
Harbinger Of Chaos [4] Finale

Ren groaned, he was using his Void Exo Particles, while his Chaos ones were fighting for dominance, wanting to show up in this battle. It was taking a lot out of him to not just slam both of them into the enemies

The Ninth Finger was not weak either. If he were to guess, the Ninth was stronger than the Tenth. He did not understand how the ranking went, if the tenth was weaker than the ninth, did it go by time joined?

He did not have much time to talk, as the ninth almost slammed her fist into the side of his head, almost. Ren raised his hand to block the attack, and used his other hand to swing the Soul Reaper, however the ninth dodged it.

The woman grinned and jumped behind. "You are indeed worthy of making Rei send us to deal with you! Face my Exo Power!" She shouted and shot at him. Ren raised an eyebrow, not knowing what was happening, but still got on guard.

"Enchant." She muttered, and while Ren couldn't see any difference in her appearance, he felt Exo enter her hand. It was going to be annoying to deal with it.

Ren scowled as he meet her attack, with his own Void Power. The two attacks meet each other, keeping a balance for a moment, when suddenly even more Exo went into her fist, increasing her might even further.

He knitted his eyebrows, that was a troublesome ability to deal with. If she could increase her power by a hundred times using 'enchant' he'd have trouble with fighting her directly. Ren grinned as an idea came to him.

A second later, a wave of Void Exo left his body, and went towards the Ninth, dodging her attack, and slamming into her back, she was caught unprepared and coughed blood. She groaned and jumped back, however Ren did not allow that, and slammed another wave of Void into her.

Alice,Alex and the rest of Kashmir's team just looked at the scene with amazement. That was a fight which they could never hope to be part of. Laura had jumped into the fight, and was dealing with the tenth, together with Kashmir and Albion.

However, the Seventh was still just looking at the scene, no clear expression visible inside his cloak, which fluttered in the air, oblivious to the change in the scene before him. The Crimson Hands were being pushed back.

"Oi, you Bastard, come help me here!" The tenth finger sweated and yelled at his 'friend', who only looked at him with a look which said ' I don't care what happens to you ', but still decided to help him.

The cloaked, seventh finger jumped towards the battle, and started to help the tenth finger, who was getting overwhelmed, a white hand appeared from a corner of the cloak, and suddenly a black scythe appeared in his palm.

The scythe was two times bigger than the cloaked figure, however the seventh finger was using it masterfully, as if he was used to it, which seemed to be true. Ren glared at the battle away from him for a slight second, but had to interrupt it because the ninth finger attacked him.

Ren sighed, the chances of him defeating this woman without using a lot of his powers was very low. He took a fighting stance and roared. Ever since he adapted to his Chaos Exo Particles, his Void Exo Particles started to grow in power, in the short 2 days, he dared to say they were 30% stronger than before.

"You are a very cute boy, has anyone told you that." He looked at the woman, and saw she was licking a short knife in her hands.

He wondered what she wanted to do with it, as he was not sure her powers could be absorbed by a knife, could they?

Suddenly she caught the knife by the tip of the blade and threw it at him, with a very incredible speed. Ren barely dodged it, but a side of the knife still managed to slightly wound him, barely noticeable but still a wound nonetheless.

Within a second, Ren slammed his feet into the ground, his feet going deeper into it, and exploded with speed at The Ninth Finger, said person could not even see his figure, as he thrust his fist at the woman, and with the other hand swung his sword at her.

A large slash wound appeared on her clothes, going from her neck to the beginning of her feet. She screamed in pain, and Ren grinned as he fell into the ground, patting his sword.

"Man, I haven't felt so much power surging out of me, ever since I fought Lorion, that dude was a very powerful S Rank Slayer…" His palm formed a fist, his grip at his sword increasing, and suddenly another wave of Void surged out of him, he looked like a terrifying god of madness.

He glared at the Ninth Finger and scowled," I assume you are part of that Crimson Hands Organization that That bastard created. Judging by your weapons,Exo Power and appearance, you are the 'Human Hunter' Bella Rilver."

Bella chuckled, still groaning in pain, as her wound was still hurting like hell. She was using her Exo Power, to enchant her regeneration to a high level, but still the pain did not disappear into nothing that easily.

"I see that you can also use your Exo Power that way too huh…" Ren smirked,"Then how about I inflict something far worse into your body." He took a deep breath, leaving the poor woman very confused.

"By the command given to me from the Abyss Lord…" Ren started with a chant, and grinned. Bella started to get really confused.

"I have been given the full right to use my powers." Ren finished, and looked at Bella, he lazily brought a hand into the air, aiming at Bella and yawned.

"What the … fuck are you trying to do…?" Bella mustered all her strength and said with a groan of pain.

"You'll see what I'm doing in a minute, meanwhile focus on getting rid of that wound." Ren chuckled, and started to laugh loudly.

"This is going to be a proof of my power. I've confirmed there is no life force inside 35 kilometers, seems they already left the area. Good for them…" Ren started to laugh even louder after confirming what he wanted to know.

"Let me show you... Hell.."


Albion dodged a fire blast, and threw both his swords at the Tenth Finger, and at the same time dodged an attack by the Seventh Finger, who was becoming more and more annoying to deal with.

"Light Breakthrough!" He yelled out as the sight of the Tenth and Seventh Finger got covered in light, and they could barely see anything.

"Great Light Phoenix!" Albion muttered as a vague image of a white phoenix appeared from behind him, letting out a cry before flying at the two Fingers.

The Seventh Finger snorted and slashed his scythe, and cut the Phoenix in two, and the light which blinded them got dispersed, and allowed them to see again. " Your abilities are too troublesome." The Seventh Finger said with a monotone voice, before jumping at Albion.

"I'll show you my Exo Power. Age." He swirled the Scythe around, before swinging it at Albion, releasing a gray Exo Particles wave. Laura appeared out of nowhere and threw her twin knives at the gray energy, stopping it.

She caught the knives, and threw one at each of the Crimson Hands members, inflicting a slash wound on the Tenth Finger, while the Seventh just blocked it with his scythe. "Laura And Albion, two very annoying Newborn Slayers."

The Seventh said with a monotone voice again," Face death." He said as an old aura engulfed his body. It was very ancient, Kashmir threw his spear at the Seventh, and interrupted the moment of him revealing his powers.


The Tenth Finger started laughing loudly, and pointed his finger at the Seventh Finger,"Cipro you just got injured by a fucking brat! A brat!" Cipro growled,"That just ruined my favorite cloak." He grabbed the cloak and threw it away.

The others gasped at his appearance.

What was supposed to be a human face, turned out to be different from a human. He couldn't be called a demi human either. His head was white, no it was not pale white, it was just white, the white you see on snow.

His hair was also as white as the snow. Two horns extended out from his head, and a third one slightly popped out from his forehead, and up. On his cheeks were a pair of red lines, one in each cheek.

"Cipro Gold. The heir to the forgotten clan, the Gold Clan. The clan you destroy with your own hands… A S Rank Slayer, and also a 'kill on spot' criminal." Albion growled out this information, which he got from god knows where.

"Seems you are quite informed about the current situation huh? If you know that much, you probably also know what my Exo Power is."

Cipro said with a monotone voice yet again.

"Death. Or rather Aging. Anything your attack touches, turns several years older, making it a very fearsome attack. Usually the years turn back to normal after a few weeks, but there is a chance you'll always remain that old." Albion added.

" I was also wondering why that black scythe looked so familiar. If I remember correctly, that should be Gold's treasured weapon, the Scythe the God Of Death,Hades wields. It was given to the Gold Clan due to their loyalty."

"I think you've said enough, bug." Cipro frowned and threw his scythe at the trio, using a chain to manipulate the direction it went. Albion frowned,"This is really troublesome, Laura, use your Exo Power to destroy those chains."

Laura nodded and poured Dark Exo Particles on her knives, before throwing it at the chain holding the scythe. Cipro looked at the Tenth Finger as if giving him a command. The said Finger jumped and blocked the knives with his gauntlets.

"We are going to beat the fuck out of you kids!" The Tenth laughed madly, and used his fire Exo Particles to throw the knives away. "Kashmir!" Albion yelled, and the young man thrust his Spear forward," Spear Style - Dragon Fangs!"

The spear meet the fire coated man and the clash created several earthquakes. Albeit small but still earthquakes.

The battle continued, neither side having the advantage, but only switching sides.



Ren muttered this single world. For a moment, Bella could feel the silence of the world, she could sense it. The next moment, nothing was left out of her. Bella Rilver, Ninth Finger of the Crimson Hands, a S Rank Criminal, was no longer part of this world.

This was the power of Chaos.

Now… Who was next?

Yeah, writing chapters for this novel feels much easier now. Wrote all 1,8k words easily.

Man I feel way more free now...

ElionAVLcreators' thoughts