
The Enemy of Heroes - Deku (Revised and Continued)

What will happen if the faithful meeting of the young man, Midoriya Izuku, and All Might went the opposite way...? Will things also go in the opposite direction as well? *** This is the story of how the new villain with the name "Deku" will destroy all heroes with both his brain and extreme talent... And also with the gift that the villain "All for one" gave to him. "The name Deku... Will be feared..." - All For One ________________________ Though I know this concept has already been covered by many authors, I hope you can still try mine.

Kiikuro_Shichigo · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Leaving a Message

[ Now, let's continue the story. ] Still sitting on one of the chairs under the bright lighting of the bar, Deku murmurs in his cold voice. Then, moving to the counter, he took a knife. The knife isn't just an ordinary one you can find in a kitchen, it was a military knife that is used to kill people; specialized in opening wounds and cutting off fingers. Bakugo's danger sense intensifies. Seeing the intimidating sight of a Villain holding a weapon, his body tried to respond, twitching in places but couldn't completely follow. [ Just what are you trying to do!? ] He struggles to protest, but it seems that Deku is not at all affected.

[ Don't you know the proper etiquette when talking to a long lost friend? You should just shut up and listen. ] His voice unchanging, Deku made a fair warning, flashing off the light reflected on his knife at Bakugo's eyes. After, when Bakugo couldn't complain anymore in fear, he resumes. [ You see, we all know that both the "Hero" All Might, and the "Villain" All For One died shortly after their hard battle with each other. ] He said with a very serious face. [ You may not know this, but... All Might gave his power to someone, just before he died. ] Just like that, he dropped a bombshell that shook Bakugo mentally.

[ What was that!? ] He barked in shock to what he just heard. [ Yes - Yes, everyone thought that the reason All Might has gotten so thin during their fight was that he was already weakened by the Nemus... But that's not true, he was already weak in the first place... The real reason behind it was because his power was being taken away from him little by little... Of course, by the same person he gave his power to. ] Deku explains. [ I didn't know anything about this...! ]

[ Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that. You're an idiot and you know it. ]

[ Why you!? ]

[ Anyway - Anyway... Let's see here, it seems the effect is already coming off. ] Muttering so, Deku shifted his eyes towards Bakugo's twitching fingers. All he could do earlier was to shake his fingers, but now, he could completely bend them over, with enough force to pick up a toothpick dropped on the ground. Bakugo doesn't know what poison Deku have used against him, but if its effects are starting to fade, then it wouldn't be too long before he would be able to escape and get his revenge. Knowing that his enemy is Quirkless, he couldn't be more confident that he would be able to defeat him easily in battle. [ Kukuku... ] Practicing small sparks on his palm, Bakugo smirks on the plan he is planning on committing ahead. However, his thoughts were too obvious for Deku...

[ Don't get too cocky, Kacchan. ] Standing up and strolling over him, he points the tip of his knife onto his head. Blocked with the glitter of the knife, Bakugo felt his skin crawl, unable to notice Deku as he kneels in front of him. [ Did you think you will be able to defeat me once you get up? ] Staring right into his green eyes, Bakugo felt the malice on his voice. [ I'd like you to try... But for now, I can't let myself be interrupted. ] Saying so, he dangles the knife in front of Bakugo's eyes, making it the thing he will only focus on - as if it was a coin he needed to set his eyes on to be hypnotized. Then, before he knew it, the blade of the knife swifts right into his face and slashes a swallow wound.

[ Argh! What are you trying to pull!? ] Feeling the cold blood run down his cheeks, he snaps and curses. [ Once I get up, I'll blast you to death! ] He promises, with the knowledge that he will be freed from his constraint soon, he reassures Deku his revenge. He has never been this humiliated before; he will need to punish him until he is satisfied once he get back on his feet. Like a growling dog, he intimidates his assailant. However... It seems that Deku has something more to show that he would be intimidated with... [ It's not the first time I've done this, but I always feel disgusted every time I do it. ] Licking the blood that stained the blade of his knife, he complains so.

[ What are you! ] Confused, Bakugo did his best to express his disgust. Why would he lick his blood? Is he a psychopath? Has he already gone far from the normal thoughts of an ordinary person? He just can't think of anything as to why he would do that. All that he can come up with is that he has already gone crazy. Be that as it may, soon, he was filled with context Deku didn't give him directly... As soon as his blood was swallowed, the sense of his muscles and his control over them suddenly disappeared, coming back to the way they were when he first woke up on this nightmare.

[ What did you do!? ] It seems that his muscles have already gone paralyze, but the case for his tongue was not the same, so he did what he does best: force the other person to explain the things they do. Nonetheless, Deku gave his explanation sooner than expected, not making him wait as an ordinary Villain does. [ I can't really let you run off free now, would I? ] Moving back towards the receptionist's desk, he took a small towel and clean the knife he just used to wound Bakugo's face. [ I'm sure you have heard of him... The name "Hero Killer". ] The name was already all too familiar with Bakugo. He had never met him before, but he was famous enough for him to consider hunting him down. But, what is the relation Deku is trying to say to him? He could guess it, but why? How?

[ Fufu... I'm sure you already have something in mind... ] Dropping the towel on the desk, he stares back again at Bakugo. [ I stole his Quirk. ] After, silence took over as those were the only words that came out of his mouth. Bakugo did not ask for further information, as that one is enough for him to completely lose track of what's happening. The same as the paralyze state he is in, his mind also pauses as it thinks through to what Deku has just said.

[ Hmm... It seems your head didn't really improve together with your skills... What a disappointment. Fufufu...! Say, do I need to explain it too? ] he mocks as he laughs. [ As I told you earlier, All Might gave his power to a certain someone... He would inherit all of his power and all his power's previous holders; I'm sure he would be strong... But - I haven't really told you the complete story yet, have I? You see... All might is not the only person who can give his power to someone... The SuperVillain All For One can do it too. ]

Hearing those words, Bakugo didn't need to ask more to get a grasp of what Deku is trying to say. The Quirkless Deku... It would explain everything... And so, Deku continues with his story... [ I know - I know... I'm not the weak and pathetic kid I was before, right? ] Then, with a big twisted smile on his face, he faces his prisoner again. [ Enough of that; I want to show you a little bit more... ] Raising the knife he was holding, slowly, it melted... or rather, it rusted away at an incredible speed... All that Bakugo was able to do was stare blankly at it with fear and confusion.

[ That's right, Bakugo! I was really terrified by you since we were little kids! But now... I can't feel anything but excitement with seeing that face of yours! ] Like a madman, Deku laughs. [ You're sick, Deku... ] He showed his remorse, but the attitude Deku is showing him isn't really the problem... It's the other... [ I think I get your power now... The two powers you showed me... Came from the two most wanted villains that went missing just a few weeks ago... You stole both their powers... You will reveal that to me, won't you...? ] He guesses before Deku says it himself. [ It seems you're pretty smart sometimes too, Kacchan. ]

[ Don't call me that; it makes me feel sick! ]

[ Is that so...? Kacchan? ]

[ Tsk! ]

[ Haha! Anyway, with that, can you guess what I'm going to do to you now? ] He was not even shocked when he heard Deku say that, he was already anticipating it. But because he is still under his restraints, he can't really do anything else but wait. [ You can already guess it, right? ] With the knife turned dust running down on his hand, he gives signs. [ What...? Are you planning to kill me? ]

[ What!? I wouldn't do that! That will spoil the fun! What I really need you to do is... ] Deku pauses as he made small steps on the floor. [ I need you to send the heroes a message... ] Then, he continues, to which Bakugo interrupts. [ What do you mean...? ]

[ Ohh~ Of course, you know what I mean... We're just going to take that powers of yours first, right? ]

[ You freaking bastard! Take it and I swear I will kill you! ]

[ Please do so. ] laughing manically, that was all the reply he gave to him. [ Now... The message I want you to deliver is - ]