

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

CHP83: The Rearing of Children

Newly born the twin force kids run amuck throughout the Star Wars universe.

Burce must deal with this craziness less the entire creation is destroyed by the two little hellions, and before Force returns.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!



[A random part of space]

Ah, space.

Such a beautiful thing, isn't it?

The different colored stars shining brightly and the pockets of random wormholes all over the dark void.

The same with the planets who would rotate and orbit their own suns.

In all of it glory it looks as if a person took the time and energy to paint this dark canvas of emptiness.

And now we have the multicolored star, the wormholes, the planets, even the small black holes that formed all over the universe.

Such wonder and mystery to be explored.

All was quiet and orderly like it has been for quite some time.



At least until today that is.

"I'm going to bash in your fucking head Ela!"

A young girl who was a dark grey color and surrounded by a very dark mysterious light screamed as she chased a white light that was speeding across the universe.

Her arms were engraved with a bright fiery energy, she was throwing red lightning bolts at the white light.

"Ahh, come on Tadi!"

Ela screamed as she dodged another beam of red lighting, said lighting blew apart a random planet next to them.

It disintegrated all life on that planet, and made the planet turn into thousands of small rocks.

A few of the rocks even turned into a few meteors.

"I didn't mean to destroy your toy's!" Ela screamed out once again, trying to make Tadi see reason.



Tadi's voice, now sounding like she had multiple voices, boomed into the dark void of space.

Her fiery reddish orange eyes practically were spewing out rage, they even brightened up even more in response to her anger. 

She caught sight of the meteors nearby from her destroying the planet and she gained an idea.

Reaching out with her right hand that began to sparkle with orange red energy, Tadi pulled the largest of the meteors towards her position.

Ela who was flying at an extremely fast speed and thinking of ways to calm down her sister, when all of a sudden, she felt a feeling of danger.

Using an ability of Her's, she looked behind her while she was still fleeing.

And what she saw shocked her to her core.

"Hope you like rocks to the face face!!!"

Tadi screamed outload, and the pieces of the planet she brought to herself twisted and merged with the orange red energy coming from her, said energy began swallowing it hole.

And it formed a medium sized red, black hole that buzzed with red arcs of lighting.

Tadi had just created her very own version of a black hole.

And she launched it at Ela.

Ela seeing this knew she couldn't run, or else many inhabitants of this galaxy would perish from her sister rage.

She was no weaker than Tadi.

So, she dug deep like how her father told her to do when she needs her power.

Elsa's white eyes began emanating a white otherworldly glow and her hair turned into a white light that shinned across the darkness.

And from behind her reality wiggled and warped creating pockets or opened space.

Smiling at her own use of power, Ela looked forward and saw that Tadi's attack was almost upon her.

So, she sent her own attack towards it.

"I'm no push over Tadi!!!" Ela exclaimed to her sister that currently had cruel look on her face.

Soon both sister's attacks met and then there was silence until the space between them collapsed.

Unsatisfied but a little scared of that exchange Tadi's power began to freely run rampant.

Tadi's anger made her power grow out of control and from behind her multiple red balls of horrid power appeared.

It practically reeked of destruction, and the space that they were both in lost color.

Stars dimmed and planets began turning grey from death.

Ela who was about to cross the distance to reach her was horrified.

"Tadi, you know not to use that in this plane!!!" She screamed out while also trying to move the nearby planets full of life away from the unfair death that has been casted on them.

Tadi now scared simply said, "I'm not doing it of my own free will, and I can't control it."

Scared for her sister, Tadi yelled out saying, "You should run Ela!"

"I don't want to hurt you or worse."

She didn't finish that last part as it was too scary for her to continue.

The red balls of destruction began growing even more in size to the point it looked as if many suns appeared in one place.

Ela knowing Tadi needs help began to try and pull out even more power to help Tadi.

She knew it would tax her body and soul, but she couldn't forsake her sister and leave.

But right before she could...

"Ok, that is enough..."

A male firm but mighty voice echoed out into the universe, and everything fell still.

Ela's power went still and quiet.

Tadi's power also went still, even the red balls of destruction dispersed into nothing.

Then both girls were pulled from their spots in the universe and into an entirely different plane of existence.


[Mortis Realm]

The Mortis Realm.

A place that was half black and white, with the middle looking like an explosion of multiple colors. 

The black part of the plane pulsed with a very heavy and dark feeling, there were even bright red lighting crackling inside of it.

On the other side though, it was the complete opposite.

The white part of the plane gave off a clean and pure type of feeling. A feeling of healing and peacefulness.

It had a light silver glow to it as well.

But the mix of colors in the middle held a very thin but thick gray light extended from it and reached into the dark and light parts of the plane.

That line twisted and curved around all over the place, kind of like a tree system.

It was like this line were roots that connected everything together and held all of this in one place.

Even the bottom of this plane was connected to the sides of light that shone everywhere.

The seemingly ever-expanding ground was the force in the form of black water highlighted by a gray color.

All in all, it was a very beautiful place.

This was a place that was solely for Force and her family. Some time ago both her and Bruce created this place as the world between worlds seemed a little to comber sum.

Mainly for the kids, because you see as they grow older and more powerful, they won't be able to fit in that plane.

So, Bruce and Force decided to make this place for them to be able to fully exist without worry for damage or needless destruction just because the lower realms couldn't handle their real selves.

Hence the Mortis realm was born.

The plane itself was never ending and always expanding, and no future god or force user would even be able to enter nor survive in this place.

Unless Force, Bruce and once their older the children deemed it so.

But without their permission anyone who steps inside of this place will either die or go insane, then they will die.

In the center place of the black like water, a ripple occurred.

Ela and Tadi passed through the thin white and black membrane that separated the mortal, spiritual and Divine planes.

And soon they passed through under the black water, causing ripples that made tsunami like waves.

As they passed over to the Mortis plane both girls were immediately met with the sight of there much taller and huge father calmly floating in front of them.

He was looking disappointed.

Both little girls had their heads down, already knowing that they are in trouble.

Tadi more so, even the shadows on her clothes covered her face as she was embarrassed.

Ela was twirling her fingers around one another looking down at the dark colored space that swirled around their feet like water.

Bruce looked at his two daughters, specifically Tadi.

She was the spitting image of his human mother, which was really eerie to be honest.

It was just another day to him as he was meditating and preparing to help Hulk deal with the last part of their grand plan to free them of Azathoth's influence.

It would take some time, but soon it would be his time to act.

But before that he has to go and help Cairea, he could feel her location in a very far off plane.

So, he was just thinking of things to do and collect, when he felt a spike of rage and destruction coming from this very place.

One that was strong enough to annihilate all life in the universe.

Thinking the worse he looked for the cause and just to his luck he sees his own daughter going ballistic.

He shook his head and stopped all of this before Force their mother could know anything. Speaking of Force, she was off ushering in a new age in another universe she created.

It was one of those cartoonish type of places, but it was still an alternate version of her creation.

And that all brings us to now, looking at the two little rascals Bruce knew he needed to deal with this now and nip it in the bud.

"I know you sometime don't get along with one another, but using power on a scale that big Tadi is wrong."

Tadi lowered her head even more.

"And you, Ela, why would you touch her things, when you know how possessive she is."

Ela looked up about to responded, "And yes I know you did it, don't even bother trying to lie again."

All the air in her body deflated and she lowered her head the same as Tadi.

Bruce looking at the two of them couldn't' help but feel a bit bad. But he needed to salve this now as to not leave any openings for future enemies to exploit.

Human, God, or Monster.

Bruce knew how the minds of humans worked, although feeble and obsolete, humans always manage to find a loophole.

And he would not have his own kin fall victim to that. Neither of them will have to go through the pain of being used and lied to like he has.

He looked over at Ela and said, "Ela, go on to your room, I be in there to talk to you later."

"Tadi, you stay here with me."

"We need to talk for a bit."

Then he said something that made both little girl's cringe.

"But before you go Ela, both of you hug and apologize to one another."

Tadi had her mouth wide open looking shocked, it was well known that only Bruce could touch her as she really didn't like skin to skin contact, even from her own mother.

Bruce shot her a look that made her calm down and be quiet.

Ela not wanting to disappoint her dad any more slowly walked over to Tadi. Once the both of them were in front of each other.

They slowly reached out to one another, as they were about to come into contact, Bruce wrapped his arms around the both of them.

Squeezing them tightly in a big bear hug.

Both girls were out of breath as they had their bodies squished together. After doing this Bruce shot a cheeky grin at the them.

Flustered and embarred as little, Ela ran to her room. All while Tadi stood looking bashful and looking like a kid who had her candy took.

Bruce still grinning watched as Ela jumped into the white part of the plane that led into her own dimensional room. And saw her jump into her bed all red in the face and screaming from embarrassment into her yellow pillow.

'Kids.' He thought to himself.

Then he focused back on Tadi.

"Let's go for a little flight Tadi," Bruce said as he began floating higher in the air.

Beaming a little as she really loved flying, Tadi joined her father in the air.

Midway through their flight and as they both passed through the membrane that separated all realms. Bruce looked over at Tadi and said, "How many times have I told you to not allow your emotions to spiral, Tadi."

Tadi looked down a little as she mumbled, "I know dad, but sometimes I get so riled up and my anger just takes control."

"I never mean to get all crazy like that, but sometimes I just can't help it, I-"

Tears began welling up in her eyes as she spoke.


Her little nose crinkled in a frown as she tried to speak.


While sniffing and trying to stop herself from crying, Tadi's power began to try and run amuck. Dark energy began to surround her little form.


Tadi's voice much deeper and darker growled out, as her power intensified greatly from her spiraling emotions. Boling under her eyes was a reddish orange fiery power that promised death and destruction.

Black lines even began to form on her grayish skin, and all around her body the dark red aura began emanating from her.

That was until a hand was placed on top of her head, and all of her emotions settled down.

"Tadi, it is alright to feel what you do."

The voice of Bruce her father entered into her head, and her raging emotions calmed down. Rubbing her daughter head, Bruce released a calming feeling into her body, and making Tadia's own power simmer down.

"Look at me Tadi." Bruce asked her, but he got no response.

'Just like her mother.' He thought to himself, then he calmly placed his right arm around her waist and picked her up.

Surprising Tadi greatly, making her cheeks turn beet red in embarrassment. Bruce didn't stop there, and he placed her head on his chest, then he hugged her tightly.

"It is alright to feel how you feel kid."

"But your power is yours's not the other way around."

Bruce pulled Tadi's face back and looked her in deep in the eyes, a lone tear rolled down her right cheek.

Bruce used his finger to wipe it off, then he said, "The power you weld is a force of whatever you chose it to be."

"Case in point, watch this." After he said this Bruce waved his hand and they appeared in different area. A place full of stars and wonders, planets filled the area and galaxies revolved around the blackish purple void.

The purple canvas looked as if someone sprinkled the stars on it. And it moved like it was water, reflecting the beauty of space.

"Look Tadi, this is what you could represent."

Tadi enamored with the sight in front of her didn't see the big grin on her dad's face.

'Yes!' Bruce screamed in his head as he saw that she was finally not sad anymore.

Then the focus of the matter reappeared in his mind, and he gained a sort of serious countenance.

"You can be like this beautiful place Tadi, or you could be the opposite."

"Watch and learn."

Hearing the dark tone in her father voice, Tadi felt a shiver run down her entire body, she looked up at Bruce's face and what many would come to describe as pure horror.

Bruce had four green pulsing eyes that appeared on his face, two directly underneath his main pair of eyes and another two above them.

They never blinked once.

But the pupils had multiple copies of themselves swirling around his eyeballs.

With his daughter's full attention on him, Bruce said, "You can also be like this."

As he spoke Tadi felt a tremor, or a harsh boom off in the distance. She turned her head to the purplish black canvas and saw the enormous head of a greenish black dragon.

The dragon paid no attention to her, only on the feast in front of it.

The maw of the dragon opened up wide, and an abyss of darkness, filled with the wails od death and destruction filled the void.

Tadi was scared, bit oddly enough she was also enamored with the beast.

A green spark flashed in the dark mouth of the dragon, followed by a guttural, beyond comprehension noise.

Then destruction itself happened.


A sea of emerald bright green flames poured out form the mouth erasing every color, molecule in every universe, galaxy, planet, and concept that was in the purple creation Bruce made.

And it also erased the purplish void as a hole.

All returned to silence, just like it began.

The flames erased everything and once all was gone, they too slowly burned out of existence.

Once it was done, the huge head of the greenish black dragon looked over at Tadi one last time, then it dispersed into nothingness, and the surroundings fell quiet.

And the once colorful void, was now a place of nothingness, and destruction.

And Tadi was glued in at the sight of it, she could feel the joy and happiness of her own power witnessing it as well.

"Now Tadi....what will you choose?"

The words of her dad rung inside of her head erasing all feeling that she felt. Her body shook with her own power, but she firmly held it, no more would she allow it to rule over her.

She would rule over it.

Tadi didn't need a second to reply, she looked over at Bruce who was now normal looking and with a firm grip of her own power and even her future path.

Her red eyes swirling like her fathers, Tadi said, "I choose..."


"And so, she chose to become a destroyer." Bruce said to the woman in front of him with a little chuckle and while also rubbing the back of his head.

"Uh huh, and you had no influence in the matter at all, Hun?"

Bruce put on a mock hurt look as he said, "Force you know me I would never, ever influence our kids' minds."

Force squinted her eyes as she looked at him, and she folded her arms under on another.

"Of course, I know you Bruce honey. You would never influence a person to be swayed to do something you like or want." 

She made a motion with her hands that would describe a certain act one does with another part of the body.

A circle and a finger thrust, only the circle is the rear part of the human anatomy.

Bruce could only look away, "I would never!"

He would not let her win this at all, he had to fight, he snuck a peek at Force once again, only to find her touching her...

"Oh, that is just dirty, and you know it!" he exclaimed to Force who was now laying on blue cloud like substance and she was being very naughty at the moment.

Force only smirked at Bruce and said, "You.... only.... have... to....admit the...truth."

She forced deep heavy breath in-between her words as he played with herself, this made Bruce lose his mind. Especially because her cheeks were red because of her blushing.

'Hold strong Bruce, you must hold out, don't let this temptress...' his mind blanked out as he caught sight of Force shoving her entire hand in her special place, and then she made it spray out a certain liquid of life.

Bruce just looked over at the non-existent sky and apologized to all of his morals.

Then he looked over at Force once again and said, "Ah fuck you win, I did influence her mind!"

With a smile on her face, Force said, "Now was that so hard to admit?"



She moaned after, and Bruce lost his mind.

He wasted no time in dealing with the naughty behaving Force, and when I say deal with, he dealt with.

Quite the happy little family, no?


[The Green Void of Destruction Domain]

Greenish black flames surrounded Bruces' body, and they even encompassed out far and wide all over a very dark black and green void.

The void itself look like miasma.

It looked like a nebula.

This was a place or domain that Bruce created with the combination of the Neo-Gamma and the eldritch darkness. It was filled up with the purest form of Destruction.

Destruction was formless and invisible inside the void of Bruces domain.

He made this place a way to fully unleash his power without limit in any place he goes to, meaning if he were to fight someone powerful, he could unleash this domain and separate his existence, as well as the person who he was fighting with existence as well.

It's never ending and all encompassing.

An independent space, devoid of laws of creation and existence, Bruce is truly omniscient, and omnipotent in this place.

Anytime he activates this domain, a green scar forms in reality and covers all of whatever he wants.

This domain was truly a work of art.

Coming back to the Bruce himself, at the moment he was meditating and acclimating to his insane power growth speed.

All around his flawless white marble like body the greenish black flames roared and swarmed around him like the sea. It fluctuated upwards like a large tree.

The flames would be caressing his chest and face like a lover.

Which in a sense is true, as the combination of the neo-gamma power and Eldritch darkness only cared for him and his further evolution to a supreme being.

His black hair looked as if a black abyss had taken shape. The darkness took hold on the finest of hair strains making it look as if it was only darkness as his hair.

Bruce was currently breathing in and out the greenish black flames, it would go in through his nose then out of his mouth. You could see greenish black lines inside of his body as he breathed in the blackish green flames.

Looked as if lighting struck his neck, check, and even back.

But all of a sudden, Bruce stopped breathing it in and his eyes snapped open.

"It's almost time for me to leave this place."

Thinking to himself, Bruce wondered how he could explain this to Force and the kids. He doesn't want to part on bad terms.

But he was running on a clock, and after time runs out, the time for him to return to his main body will arrive. Next was the Hulk situation, after that the main body will combine with Hulk and together, they will finally become fully one with another.

Then, he will have to leave and confront his Eldrich dad.


The name on his tongue seemed almost sweet like honey, which was really weird to Bruce to say the least. He just assumed all kinship with outer gods changed many things about himself.

Like the fact he really liked destroying minds and souls of people, pure souls were the best of all.


Bruce breathed in the darkness around him, and his cloak reformed. Then his domain shrunk back inside of him.

He stood up and looked out far into the future of stars wars and he grinned.

"It's going to be quite lively after I leave."

"Force and the girls can handle it, now I have to go explain that I have to leave them."

Bruce frowned, already knowing it was going to be quiet a situation.

"Whelp, it is what it is."

With a little smile on his lips, Burce teleported to where Force was currently.

His parting words were, "Oh to be free of these troubles."
