

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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CHP82: The Creation of a Higher Plane, and Birth

Hope you are enjoying my little twist of things.

Next up union and Birth.



[Void between Reality and Space]

In a pitch-black void, a crack appeared.

Then a green light, then a white light shined into the darkness.


A white hand appeared; it was surrounded in a black cloak of darkness.

"This should be a good spot for what we are about to create."

"What do you think Force, do you like it?"

Floating inside of the void, Force looked around for a bit and ten said," Yeah I do like it."

"And it will do quite nicely for the family, Bruce."

Bruce's left eye twitched at that comment, but he hid his conflicted emotions and pressed on.

"I have a few ideas, why don't we make this place have to levels, the one above will be the force gods home, while the one below will be for everyone who practiced and becomes one with the force."

"Or force spirits you could say."

Force turned around and looked at him, "Force Gods?"

She asked Bruce with an inquisitive tone and her white eyes looking curiously at him.

"Yeah, Force Gods, I figured that either we or I could tweak the power progression in your creation."

Force looked at him and moved a little closer to Bruce, showing her full attention at what he was speaking of.

Bruce already knowing she was interested said, "Just wait a moment, and let's create the home world for all three of you."

"Then I'll tell you about what I meant."

Force nodded seeing the sense in his words.

Bruce smiled a little and said, "Alright now release your pure Force energy into this place, then I will follow."

"Ok, Bruce." She said, then she closed her eyes and three pillars of light shot up from her position.


One white, One Black, and the other more powerful color was gray.

The gray energy was Force herself, while the lesser powerful one's were the kids in her stomach.

Or known as the future embodiments of the darkside and lightside of the force.

Bruce was amazed a little by the power shown by all three of them.

"And they will only grow stronger in the future with age." He mumbled to himself.

It was a weird mix of happiness and frustration that Bruce felt when he thought of the future.

He already had two sons, Skarr and Arcann.

This made him wonder how they would all interact with one another in the future.

Bruce didn't even think about his wives Wanda and Betty, he unconsciously held his private parts when he thought of them.

He just compartmentalized all of those thoughts of to the side of his head.


Not soon after he did that, did the eruption of force energy near him change.

The Gray powerful light that held the white and Black warped around the smaller lights.

It looked as if it had absorbed them fully, then it swirled around forming an orb, that pulsated sending shockwaves out that would have eviscerated planets and galaxies like butter.

Force was nowhere to be seen, she seemed to have merged with the orb from what Bruce could tell.

Bruce looked at this and decided to put every law that he knew inside of the orb just to help strengthen it and Force.

Except the law of nothingness, as that key law was already in Force's creations.

It's like it was everywhere in existence, like it was purpose fully planted there.

'Will have to think about that more in detail at a later time.' Bruce thought.

Then he focused a bit of the laws inside of him and created a mini-DNA model in the palm of his right hand.

After that he simply flicked it towards the orb.

The Orb like it was starved, simply opened up and swallowed the DNA model whole.

Then it released some steam and it exploded, the three-colors from Force and the kids inside of her merged with the black void.

The Gray, White, and Black painted the dark void all of their colors.

On the left side it was the color white, the middle and bigger part of the void was Gray.

And on the right side of the void, it was black.

A very dark black with flashes of red, and orange here and there.

A new dimension has been created on this day.

After admiring the view for a few seconds, Bruce looked for Force and sensed her in the gray part of the void.

Her body slowly floated out of it, and she had a very shriveled appearance.

Force's body was paler than normal, she looked as if she was drained of all of her essence.

 Bruce also noticed that her stomach was flat.

Concerned about his kids, and Force, Bruce crossed the distance in an instant and placed his hand on her head checking her.

Forces eyes were closed tightly shut, and she was in what Bruce would call a form of stasis.

Wondering how to help her, an idea hit Bruce, one crazy but possible plan.

Bruce using some of his own neo-gamma midi-chlorians funneled a good portion of his own inside of her.

He knew that this could potentially change her, but he had no choice in the matter.

Bruce had to save her.

A green dark light circulated out of Bruce's left hand and went into Forces mouth.

Bright green veins expanded from Force's head, down to her neck and all the way through her body.

Then the force energy in the newly created dimension moved on its own.

It wrapped around Force and compressed her in a crystal-like rock.

Bruce stood up looking at this situation, he could have stopped it, but he didn't.

As he felt no Ill will coming from it, and besides this was Force's own power.

Bruce watched as his own power and Her's mixed with one another, and he came to a conclusion regarding this.

"It would seem that she is evolving, ah shit."

This is going to cause the future of this creation to vastly change from how it was supposed to be.

"Hope nothing horrid happens to her, and the kids."

That's when his eyes bulged out his head as he remembered the kids.

He immediately looked for them, inside of the Dimension.

Not a second later did he see them; they were wrapped up in a cocoon like shell of their own force energy, the light and dark side force power.

And all seemed fine to Bruce as he observed the two kids of him and Force.

Sighing a breath of relief he said, "Haaa, looks like all three of you are going to be a while."

"Guess I'll just practice my new abilities, then create a new growth path for all of you and the power of the Force in the meantime."

Bruce spoke out into the Dimension as he looked at his kids and Force who were asleep.

After that he sat down on a telekinetic platform he created using the Neo-Gamma force energy.

'Hmm, seems my own force energy is growing rapidly, this is good.' He thought to himself.

'Now, I'm different from the three of them as I created my own version of the force, but they will need a system in place to be able to grow to my level of power.'

'And even higher if needed.' He thought to himself as he thought of how absurd his own creation was to the point where a random human could become like a god.

The images of Legion, Charles Xaiver's son came to mind, then Franklin Richards.

Just an insane couple of individuals in Bruce's mind.

'What in the world was One thinking when he created them.'

He casted those thoughts aside and began thinking of how to go about this path.

"Force and the kids will benefit regardless of what i create for the future force users."

Bruce mumbled out to himself.

"Oh yeah, why I don't I use that path of power growth a the bases of my new system.' Bruce thought to himself as he remembered the cultivation world he went to in the past.

"Wonder how that kid is doing, " Bruce said as he remembered the bond between Wrath and Zu Ten.

He knew that Zu Ten wasn't dead or seriously injured from some of the things he left behind when he left that place.

Bruce made a mental note to check in once he has down all that he needs to do first.

'Now, this will be the first step in the process of becoming Force Gods..."

Bruce went to work on creating that system of power growth for his accidental but newly created family.

All while waiting for the three of them to emerge reborn.


[Around a Hundred years later]

Sometime later, or A hundred years later by Bruce standards from when he created a mental clock in his newly created mind palace.

Yeah, a new creation of his, and one that was sorely needed for a being of his level.

Honestly it can't even be called a mind palace, rather a Mind Universe.

You see, during the first three years, Bruce had decided to make something to store and protect his mind from any and all outside things.

Granted he do that himself, but he figured why not have something in place to do that for him so he could focus on other things.

So, he took a portion of his own consciousness and he had it create something to do just that.

That's when he created the Mind Universe, layers upon layers of complexity when into creating this thing.

First it started off with creating then using an actual cosmic gas plus the neo-gamma to form rocks, then dust, then a planet, then the creation of the moon.

Next was even more planets, then the sun which was the center of this enter place.

The sun was a dark emerald green in color.

Each planet held his deepest memories, and secrets.

They were all wrapped up in a veil of Neo-gamma energy alongside his new power of the Force.

And surprisingly the Force abilities that he has gained greatly strengthened everything in his mind and soul.

The sun was also the main place where Bruce's separate consciousness resided, acting like an overseer.

All of this was wrapped up in a revolving galaxy that spun around like a black hole.

Then it created a layer of twisting time, space, nothingness laws to create a thin but thick line separating this place from the outside.

After that it created an infinite and ever-increasing amount of large black holes from the law of Nothingness!

He even put some of the Neo-Gamma power in between the infinite number of Black holes which by the way was still creating new ones.

The Neo-Gamma would act as the fly catches in case any flies got through the first line of defense.

Now here is the crazy part, the consciousness created soldiers that resided inside of the Black holes to fight.

And guess what the soldiers where?

They were mini-Hulks!

Yeah, Bruce decided to pay homage to Hulk and his past self when he needed to create something that could patrol and protect his mind.

So, he made Hulk, as what better guardian could there be for his mind.

Now back to his mind universe, after Bruce's separate consciousness made all of these things, it went on to act as a sort of overseer.

Bruce's consciousness used the force as its main ability to oversee everything.

And after all of that, Bruce's main mind checked in on it and he was really astounded to see everything.

Besides it was still improving and will continue to grow even more powerful as Bruce grows older and stronger.

Once he checked and made sure everything was good, Bruce went on to create the power system that the future force users would come to use.

He called it the Mortis God Path, but before you could even be able to reach the level of starting this path you first have to acclimate your body and mind with the force.

The names of each level were, Force Apprentice, Force Acolyte, Force Knight, Force Master.

Each of those rankings bring you closer and closer to the point of where you begin to be able to start treading the Mortis God Path.

The Mortis God Path had only four stages, they were, Force Lord, Force-Demi God, Force God and Mortis Force God.

The first stage, Force Lord is when you begin taking an in depth look at the midi-chlorians and how they work.

Then using the force, you start intaking more force energy to create more midi-chlorians.

And after this, you begin creating force limbs and organs for your body to be able handle taking in more force energy.

The force biology you create won't be a permanent use until you reach the Force God level, as that will stage will elevate you into a full-blown God.

And your soul along your body will be able to handle it without strain.

But yeah, after you reach the level of Force God you will be able to interact and use laws of existence.

Now the last level, which is the Mortis Force God.

This there can only be one Mortis Force God, and only Force herself can appoint the person to be the Mortis Force God.

The Mortis Force God will reign supreme over the Other Force Gods and over Star Wars as a whole.

And they will also answer to Force herself and the Kids if necessary.

All in all, it was a very detailed power system, and Bruce was fine with, granted it has to tweaked here and there.

But it was good enough in Bruce's eyes.

Now back to present time, Bruce could be seen just calmly floating above a sea of stars, and nebulas.

Behind and all around him was a forest of star trees, Bruce sat on a lake filled with colorful stars.

Keep in mind that all of this was made from pure force energy, and the passing of time itself.

Bruce was calmy meditating, reviewing his newfound power, along with how it had affected him.

The force has granted him a pathway to many new, powerful, and unnatural abilities.

But the main thing that it has changed for Bruce was his control over reality, it has truly elevated him to ranks of Wanda and even a few of the truly powerful Mutants of Marvel.

A couple of examples where like I said earlier Wanda, and Franklin Richards himself.

Like now he could just take his two fingers and pinch the air, and reality would just twist like it was the skin of a human.

Also, his awareness has expanded to the point where now he could look out into the OmegaVerse and choose his next destination from wherever he was in existence.

Then came the other things like the push, pull, choke, and lighting force abilities.

There were more things, like a long line of stuff Bruce found out he could do with just the Force, not to mention the things he could do with Laws of existence combining them together.

All in all, it was a very great harvest for Bruce.

Now the reason for him meditating was because of an idea he had regarding the Neo-Gamma power.

You see after Bruce gained control over the power his usage and generating of it has been very crude to say the least.

So now Bruce had made up his mind to create a better functioning of his own power.

One of the first idea's he had was in using the Midi-chlorians inside of him and turning them into universes that stored and produced the Neo-Gamma power.

He had over more than a trillion midi-chlorians inside of him, and they were still being created as well.

Bruce figured that he could make a system for his own body to run on, so that all he had to do was direct it.

He has to plan a bit more, then he would send these ideas back to the main body.

Speaking of the main body, the avatar of Bruce could feel from the link between the two of them that the main body growing more and more powerful by the second.

The addition of the Force was like an all you could eat buffet, as there was no limit to how high using this power could go.

Bruce opened his eyes, his mind was relaxed and settled on his future plans for when has to leave eventually.


"Looks like you will be waking up soon Force."

"Can't wait." Bruce spoke while looking at the crystal shell that was covering Force begin to pulse with power.

Bruce could see small crack form on the surface of it.

A little grin came upon his face as he watched this, 'Plus a good bit after you come out of there, those two little rascals will emerge as well.' Bruce thought to himself.

He could sense and see the rising power of the two twins near him.

/A few minutes later/



Bruce stood up as he heard the crystal break apart.

"Earlier than expected, but this is all fine too." He said as he watched Force's eye's twitched, meaning she was about to awaken.

Force took a moment, then she flexed her arms, and the crystal shell blew apart and turned into dust.



The Force around her and the dimension vibrated with an intensity that shook the very foundations of her entire creation.

Bruce could feel the emotion of happiness coming from the force as it felt its creator awaken.

Speaking of its creator, after Force blew apar the shell, she calmly floated up in the air with her arms stretched out wards.

It was like she was embracing the Force and her creation.

As Force was floating in the air admiring the view and taking the force all around her, Bruce could help but admire the view.

Her body was much more mature, taller, firm, and very beautiful.

And the surrounding force was pouring into her changed body.

Force's body was now the color black, and it was filled with senses of the cosmos.

She looked as if the universe was imprinted on her skin, there were stars and galaxies on her body.

Her hair seemed to be merged into reality, looking like it was smoke that held the more of the universe.

The stars on her skin were gold in color signifying the Lightside of the force.

On her chest sat a fiery orange ball or power, this was the Darkside of the force. 

Bruce could tell she had the power of the Darkside and Lightside in her grasp.

She was the true ruler over this creation after all, and all power in this creation came from her, so it would return as well.

Even if her kids held the power of it as well.

After a while of her announcing her presence, Force's eyes opened, and they zero 'ed in on Bruce who stood not that far from her.

It wasn't a second later as Force just blinked out of reality and reappeared into Bruce's arms like a cat.

"Ahhh, you smell like cinnamon, dusk, and Destruction." Force mumbled this out into a surprised Bruce's neck.

Bruce was surprised at how direct she was being, 'Guess not only did she change on the outside, but on the inside as well.' He thought to himself.

Force's arms were wrapped around his neck, and Bruce just stood there holding her.

The two of them were silent for a while until Bruce spoke up saying, "I'm glad you are fine Force, and honestly I thought you were going to be in that thing for a while longer."

"Mmmm, me to Bruce."

"But now I'm out and free to do whatever I like."

She released her hold in Bruce's neck and stared him in the eyes.

Force floated in the air like a happy little girl and was grinning like a mischievous cat.

Bruce was just calming himself down as the more eldritch part of him was whispering thoughts of dominating her right her and now for all of her creation to witness.

And he was really losing the battle with himself, as it was like Force knew his thoughts and was egging him on.

As she was naked, and bare in front of him.

"Do it Bruce, look at how smooth and beautiful that skin of hers is.' 'We should take her here and now for all reality and existence to see that she is mine!'

These were some of the things his eldritch side was whispering to him, there were other crazier shit it was saying to him to.

Force reached out and rubbed his cheek, and that's when Bruce was like, 'Ah Shit, Main Body should I do this?"

Time and reality slowed to an absolute halt around them both, Bruce was able to move while Force was frozen.

Then a voice echoed out to him saying, "YOU ARE ME AND I AM YOU, WE DO WHAT WE WILL!"



After hearing the main body speak these words, all hesitation vanished from Bruce's mind, body and soul.

Time resumed and Bruce was already in front of Force.

He had a wicked grin on his face, and so did Force.

What proceeded to happen can't be accurately put into words.

Only just know that the children who were still in their cocoons, well they were scared for life and the Star Wars creation need a few repairs.


[Quite literally a lifetime later]

Bruce was lying down on a planet sized creator with Force snuggled up next to him like a cat.

Her hand was on his chest drawing circles, while one of her eyes where closed and the other opened looking at Bruce.

Her face had two extremely red dots' where her cheeks were.

Bruce's power of darkness that was on his body surrounded them like it was a comforter or bed sheet.

They were talking with one another about something's after nearly destroying everything in her creation from their union.

"So, these Force Gods what would their purpose be."

"And how would they acquire that level of god like power."

Bruce looked at the child like wonder in Force's eyes as she laid on his chest drawing circles.

She looked like a happy kid when they find a new thing while playing.

And now that Bruce thought about it, she was sort of young, extremely so.

'Ah shit, hope the FBI don't come knocking.'

He just shook his head eliminating those crazy thoughts and proceeded to explain his ideas to Force.

"You some time ago, I had the pleasure of exploring a really great creation."

"And in that place, I learned about the power of Cultivation."

Force keenly listened in to Bruce's words, hanging on to every word he spoke.

"What that is the process of refinement of the natural energy in the air or whatever energy that particular creation uses."

"Now my idea to help your creation and you, is that you make levels to your power growth system, the Living and cosmic force energy."

"Now what I mean is, for you to allow the people who are force sensitive to be able to draw in the force energy and refine their body, blood, even souls."

"Can you show me an example of this process of refinement Bruce."

"I want to do myself first, just to make sure it is a feasible idea."

Bruce looked at her and smirked, "of course you can, I was about to show you how to cultivate."

'Besides, I also wanted to introduce this concept to the children.' He thought to himself.

The reason for this is because Bruce could tell that the level of intelligence his kids had was beyond normal for godly beings.

And they were listening in on the conversation he was having with Force at the moment, although they were facing the opposite direction of them as they saw things that just was not right.

"Ok now listen closely to me, you have the two different types of force energy, the Cosmic and Living force energy."

Force nodded her head understanding Bruce's words.

"Now what I would recommend is that you separate the two into different levels of force energy intensity."

"You are the living force; therefore, you are everywhere and know everything in your creation."

She nodded at him, following his words.

Then Bruce said, "Now the cosmic force is what binds everything together and allows the midi-chlorians to form, thereby creating life."

"The cosmic force energy is what while allow the future inhabitants to be force sensitive and able to use the force."

"So, what I would recommend is that you separate the living force from the mortal plane and make that the higher level of force energy for the gods use."

"Now you can make any changes to this plan of mine to better fit your needs."

Force nodded, laying her head down on his chest smiling.

"Now, I'm going to give you my detailed plan and information on how to begin."

But right before he could do that.


The dimension shook from the excess of power coming from the northern part of it.

Black and White light exploded from that place, reaching even the mortal wolrd.



Then the sound of crying could be heard from two small different voices.

Force sat up immediately but couldn't move thanks to a certain somebody next to her.

"The kids!" She exclaimed, then using her power she just levitated up, ignoring the numbness of her legs.

And she flew over to the two white and black crystal cocoons that formed a while ago.

The two cocoons were glowing extremely bright, almost like a sun.

Once she made it there, she saw Bruce was already standing in-between them both caressing them.

He looked up at her and said, "which one do you want to hold to once they break out of the cocoon?"

Force took a minute to answer, then she said, "The one on the left."

She floated over to the Lightside of the force cocoon.

Bruce nodded at her choice, then he turned towards the Darkside one.

They both waited for a while until the crystals on both babies turned into liquid force energy.

The liquid force energy wrapped around the two infants as a type of blankets or clothing.

Bruce reached out and held the newborn that just emerged from the crystal cocoon.

He turned towards Force who doing the same thing with the other infant.

"What do you want to name them? Bruce asked Force as he felt the baby he was holding grab his free index finger with a pretty strong grip.

He smiled at the little one, " Ela'fri for the light and Sko'tadi for the darkness." Force said to him as she played with the infant in her arms.

Bruce smiled when hearing the names, then he said,

"Fine names, really fine names for the twin girls."




I'm back sorry I was away for a good while.

Now for an update about this book, first off, I'm not dropping it, but my updating will not be as frequent as it has been in the past.

But some weeks there will be two chapter and other's will just be one.

The reason for this is because I'm working a lot and saving up money to buy myself something to create my very own manhwa.

The manhwa is about a book I'm writing besides this one.

If you would like to know what that book is about let me know.
