
The Silver Menace [3] - Finale

Ren chuckled, this was definitely worth his time. What was in front of him was an abandoned factory, probably now owned by some mafia. If he was to judge, the building could potentially fall and break down any moment now.

Not that he was the one to judge their headquarters anyway. Even if the building crashed down, he still wouldn't die, his Exo Particles were more than enough to protect himself from such a scenario.

"Is this the part where I am supposed to be thrown inside as if I was a prisoner, and I fought back the villains, and I somehow manage to escape?" Ren pondered with a loud voice, giving Leonardo another tick mark in his forehead.

"Shut up and just enter it dude… Don't annoy me for no reason." Leonardo said with a pissed tone. While he certainly was weaker than Ren, he wouldn't allow that to influence his words, he had to look 'threatening'.

Ren snorted," I'd enter but I have no idea which way to enter this weird place?" Leonardo sighed and said," There's a door literally in front of you." He opened the said door. Revealing a large hall, which was probably the main room of the factory where everything operated, now it was just a warehouse. Empty.

"What is the meaning of this, Leo?" Ren raised an eyebrow, why'd he be brought to this empty building? He was doing this just to satisfy his boredom, he had already told his teammates that he was going somewhere through his Exo Connection with Albion, but if this was all there was to it, he had just wasted his time then!

"Be a little bit patient, our boss will soon arrive." Leonardo chuckled as he fixed his hair. The sound of a door opening rang out,"Ah, there he is." They started hearing footsteps Ren paled when he saw the person in front of him.

"...How are you still alive…?" He shouted as he demanded an answer, the person in front of him, was not the same as he remembered, but he definitely was not wrong. It was him. " I killed you! I burned your body! How are you still ALIVE?! ANSWER ME!"

"So… mean." A hoarse voice came out of the person, whose appearance was not visible at all. They could only see that his mouth was covered in bandages, and he was using a cloak to cover his body.

"You destroy my… body… my will… And you still think you… have the right to shout… at me?" The hoarse voice continued.

"YOU DESERVED EVERYTHING! IN FACT I CAN POTENTIALLY KILL YOU HERE AS WELL!" Ren yelled as his eyes flashed white, and he groaned at the fact he left his sword back at the dorms.

He wanted to relax, and weapons were not allowed at the library. However, who was he? He still had several weapons.

"If you want it to be so… so be it." The hoarse voice muttered as he raised his arm, also covered in bandages. " I might've suffered from you… but I certainly am not weaker than you now…" The hoarse voice rang out, this time with a bit more anger in it.

"Just die,Rai!" Ren roared as he coated his arm on Exo Particles, taking the shape of Void, pushing it towards Rai, who also extended his arm towards him, and Exo Particles coated his arm, but it took the shape of a white color.

That was Pure Energy Manipulation. A very terrifying Exo Power. Those with that power could grow to the point they were extremely hard to deal with. The fact Ren had managed to almost kill one was crazy.

"You'll… be the one to suffer in the… end." Rei said, although one could not see his face, they could guess he was extremely furious. Which was obviously because most of his body had been burned by Ren to the point he could barely talk.

A large white hand popped out from Rei's back, and shot at Ren, who used his Void Exo Particles to fight it, the two attacks clashed together, and Ren was clearly having the upper hand.

Rei bit his lower lips," Don't you dare… to think you… won." Suddenly the roof was smashed by another attack of his, and a helicopter popped out, Rei jumped on it after throwing a final attack, which forced Ren to retreat a bit.

That gave Rei the chance to retreat. Ren gritted his teeth in annoyance. He let his enemy go away, for the third time.

Who was Rei to him?

A person who was supposed to be dead. He had killed him one year ago, literally piercing his chest with the Soul Reaper, to give him a bit of respect he had burned the body in fire, ah well that was no respect, but he didn't care.

He was 100% sure he had DIED. How he had survived? He himself had no idea… He was given the task of killing Rei 3 years ago, it had taken 2 years of search to actually find and kill him, and that took several small battles, which annoyed Ren.

Rei himself was not at Ren's level, it was not just his 'pride' saying that, but his sheer power as well. He was sure that if he wanted to kill Rei, the man himself could only run in horror, which was why he retreated after just a few small clashes.

What confused Ren was that Rei appeared here. Why? For what reason had he revealed his existence to him? Wouldn't it work better for him to just hide himself until a perfect chance to kill Ren appeared?

This really made him angry. What was he planning? After searching for this man for years, Ren knew that he was not simple. To hide from him for 3 years was no easy task. To survive his Void Exo Particles was also no easy achievement.

He growled. " I'll kill you the next time I see you, Rei. I won't hide my strength anymore. YOU will be dead." If his first Exo Power was not enough, then he'd forcefully use his 2nd one, so be it. But he would no matter what, kill him.

He looked around, wanting to see if that Leo- fellow was still here. Unfortunately, and fortunately for the person himself, he was no longer here. Probably ran off the second he saw his boss was losing the battle.

"If he was still here, I could potentially just ask him how he knew Rei… I can still track him, through his scent… but that is too annoying."

Ren groaned. " I have to return I guess, my teammates are probably worried about me, who cares about them anyway." The only people he actually cares about in his team were his two friends, Albion and Laura, screw the rest.

He left the abandoned building, and was speechless. Only the sound of the wind could be heard across a large distance. " How the hell will I return now…" The car he had come here with had disappeared.

Practically, Ren was now stuck kilometers away from the Celestial Academy, kilometers away from any human signs of civilization. He sighed," This is going to be a pain in the ass…"


"So? Want to explain to me why, you were so far away from the Celestial Academy? Your uncle would really get pissed out and mad at you, if he knew you were skipping school, Silver." A rather feminine voice rang out.

Ren scowled," It's his fault I'm stuck in this mess anyway,Aunt Xena, you know it better than me, how annoying he can be at times. He forced me to come here, and also sent me in a mission to kill the Pure Energy Manipulation dude."

Xena, was his uncle's friend. She was in her 30s, with long spiky purple hair which reached the middle of her back, and black eyes. She was a very powerful Slayer, comparable to his uncle, who was even stronger than Ren, not by much, but still stronger.

Ren, had a plan B in case this turned out to be troublesome to deal with, he had used his Exo Particles to locate himself, so he easily found the nearest place which had a phone, and used his Exo Particles to boost his speed.

He then had called his uncle's friend, and also his aunt to help him, because he knew he was in the town for some work. Her power could not be underestimated, so he knew she'd be here pretty fast.

A minute after calling her, Ren felt like smacking himself. Couldn't he just use his own raw speed to go home? But again, using Exo Particles in the city was forbidden… Xena probably misunderstood him, and thought he had a large battle…

It took a while to clear the misunderstandment.

Ren at max was a S Rank Slayer, and that was if he used all of his powers, while his uncle, Uriel could comfortably beat any S Rank Slayer, he was a powerful SS Rank Slayer, who at his peak was considered one of the strongest Slayers, even contending for one of the 'ten seats'.

It was unknown why he never got one of the seats. Rumors says he declined.

"Your uncle, that bastard only wants the best for you, Silver. Besides, I and your uncle know how powerful you are, you probably wouldn't have had any problem with the White Master, if not for your 'cocky' attitude when fighting."

Xena said, and continued,"Although you are extremely smart, you refuse to use it to your full potential, that is one of the reasons you were unable to kill him, Ren."

"That is-"

Xena interrupted him,"Not true? Don't lie to yourself Ren. A Pure Energy Manipulator can easily swap his body for a fake, you were just too lazy to check if it was his original body or not. That is why you never got your full reward for 'killing' Rei."

"If you had checked the news, you would've noticed that he was alive,he even created this troublesome association of criminals called the 'Crimson Hands'. Now he is far more powerful, and far more annoying than before. Yes, you did manage to almost kill him, he had to swap his body after he got considerable damage done to his body, but you FAILED!"

Ren growled,"Aunt Xena, I respect you a lot, but that does not mean I'll stay around and endure you trying to scold me about something you could've prevented! If I had failed, you could've told me so!"

"It could've been all prevented! Not because of your so called ' tests' many innocents have been killed. I might certainly not be a person of 'justice' but I still won't kill people or let them die for no reason!"

Ren shouted.

"That is where you are wrong, Silver." Xena smiled," I have a proposition for you. Silver, one you cannot easily refuse."

"Give this world a sign of the Apocalypse."

"Unleash your Second Exo Power. They have accepted."

"You are… free… harbinger of Chaos, chosen one of the Abyss Lord."

Man, I kinda face palmed myself for forgetting to write this chapter lol. Was at around 800 words,or so.

But guess what... Dude wrote 1k words in less than 20 min!

Anyway, after that last... boring chapter, I wanted to bring ya guys something exciting so here it is, a bit rushed but yeah. I'll slowly reveal everything (Which Uhm... I'll think on the spot!) Yeah, I don't really plan ahead.

So If ya think I'm planning anything, don't worry lol, my brain is too small to do deep planning.

ElionAVLcreators' thoughts