
The Empress

She was looking at the skies, knowing that she will not see any stars but just lines of wards that divided this timeless paradise from the outside world.

Yet she still looked on the skies that once brought her wonder and fascination of arcane and mysticism.

Now she knows all toys and secrets behind the starless sky, and yet she still looked.

Even if stars and celestial bodies she once venerated and that were her one of her multiple adventure fuels no longer bring her any joy or pleasure, she still hoped that maybe one day, one day, she would again feel the things she lost a long ago.

Not seeing any change, she sighed and rose from the water tub that she herself painstakingly build when she was still a novice in woodworking craft and position on one of her garden patios to observe the sky.

Her body, wet from the bath, glistened upon the rais of skies, and she showed the world that perfection isn't impossible.

A pale porcelain skin undamaged from any scars, blemishes, or even passage of time showed the perfect curved body of a female that looked in her prime from twenty to thirty years, with ample breast and buttocks and an hourglass figure that even Boethia would kill for.

Her short white hair is covering the right side of her face, which was curling and giving her roguish and yet exotic look, was glistening from water and light.

Her long ears proved her mer ancestry of Altmer or commonly knew as High Elf.

Her plump but small lips were a mix of pink and red giving them an innocent yet little seductive feel that was amplified when she even little smirked.

But the most prominent is her eyes.

Eyes that were once silver as the moonlight on skies were tinted with orange-red color...

And once she opened her mouth and showed her teeth and most prominently her little fangs.

It was clearly showing that she was a vampire.

She sighed as she felt a breeze of air and made her way to her secretive home...

Well, not secretive as everybody knew that she lived there, but even if they dared to come, they still couldn't as just members of psijic order were able to visit her there, and they knew what is best for them that to dare and disturb her annual vacation.

She made it clear to them when they destroyed her first me my time...

To say that even the most courageous, stupid, or zealous members of the order were now whispering of her legendary wrath was not underestimating...

Even if that happened more than thousands of years ago...

She made her way to her mansion, still wholly naked as any shyness or chasteness was lost to her long ago.

Opening the symbol carved wooden doors, she made her way to part of her mansion that was the kitchen and taken blood sack from the fridge.

Drinking her favorite blood from one of the most prominent blood farms in all of Nirn, she looked and the toy or rather fridge she now had and couldn't help but smile as she remembered the mage that made it.

He was just so young and full of excitement for all things arcane, so when he made a box that was able to both cool down and temporary stop time to any non-living being and using just energy from the most common soul gem for more than a month, that he was so ecstatic that it gained the attention of crown and high council.

But from there, her smile turns to a bitter one...

The once prodigy of arcane arts and innovative mind turned into a hedonist that lived from his fame and money the creation brought him, no longer caring for the endless study of books and Magicka mysteries.

Once again, a bright mind that could bring to all of Nirn a new Golden Age was corrupted by the most common worldly desires.

But that was just thousands of years ago, and now her once empty mansion was full of gadgets that were made by hundreds of different inventors...

She made her way to her favorite throne she made for herself from the knowledge she stole from Hermaeus Mora...

And how pissed was Deadric prince of knowledge when he found out that she broke into his domain Apocrypha killed his librarians and put aflame to multiple rare book sections and of that just for knowledge with what she could make the nicest chair and bed in all of the worlds...

That said, even her most loyal friends called her on her folly until they tried the chair she made from her stolen knowledge.

And to say that she almost fight them over HER own chair she made for herself and for what SHE made an enemy of one the most annoying a deadric princes just speak for herself as the moment someone sits upon it he or she would feel the most pleasurable rest they ever could...

No need to say that she gained many favors and interesting acquaintances for herself the moment a word was spread out of her creation and with what knowledge it was made.

She sighed in pleasure as she read another mail from one of her subordinates, speaking about another destroyed cult that sloads tried to make in Summerisles...

"They newer lear huh... just how many times must I kill them before they get the message."

She said and rubbed her forehead in annoyance as she started to measure who is more annoying...

The Evil Sloads that are like cockroaches in staying death or Deadra that are Immortal...

Truly if she ever knows about a way to kill these semi-immortal poorly imitations of snails permanently, she would dance in delight...

Alas, nobody can have everything, right?



"Come out. I can feel your gaze."

She said, and there was nothing until all sounds stopped and everything froze in time.

She blinked and found herself in the darkness of void with unlimited stars all around her, glistening in glory and all majesty...

"Well, well, you became even better in noticing me."

A booming voice said, and she looked at the voice source until she found an enormous golden dragon in front of her.

Right now, a lot of people would either be scared of their life or start to venerate this being, but she?

She just rolled her eyes and spoke.

"Stop with Theatrics Akathosh and transform already or you just want to make my neck hurt from looking at your eyes that are kilometers in the air?"

Now named Akatosh, the dragon god of time, just chuckled with his booming voice and transformed into his second favorite form.

A little golden cat...

"Oh, how that time flies, the little mortal girl that once held for me the biggest respect is now such delinquent..."

Akatosh said in his new voice that that reminded her of her khajit friends.

"We both know that even if time cant changes me psychically, it can change me mentally."

She said, and the playful smile on Akatosh's cat face for a bit of a while faltered.

"Yes, yes, I know all about time."

Akatosh said slowly and looked at her again and reminiscent of the first time he met her...

He started observing her after she ran from the Molag Bal realm for the first time, and from time to time, he checked her and was impressed with her advancement. From fugitive with no memory, she became an adventure that helped where she could.

She did not see the ripples she made in her wake.

The ones who were destined to die lived, the ones who should live died, her unique existence that was not even recorded in elder scrolls, and her blank soul made her enigma to him and others.

Even the Deadric princes who acted like nothing were mesmerized by her actions...

After all, it was for the first time there was a mortal unbound by the laws of Mundus and aesthetics...

Laws that even he or princes must follow...

Her actions destroyed fate, and for the first time, the gods and princes felt something new to them...

An excitement of unknown...

That said, a lot of them just watched her like him from a distance, but they're always are ones who wish to gain something they don't understand, like Molag Bal, who tried to kill two birds with one stone, be initiating planemeld and taking enslaving her for himself...

There were a lot of close calls, but she always made him, and others impressed how she ran from death's grip and lived to tell the tale, better and more experienced...

With each victory, she became stronger, with each retreat, she became clever, and with each loss, she became more determined...

Indeed she was the most enjoyable mortal ever to exist...

"So why did you call me Akatosh?"

She asked, and Akatosh waked up from his reminiscence.

"Ah yes, the reason..."

Akatosh rubbed his furry paws as he looked embarrassed...

"You know that I have a lot of children, right?"

Akatosh asked, and She just raised an eyebrow at that strange question...

Of course, she knew he had a lot of kids...

She killed multiple times, some of them...

And how annoying it is to kill flying winged lizards with power to make reality his bitch, and by immune to most of the attack and not speaking about that, they don't even have the decency to stay dead and make her to hunt them every some hundred years...


She asked and already had a feeling as to where this conversation was going.

"Well, as you know, not a lot of them were happy with my plans... Some stayed buuut... some run."

Akatosh said, and his voice grew weaker and weaker with each word as there was not a lot that he was ashamed of, but his children, the dovah, were massive and very sensitive spot for him...

She just stared at the cat dragon for some time and dreaded to ask...

"And you want from me what?"

She slowly asked, even if she knew what he would say next.

"Hunt them."

Akatosh said, and immediately winced when he saw her vampiric eyes glow and then closed in resignation...

Yes, he knew that it was his fault that they roamed the Mundus, and an even bigger screw-up was his not stopping them from running outside of knowing Mundus but still, he had a lot of work and mortals didn't make it even easier...

Yes, he gained back powers the Dragonborn's had upon slaying and eating dragons and then dying with what Dragonborn's powers they harnessed upon their life back to him, but even with that, he was not strong enough to interfere in Mundus affairs...

Even the dragon fire that is in the capital city of Cirondil that protected it from oblivion realms was already pushing it...

And now he could feel some of his runaway children grow stronger and stronger, and he knew their nature well enough to know that once they were sure, they would come back and try to kill and gain his powers for themselves...

"Im not a Dragonborn. By the divines, the last Dragonborn died thousands of years ago! you know it as you know that I must kill these dovah again and again and again as there is no way to eat or erase their immortal soul!"

She said in exasperation as she felt all the times she killed the particular dragon that made it his lifelong goal just to annoy her by not attacking her but destroying her people's town and running before she teleported there...

All that to spite her for killing him for the first time for that he tried to make khajit into his slaves by imitating that he was the Akatosh the Great Cat or the First Cat...

No need to say he was angry when she destroyed his little cult of misguided and mind raped slaves...

From that time, he just made everything to annoy her and making it hard for her to kill him...

Akatosh seeing her face, cringed as he knew about what she was thinking. After all, he saw what his bastard child done...

"Yes, you aren't Dragonborn, but! I know where one is! after all, I have a connection to every one of my children."

Akatosh said as he tried to cheer, and truly the news of the new Dragonborn brought her some hope.

After all, even if the Dragonborn was a just baby, she could take the baby with her to slay dragons, as she could just ward the baby in her spells to protect it from danger, she could kill the dragon and let the baby close to eating the dragon soul!

Just the image of finally killing all these immortals' pests brought her into euphoria!

"Well, where is he or she?!"

She asked with hope as her dead eyes finally show some of the emotion that was dulled by passages of times...

Akatosh seeing her excited state winced as he regretted not telling her the bad news first...

"Well, there is little catch."

Akatosh said and again winced when he saw her mood drop instantly.

"Of course there is a catch, there always is the catch, nooo I cant never get anything easy right? it one thing or another always, always and always..."

She said in a sour mood...

"Stop, it's not that hard! Well, yes, it's hard but not for you! or your people!"

Akatosh said quickly as he tried to lighten her mood.

"Hm? so what the catch? Need to kill someone? To go somewhere? Make a sacrifice? Open portal to another world?"

She would continue but stopped when she saw the golden cat's eyes twitched at the mentioning of another world...

"by the mad god..."

She said as she slumped on the ground...

"Well, I know the coordinates, but you must get her there yourself... plus that world has two of my children that run away."

Akatosh said in sympathy, knowing that opening a portal to another world wouldn't be easy, but then he remembered those two dovah that reside in that world and quickly stopped as he knew that they must die...

Preferably permanently by letting Dragonborn eat their souls...

Honestly, these two dark and light twins are even worse than Alduin, and that's something...

"Just tell me the coordinates. I will already take care of it..."

She said and started to make new plans...

"Thank you, and im sorry, Dianaesis..."

Akatosh said the name she once was known as, the same name she has given up upon taking the mantle of rulership...

Akatosh sends her back with information of the words she must go to and with the knowledge that the new Dragonborn is a girl with silver eyes...

She was back in her very comfortable chair, but even the most relaxing feeling couldn't shake the feeling that she thought was lost...

The feeling that started everything...

The feeling she almost forgotten...

The feeling that made her into what she is...

A Wonder...

She once again felt a wonder for new things...

The wonder of a new adventure...

She The Empress of The Empire of Nirn!

She The Vampire Ancestral Lord!

She The Champion of Molag Bal, Sheogorath, Azura, Boethiah, Mephala, Meridia, Hermaeus Mora, and Vaermina!

She The Conqueror And Unifier of Realm!

She The Champion Of People!




And She The Mere Adventurer who always loved the thrill of new sights...

She was once again whole, and she felt her frozen blood pump as she felt new stories she could make, new sighs these other worlds could present her...

And even maybe new loves she could dull the pain of previous ones...

All it took was just research a way to these worlds.

And she just knows a place where to begin...

After all, being Empress of Empire that spawns an entire world has its perks, right?

"Indeed, contact the college and tell the grandmasters I have a proclamation to make for the entire scholar body."

She said one of the wards that can transmit sound.

"Yes, Empress."

A tender voice said, and she just smiled as she made her way to the closet for her favorite armor. After all, she can't go naked into a meeting no matter how excited she is, right?