
The Enemy of Heroes - Deku (Revised and Continued)

What will happen if the faithful meeting of the young man, Midoriya Izuku, and All Might went the opposite way...? Will things also go in the opposite direction as well? *** This is the story of how the new villain with the name "Deku" will destroy all heroes with both his brain and extreme talent... And also with the gift that the villain "All for one" gave to him. "The name Deku... Will be feared..." - All For One ________________________ Though I know this concept has already been covered by many authors, I hope you can still try mine.

Kiikuro_Shichigo · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Unsuspecting Reunion

It all began with that so-called "Hero", All Might...

The humiliation and the grief he gave me...

I can never forget it...


Waking up in the middle of nowhere, the first realization that came into Bakugo's mind was that he's in danger and he needs to immediately get out of the current situation. Though there isn't any evidence, the sense of trouble is already lingering inside him. But his body wouldn't listen to him; he couldn't move a single limb nor even lift a finger. Struggling to the confines of his body, he tried his best to escape, but ultimately fail to the binds of whatever poison his body is being paralyzed with. [ Just what the heck is going on!? ] He shouted in the desolate room of darkness. He can't see anything because of the blackness that spreads everywhere, but his extreme intuition is telling him that he's in the middle of a very large square space.

[ How the hell did I get here...? ]

The last thing he remembers was that he went back home after defeating a certain villain. Everything after that, he can't grasp in his memories. The only thing he can think of is that he got captured by a villain. It was the only plausible thing that comes into his mind. However, it's not possible that an ordinary villain would get him like this. He always has his guard up, so he couldn't possibly be captured by just anyone. The only possible people who can restrain him like this are the people who are stronger than him and the people who know his weaknesses. Realizing this, he started to reimagine the list of both villains and heroes alike that has the potential to defeat him...

Shoto Todoroki...


Everyone on the top ten heroes...


The villain All For One...

[ No... None of them would have the reason to... ] He was sure it was someone he knows and knows him too... but he can't think of anyone else... With his thoughts being clouded, he scuffles, forcing his body to move on the cold floor he is laying at. If he can't think of who has possibly captured him like this, then he should prioritize his escape first. The investigation regarding the enemy would just be found out later, then and then he would get his revenge. He plans ahead, but as he does, he was suddenly interrupted by the echoing sound of gentle footsteps.

*Tap *Tap *Tap

It's not possible... - Bakugo thought. From the sound of the footsteps, he could guess that the enemy doesn't know how to fight at all. He thought that he couldn't be possibly get beaten by someone so weak. Then how was he captured? With the realization of his weak enemy, he couldn't feel more humiliated.

[ Who are you!? ]

Tap* Tap * Tap

The sound of footsteps continued, and slowly, it stopped. Bakugo then felt the presence of someone far in front of him. With his extreme intuition - he felt that the presence in front of him is from someone he very much knows.

[ Haah... This is very... ] A very quiet voice... Yet, it was clearly filled with hatred and loathing all directed towards him. It might be true that there are people who detest him, but he never felt anyone with this much intensity before.

[ Please, I want you to guess; I will free you if you can. ] the cold-blooded voice asks. He can feel the direction from where it's coming from, but he can't really see anything on it. As from when he came to, his eyes still haven't adjusted, all that he could see was the color of pure darkness. It was as if he was blindfolded with something thick.

The enemy is on the upper hand, but he can't let himself be looked down upon on, so he kept his explosive attitude and replies with intimidation. [ You bastard! Get me out of here or I'll blast your face off! ] Almost shouting, he spits the words at his enemy.

[ Can't you at least recognize this voice...? ]

[ What are you talking about!? ]

Bakugo was surprised by the question - it proves his guess that the one who had captured him was someone who knows him, and from his words, it seems that he was supposed to know him too. But he already racked his dense brain to come up with a conclusion, but he can't really guess who he really was. The only way he would know his real identity is if he reveals it himself.

[ You're still the same as ever... I guess... ]

[ Show me your face! you coward! Tchh! ] Out of desperation to get out of the current situation, he accidentally blasted the sweats that were gathering from both his hands since earlier. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it hurts him. No matter if it's his quirk, if he loses control over it, he can still hurt his own body. [ As they were in the past... Your sparkles really are scary. ] The cold voice mockingly said. Of course, Bakugo felt humiliated. He had never been mocked by anyone like this before, no one would ever dare.

[ Once I get out of here... I promise I will blast your head off...! ]

[ Nah - Nah, that's not it... I don't want that. Let's just continue our guessing game... how about I give you a clue? ]

[ A clue? ]

[ Yes... You see... I'm pretty much... You could say, a victim of your... very bad attitude. ] slowly, he could feel his enemy walk closer as he continues. It alerted him, but he can't show weakness in this situation, so he did not falter. [ Anyway... how can I say this... How about I describe myself, the way you described me? ]

[ What the hell are you talking about!? ] Bakugo retorts, but despite that, the person still started. [ Well, I was weak... ] He began to speak, and Bakugo could feel that he was coming closer at an increasing speed, his feet making silent echoes as he strolls over. His voice might be quiet, but as he gets closer towards him, he could hear it become more clear and louder. It is still unfamiliar to him, but it doesn't matter, as right now, he knows that it wouldn't be too soon when he will reveal his identity himself.

[ I'm... A coward and a brat... ] the monologue pursues. Bakugo doesn't really know why, but as his enemy continues, he could feel his skin crawl, and the muscles of his ears twitch towards the quiet yet cold voice. The level of the malice he's showing is something he is feeling for the very first time. It was unknown and it makes his entire being shook.

[ I am, Quirkless... And... I have green messy hair? ]

Bakugo was shocked, stunned. What he said was too specific... The first three didn't give him anything he considers a clue at all, but the last one... Who could it possibly? Somewhere in his mind, he could grasp, like a word trying to escape at the last inch of his tongue - he was that close to guessing. [ It really feels nice to have a reunion with an old friend, especially with someone who idolizes the same hero. Am I right, Kacchan...? ]

[ No... It's not possible... ]

[ It is possible... ]


As their words echo inside the room, the enemy finally revealed himself by turning the lights on. The brightness pierces Bakugo's eyes, but it didn't take long for them to focus. What was revealed to Bakugo was a medium-sized bar, filled with all kinds of alcohol placed on different storages... The lighting on it was a bright mix of both brown and gold, translucent, and reflecting on a few glasses that were on the receptionist's desk. And there, now sitting at one of the tables was his old friend he didn't even know still existed...

[ Deku...? ]

[ Yes. ] The Villain made a simple nod as his name was called, and as he sips on an icy glass of wine, Bakugo asks him. [ What the hell happened to you...? ] He is very confused and surprised by the appearance of the person sitting in front of him. It was the same old Deku he knows, but everything about him seems completely different. The coward and nerd Deku, is now looking very charismatic and confident... Wearing a waiter's suit, he never looked like he was before.

[ A lot of things happened, you know? ] Deku murmurs, without Bakugo being able to resist listening. He then poured the same kind of wine on the same glass and drink it empty before he started talking again. [ I want to explain everything but... it's really sad... it might make me wanna cry... no... I meant, laugh. Fufu... ] turning a look at Bakugo, a silent laugh escapes his mouth.

[ You... ]

[ This would be fun... Then, where should I start? ]


I can't believe it! Here, standing in front of me is my idol, All Might! I'm sure... I'm sure his answer would be different from my mom's...! He would motivate me and say that I can become a hero!

Or so I thought...

[ I cannot simply say, "you can become a hero even without your power." ] That's... What is he trying to say...? [ If you want to save others, then you can still be a police officer. ] No... That's not it... [ They often get tease because they get villains delivered in their doorstep, but that is also a fine occupation. ] Please stop... [ It's not bad to dream. ] It's not a dream...

[ But you also have to consider what is realistic, young man. ]

Those words shook my entire being. Everything about me reversed. My personality was split in two. What I thought of my idol before, became something I would consider throwing in the trash.

After my chance meeting with him, the hero I looked up to, All might... Many things happened... Not the good ones... But the bad ones...

Years past and a certain someone found me. Someone on the same level as All Might. He considered me as someone with the right potential... But not the potential to become a hero... But to become the opposite.

I know that it wasn't right... But finally! Someone had finally recognized me! All the hardships I have gone into! Without hesitation, I went and became his apprentice. I slowly went to the side of the people I hated the most... I slowly turned evil... I turned into a Villain.

Then, after many trials... The person who carried me under his wings passed to me all of his powers... His secrets and all his possessions, all the big things, including the secret of the very person who has turned me to lead a different path.

All might may be already dead... But I know now his secrets - "One for All", he gave his power to someone... And that someone... Is the target All for One gave me at his last breath.

I know now that my destiny is to become the Villain... And that certain someone that All Might had given his power to is the Hero. We're destined to face each other.


[ And I will not let myself lose. ]