

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chp84: The Changing Tides

Hey guys this is chapter detailing the views of Wanda, Betty, Skarr, and Arcann.

Hope you enjoy! 

Also, if you want to know what Arcann the god is of go check out the aux chapters.



[Neo-Gamma Realm]

Forest of Galenos.

The Grasslands of Peace.

Inside of the Neo-Gamma realm, off in one of its furthest regions. A huge and glorious vibrant green forest stood tall.

Its many trees and grasslands shone with a hint of life, with also an aura of calmness.

But at this moment, that calmness was about to be disturbed.


A bright red light could be seen falling from the all-encompassing bluish green sky. Its speed was extremely fast falling down to the ground.

Like a falling star, the red crystal-like light crashed down on a small hill with a few trees on it.



The ground shook for miles on end from the impact of the light. A large cloud of dust filled the air and surrounded the now destroyed hill of rock and dirt. The previously greenish ground was black and charred.

An area of rock and ash.

For a few miles that was all you could see, no vibrant green color, but a dark black burnt color.

Soon the cloud of dust blew away and a sound could be heard coming form the center of the crash site.




"I never should have tried out that alchemy recipe like mother said."

A young and hoarse voice said calmly.

In the center of the crater a young child no older than five could be seen sprawled out on the ground looking like a puppet with its strings cut.

His hair was like an explosion of colors as it changed from red to black to green to blue, all sorts of colors filled his head like a painting. His eyes were the same way, but they lingered on the color white more so than the others.

On his body was a pristine white tunic out lined in a sparkling golden color and a purple toga of all things. The pattern of animals alongside beast were etched onto the toga. Courtesy of the young boy who was in this crater.

But now the very beautiful clothes with covered in dust alongside black ash.

"All of this dust is now in my throat and clothes; it will be a pain to clean."

"Uhh, I hate cleaning up."

Rolling his eyes, the boy sat up, and began patting off his clothes. Then he paused and smacked his head.


"I always forget about using magic, really need to work on my studies more." As he spoke the boy waved his right hand and an orange light flickered all over his body cleaning his clothes.

"Much better."

His pointy elflike ears trembled, while his horns on his head glistened in the sunlight. These parts of his body were his divine essence manifesting itself.

Then looking around the crater the young boy cringed a bit, "I can already hear mother now."

HIs hair turned blood red like his mother Wandas and his eyes green as he began to mimic her voice saying, "Arcann, would you look at this mess!"

"All ways jumping head into things before planning, then you end up covered in ash!"

"Blah, Blah, Blah." Arcann mumbled out a little annoyed with the current situation.

Then he shivered, "I better fix this, my senses are telling me that I need to before it its noticed."


With a little jump, Arcann arrived in the air floating, his eyes gazing at the landscape to see how much damage he caused.


"It would seem my calculations were off a smidge." He said stunned at the current area.

"Ya think lil bro?"

An older male voice said from behind him, scaring the mess out of Arcann.

He almost fell out of the air if he didn't see Skarr in time who was currently floating in the air as well and smirking at him with a playful look in his eyes.

"Shit, bro."

"Why must you continuously scare me like that!" Arcann's young voice squeaked a bit like a mouse as he tried to calm his nerves down. His hair and eyes on the other hand were a vivid pink rejecting his emotions of nervousness and shame that he was snuck up on. 

The currently eight years old Skarr stood in the air with his small but semi muscular arms crossed against his ripped chest that no normal kid should have.

But he nor Arcann were normal kids, they were the sons of the Hulk and Bruce Banner!

While also fledgling young gods!

Skarr smiled with mirth as he saw his younger brother's eyes and hair turn pink, he looked at the area and shook his head with mock disappointment.

"Oh, brother you disobeyed mother again, didn't you?" Skarr full of joy upon seeing his six year old brothers look said to him while holding back a laugh.

Arcann simply said nothing and began healing the charred area of grass and even restoring the small hill, along with some orange trees that would grow apples that restore stamina, health and even youth to the person of thing that ate it.

Skarr seeing his younger brother ignoring him shook his head, then he said, "How is your progress in the progression of your imagination divinity coming along."

"I know you wanted my help before, but I was busy training in the black desert."

Arcann now finishing up restoring the area turned and looked at Skarr with a little twinkle in his eyes then he said, "Hmmm, how should I put this."

"I have hit a roadblock in understanding the full essence of it, but it also seems like I'm right at the pinnacle of it, but I am missing something."

Shrugging he said, "I just don't know what."

"Did you go to mother for help?" Skarr asked him concerned for his younger brother, as he knew what it was like hitting a roadblock in understanding your divinity, even now he struggles in fully understanding and grasping his own as well.

Arcann shook his head in a weird manner as he said, "I did ask her, but you know how cryptic mother is sometimes."

"She just said that I should relax and have some fun, I'm too young to be trying to fully understand my power."

"I should just be a kid."

Skarr nodded understanding Arcann's feelings. Wanda's words to Arcann seemed like he was just a burden to him and that he couldn't' be of any help because he was a kid.

Skarr knew what he was feeling as he felt the same because she said the same thing to him before when she caught him leveling a mountain range off in the other biomes for his training regimen.

Poor kids' minds couldn't be further from the truth, although there is some truth that, as the fights ahead are somewhat beyond the current them.

But that's just for now.

Silence descended between the two of them for a while, until Skarr got an idea, smiling he looked over at Arcann and said, "I have an idea, but it is crazy and may get it us in trouble."

Skarr paused then shook his head while saying, "Scratch that, it most definitely will get us both in trouble."

"You up for it."

Skarr extended his right hand out towards Arcann awaiting his response.

Eyeing his brother's hand, Arcann simply said, "Before I even agree to this, what is the idea first off?"

Taking a moment Skarr telepathically said, "open up your mind to me, as who knows what could be listening."

Agreeing with his brother Arcann did just that, once he felt his brothers mind open, Skarr showed a completely detailed plan to him.

A plan which left Arcann gob smacked.

Still telepathically talking, Arcann said, "Are you serious?!"

"You want to use a piece of dad's old black board that Wrath used to leave here and travel the outer realms of the cosmos!"

Skarr simply smirked, Arcann shook his head and said, "First off how do you even know where a piece of Wrath's old board is at in the first place."

Skarr laughed inside of their heads and said, "Trade secret, what is your decision brother?"

"Keep in mind that I'm leaving with or without you."

Skarr added that last part to force Arcann to choose quickly.

Arcann quietly spoke to himself without letting Skarr know his thoughts. Eventually he shook his head and said, " I can tell that this is another one of your crazy and reckless plans brother."

Breathing deeply as even he couldn't believe what he was about to say, Arcann said, 

"But I am with you."

As he spoke on the outside of their minds he took Skarr's hand, firmly grasping it. Not even a second passed out here while they spoke inside their minds.

Skarr had a wide grin on his face as he shook Arcann's hand, "Haaaaa!"

"Well then brother, shall we start." He boasted to Arcann and not even waiting for a response, he took off flying in the air. Arcann shook his head one last time and prayed everything would go well.

But who was he kidding, trouble and his brother was like a person's shadow, it was always there.

Then he flashed away from this area and went after Skarr.

Unknown to the two of them, this was the start of a coming that would start off with them as too little rocks that would start an avalanche in the mountains.

And the beginning of his return...


[Wanda Pov]

We come to a red tower that is situated on a floating red mountain top, said mountain top is cut in half. The tower stood of a very smooth reb marble like surface.

Another tower stood beside it, but it was a bit smaller than it, the small tower was the tower of knowledge belonging personally to the cosmic coven.

An extremely heavy but soft magical power permeated the entire area

This was the red tower, a tower of all things related to sorcery and magic.

The cosmic coven resides here under the leadership of Wanda herself.

Underneath this red floating mountain was the eastern biome area, the black mountains. They stretched all over for millions of miles. Red lighting full of magic struck the top of them from time to time.

And since its creation a few monstrous life forms have spawned.

But we will come back to that later.

COming back to the large red tower, we arrive at the very top of it, and the place where the denset of the magical power was located, there was also a hint of chaos in the mix of this place.

Inside of the very top of the tower a red silky energy was revolving around a woman of untold and chaotic beauty.

Her presence invoked chaos and desire, but also mystery.

The woman was Wanda, who was currently mediating and digesting the essence of Cthon and the Darkhold. She now had all of its and his knowledge of the grander scale of the Marvel Multiverse.

It was awed and shocked her greatly, but it has also made that much stronger.

Currently though she was understanding the aspect of Chaos and what it represented, not just for marvel but the actual one that resided int he Omegaverse.

She was just about to conclude her session when she felt a special opening and closing in the southern biome of the Neo-Realm.

Opening her eyes, they flickered with surprise.

"Those little rascals just can't sit still." She mumbled.

Wanda watched as Skar and Arcann leave the neo-gamma realm and begin there traveling. She was about to warp them back here, but she paused and decided to leave them up to their own mischief.

They were strong enough to handle themselves against certain things.

Besides, Betty was out there in the cosmos hunting down her resurrected father, so she just decided to inform her about their little escapes. She grinned while sending out a message to Betty as she knew that Skarr and Arcann were scared of Betty as she took up the serious and punishing role of a parent in full.

They were utterly horried of her anger, and the lessons she would give them. Their father would sometimes impose punishment of them as well.

Wanda's eyes furrowed together as she thought of Bruce or Vhaalku.

'It's been three years since Vhaalku has come back from that meeting,' Wanda spoke to herself.

"And two years since he locked himself in that void above the realm."

"Also, not once has he checked in on me, Betty, or the kids." She mumbled.

Wanda raised an eyebrow at this odd behavior of him.

But now that she thought about it, he did seem different than how he was before. Before he was cheerful, relaxed, and outgoing.

Now, he was snappy, short tempered, and anti-social.

Something had to be up, he was hiding from her and the kids. She just hoped that it wasn't something seriously bad, but this was Bruce we are talking about here.

So, with these thoughts in mind, Wanda started making preparations just in case she needed to fight or flee with her family.

One of the things she needed to finish was the creation of a separate universe that solely belongs to her. This was another form of immortality she designed.

And it was quite the genius creation to.

Basically, as long as this universe was around, if she ever died or was killed. Wanda would simply respawn in that universe regain her memories and could just plan her revenge in she wanted to.

She could even kill herself in need be, then reform in the universe she made.

This magical universe resided in an entirely different dimension all together.


A weird soft chuckle came from her red lips, the sound was like a mocking one.

Wanda felt a weird sense of Deja vu, and she couldn't but wonder what the driving force was that always caused chaos in her and Bruce's lives. It was like something, or someone was pulling strings and pushing the tides in a different direction.

Her train of thought wasn't that far off, as if she knew who and what Bruce was descended from she be filled with horror.

Wanda still floating in the air, closed her eyes once more and began preparing her mind for the coming dark days.

She could feel it in the atmosphere, thanks to her control of over chaos.

Squinting her eyes Wanda began to plan ideas and other things she would need if she needed to flee this place.

Quite the conundrum this has become for her and her family.





Red fire and black fire.

Reddish black flames burned the ground beneath him. The ash fills his nostrils with a poisonous gas that would kill many who encountered it.

He has been here for so long that the sense of time is a lost thing to him.

All that matters is the brutal fighting he has been a part of since he arrived in this place. Death and destruction that is what surrounded him on all sides.

Looking down at his large green hands covered with a mixture of red, and purple blood this person was angry.

Rage fueled him in his conquest to reach that place.

Looking up pass all of the dead beings on the ground and the rivers of blood flowing alongside bones and carcass, there stood a massive black mountain. A long white staircase flowed from the very top of the mountain all the way down to the ground for anyone who makes it pass the towering fire demon that guarded it.


Crushing the ground beneath him the huge vascular green beast snarled as he hated being toyed with.

He vowed that he would smash all that got in his way from escaping this hell.

His power grew with each passing day, and the more he fought to the bitter end, the more powerful he became.


That was his friend, as well as the fact he knew his name.

"Hulk." A deep and powerful gruff voice escaped the lips of the green giant.

This was his name, though he felt like something was missing from himself, like a vital piece of himself was separated from him.

But the imposing tall mountain in front of him drew him in with whispers, they promised him to reveal all of what he wanted and even help him escape this place.


But first he needed to destroy all who opposed him and cross this enormous sea of lava and death. Hulk turned to look up in the blackish red sky and saw another opponent approaching him.

With his bearded face Hulk grinned to himself. Not a day's rest, the more he got closer the harder it was for him to progress. But that was the only for him to arrive at his destination.

Hulk just stood up out of the pool of lava that he was currently resting it and looked up at his opponent that was now very close to him.

This large, colossal black demon ape surrounded in orange fire looking thing made him look like ant in comparison.

But so what.

Hulk has never back down since the day that he arrived here, and he had a feeling that he never back down from anything that he encountered back wherever he was from.

Wherever that was.

As he stepped forward his long black hair whipped being him like a shadow. And with nothing but a piece of light brown cloth covering his lower body, Hulk smiled a feral smile.

Then he leaped up before the ape could even attack him.

As he soared in the air, Hulk roared a roar so loud it shook the very essence of the monster in front of him.


His green eyes shined a very bright green and Hulk punched a hole in the ape's head.


The backside of the ape's head exploded into ashes from this punch.

This happened so fast that the ape's body didn't even register it had been killed. So, its enormously large body just stood still like a puppet, and Hulk stood in the large hole he made.

His gaze reflected a sea of monster rushing towards his location.

The power of rage filled him up and he was ready for another brutal fight. He'd make to the top of that mountain if it was the last thing he did.

An aura of pure rage and power exploded from him creating a becan of green light that shot up to the very edges of this plane.

It was as if Hulk wanted to show all who watched him from afar and plotted against him that he was going to smash them all into nothingness.

Hulk leaped out from the corpse of the demon looking ape, destroying it in the process.

All we could see was an extremely bright green sea miasma looking energy crashing down on the sea of running monsters that was coming for Hulk.



[Sun Goddess Pov]




A red demon looking creature fell to the ground as a golden spear wreathed in yellowish orange flames pierced through its head.

Fucking demons!"


A very tall, blackish red haired and insanely beautiful red skinned woman stood on a mountain of corpses looking down at the so call king of hell and spat on him. She overlooked at the red skies of purgatory and frowned.

"Hmmm, this was a waste of my time, I should've stayed home with the family."

"Well Betty you choose to come out looking for your annoying father to kill him again, so you reap what you sow."

"Who said it would be easy."

Betty in her semi divine form put away her spear, 'Plus the universe is in its fledgling process of restarting life.'

'Thanks to the Phoenix and strange.' She thought to herself.

"I can just keep looking for him on my own time, I need to finish my training first." Betty said as she looked over at the huge pool of orange lava like blood being made from her battle just a few minutes ago.

She came to the underworld looking for information on her father, but demons being demons wrought her anger on them, and well you see what happened.

Shaking her head Betty prepared to leave this place, but right when she was about to, a thin red envelope appeared before her.

Recognizing this particularly familiar aura of magic, Betty smiled and reached out grabbing the envelope.

Opening it up, she began to read it.

Each word she read Betty's face got darker and darker.

Then she burned the letter and looked out into the cosmos with a horrifying grin on her face.

"It seems two little rascals need another lesson in obedience."

Not a second later after she spoke, her body busted into a pillar of flames, shooting of into the distance at a speed so fast she broke through the space separating this purgatory and the universe like nothing.

She will find her father later, he was always a loud man, and could never hold his arrogance in, so sooner or later he would expose himself. And she'd be there to cut off his head.

With a smile on her face Betty passed through all walls and restrictions in front of her and she flew off to find her children.

Poor Skarr and Arcann, they are about to be the recipients of a very horrifying punishment!
