
The Enigma of the V

What would you do if a pigeon told you that you had to save the world? This is what happened to Legend, a ten year old kid that was originally a seventeen year old named Jonas. Now he's in another dimension called the Arkana, and after accepting his new reality he's become a wannabe adventurer. After meeting new friends along the way, they uncover an evil conspiracy to open a dimensional doorway allowing something unholy into the Arkana. Will Legend and his new friends be able to stop those that long to see the world burn?

Jonkohrr · Fantasy
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141 Chs

True Power

~ Some time ago in Midgard ~

Dr. Brauer: It worked, Dana! And I made contact with the other side! I met a fascinating fellow... It turns out he's an emperor on the road to righteous conquest...

Dana Spencer: I can't believe it... That thing you were building? Did it really work? – Dana couldn't help but doubt anything Dr. Brauer said…

Dr. Brauer: It most definitely did! But that's not even the best part... Come. I have to show you something... – Dr. Brauer walked with Dana towards Substation 10. They had to take the sub-level elevator to get there. He said that the emperor gave him a gift he was keeping there; it was supposed to be his ever-so-esteemed proof of contact between dimensions.

Dana: So... What's the big mystery, doctor? Aren't you going to tell me what's in here?