Naruko and Satsuki for help, my will to fight left when I saw they were giving me the same stern looks Hinata was giving me.

Fuck, I was outnumbered!

"Hinata's right, you're in no condition to walk as you are, much less leave the house," Satsuki explained, looking at me like I was an idiot for even trying to get up.

"You're strong, Lei, but you're too stubborn, believe it!" Naruko crossed her arms under her bust.

I know that Naruko 'Knucklehead' Uzumaki is not calling me stubborn.

"Hello pot, kettles calling," I whispered and rolled my eyes.

"So then, Lei, what will you be doing today?" Hinata asked with a smile that dared me to say anything but what she wanted. Both Naruko and Satsuki were giving me more stern looks that didn't bode well for me.

What scary women I have…

"Resting," I whispered.

"What was that?" Hinata hummed, running a hand through my hair, her fingers coated with her chakra.

"Resting!" I said with more bass.

I knew for a fact if I tried to leave the house Hinata would strike me and put me to sleep. I didn't doubt that for a moment.

She was rather overprotective of me, just as I was of her.

Her smile evened out and reached her eyes as the chakra from her hands faded. "Good, I will make some tea, Satsuki, do you want to help me?"

"Yes," Satsuki smiled, standing up and following Hinata only to turn back to us. "We'll be back. Keep him company, okay Naruko?"

Naruko gave the Uchiha a thumbs up and a cheeky smile, which elicited a smile from Satsuki as she left.

Now it was just Naruko and I, and like my other girls, we had a great deal to talk about.

"How's everything been while I was out?" I asked, easing us into conversation.

"It's been…normal." She hummed, crawling onto the bed and taking Hinata's old spot as my lap pillow.

"That's good, normal is always good." I breathed out in relief.

"Is Kakashi awake?"

Naruko eyed me for a moment before scratching her chin and nodding. "Kakashi woke up a couple of days ago, but he hasn't left the hospital yet, or at least I don't think he has."

That's about what I expected. My case is an abnormality, and I'm glad Kakashi didn't have as hard a time as me.

"That's good."

A comfortable silence overtook the room. Internally I was wondering if I should really bring up such an uncomfortable topic for her, but it was a conversation that needed to be had, whether we liked it or not.

"So…have you told Satsuki or Hinata?"

Naruko looked down at me, confusion dancing in her beautiful eyes for mere moments before realization struck, her expression darkening.


Again silence fell, this one not so comfortable. I didn't want to force her to do it, but I needed her to know that she had to. They couldn't go forever not knowing.

"Take your time." I reached up, cupping her cheek and sending her a confident smile. "It'll work out."

Naruko gave me a small, hesitant nod as she leaned into my hand.

We stayed like that for several minutes before Hinata and Satsuki slid the door open again.

"We're back." Satsuki smiled, in her hands was a tray of food. My hunger that had been hidden until now ordered my eyes to scan the contents. Rice, chicken, and some veggies.

It wasn't ramen, but it was a pretty good meal, and I could never get enough of Satsuki or Hinata's cooking!

Behind Satsuki was Hinata, carrying four cups of tea on a tray. They all mounted the bed, Satsuki placing the tree on my lap as Naruko helped me sit up.

"Thank you." I grinned at the girls, my grin growing as their bright smiles graced my eyes.

As cringy as it sounded, seeing their smiles was one of my favorite views in the world.

"You are welcome, now open up." Hinata giggled, and I didn't mind doing just that.

We all sat together, Satsuki and Hinata feeding me while Naruko hugged me from behind. I could tell that the conversation left her a bit out of it, but I was happy to be surrounded by the people I cared about most.

I'm sure they all felt the same.

After we finished eating, the girls ordered me back to bed and I obliged, feeling real tired.

— Next Day —

My eyes opened and I felt a lot better. My body didn't feel nearly as exhausted as it had yesterday.

However, it did feel heavier.

I tried to get up, pausing as I realized that there was a weight foreign to my own on top of me. I lifted the covers letting blonde hair greet me.

This girl, ever the clingy one.

I let out a content sigh as I ran my right hand through her hair. I noticed it was hard to move it, so I looked to my right and Hinata's drowsy white eyes greeted me.

Oh, that's…something.

Seeing a trend, I turned to my left and saw Satsuki still asleep.

God I love my life.

— Later —

I walked out of the house-

Alright, I snuck out of the house. Upon waking up and getting out of bed, Hinata was very strict, not allowing me to leave, but I put my foot down, saying I should at least be allowed to go to the library.

So I went to the library, and by the library I mean the Hokage's Mansion.

I walked down the streets of Konoha using my wood crutches. All the while, I observed the people closely. These were the people I was going to lead one day, and as I looked at each of them, I just couldn't see myself caring much for them.

I knew it was a bad thing, it was my reality.

When I was a clanless orphan, most of them didn't even bat an eye at my existence. A kid no older than five walking down the street alone, and not once was I stopped. No one asked if I was lost, no one cared.

There are exceptions, Teuchi, Iruka-sensei, and my girls. They all cared.

I knew a great deal of the civilians and shinobi alike, with them wanting to create a bond between me as the Head of the Senju Clan. I hoped in time I would grow out of this thought process. That I would come to see Konoha as a family filled with loved ones.

I shook my head as I arrived at the Hokage mansion.

I walked through the door, sending a wave at the secretary, Aimi, as I had come to learn was her name.

"Ms. Aimi."

"Ah, Lord Senju, Lord Hokage is expecting you, please follow me." She greeted, standing and bowing before walking away. I followed her, my crutches clanking against the ground.

The stairs were a bit difficult, but they weren't an insurmountable challenge. Eventually, we reached the door.

Aimi bowed and made her way back down to her desk. I gave a light knock on the door.


I cracked open the door and walked forward. My body stopped as I examined the room. My blood ran cold, and my hands grew shaky.

Sitting in the corner of the room was Jiraiya, he was giving me a goofy smile, but I more or less disregarded his existence for the moment.

No, what had my focus was Hiruzen, leaning against the front of his desk, dawned in his usual Hokage cloak and hat, but he was missing something.

"Gramps… where is your arm?"