
Chapter 2 I.S.

"Farmer 11-67b" I heard, that was me, I had stayed frozen as if my legs rooted to the ground.

I didn't know why I was called, terror had struck yet again.

My body by itself started moving toward the walkers.

The walkers were known for taking people and them never coming back.

I wasn't about to leave my normal life.

I managed to stop myself, covering my I.D. I went the other way, "they didn't see me", I would tell myself.

Just talking about the disappearance of people was enough to lose your rations for the week.

I went to the emergency stairs. I stopped, I looked behind me and they were searching through the people.

I didn't have good choices, either never be seen again or run away. My normal life would be ruined either way.

They were getting closer.

I opened the door to the emergency stairs, I hadn't gone through stairs since I came here, the fire alarm was triggered by the door.

To go up or down, I couldn't go down, it would only endanger my friends in the floor below.

So I started going up, I soon heard the emergency door open and loud stomping down deeper in the stairs, it was getting closer.

I was going up for what felt for an eternity, when I see what sub-level I was at the 46th.

I was too tired to keep going so I entered the level.

This sub-level looked like paradise compared to 66th, I stood in awe. But I had no time, so I tried to run but I couldn't move the adrenaline had run out, and I was way too tired.

I just sat down waiting for my impending doom.

It felt like the longest minute in my life. When the walkers entered, one of them held me by the collar, "Do you know how much of a mess you made, I would kill you if the director didn't ask for the I.S. candidates"

"The what" I heard coming from out of my mouth, He dropped me, "follow us this time or you will die"

They started walking off and I followed, I didn't have the energy to run away.

I got in the elevator, I saw them pulling out a weird looking I.D. They scanned it in the elevator suddenly we were going up for a while.

During this time I would look at them, thinking more carefully and slowly.

There were 6 of them surrounding me, they were all different with no apparent similarity.


There were some people here like me, normal and confused.

We entered this room with a strange old man.

"Let me see all of your I.D.s" he said, I showed him. Then so did the other two normal people in this room.

He wrote something on a piece of paper, I didn't know what was happening.

They then changed our IDs to I.S. Candidate 1, 2 & 3 me being 1.

It was soon that I found out was all this meant