

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

CHP57: Wanda & Chthon

Hope you like this chapter.



[Marvel Universe]



Flying out into the cosmos, Wanda smiled as she sensed and even saw her husband's actions. She was happy that he so confident in her winning this.

And even though she was nervous, her family gave her the strength to go forwards. Not to mention she has hated this demon for a very long time.

She was not going to allow this being to haunt her or even her son any longer. She knew that from the aura that Vhaalku took off of Arcann's chest was a mark from Chthon himself.

This fact greatly enraged her, and the fact that he couldn't control her or make her submit to him led him to target her son just made her utterly appalled by his audacity.

'Well, he is a demon, and I can't apply regular rules to him.' Wanda thought to herself.

She also thought that he must have gone to great lengths to deceive her when he marked her son.

The fact that he made a contract with a lower demon to mark Arccan gave Wanda ideas on how her opponent was feeling mentally.

'He's not fully confident in beating me.' She thought, and this thought further increased her confidence in beating him.

Now feeling a lot better with herself, Wanda used her magic to teleport.

And soon she stood in front of a magical barrier, she could see pass it and saw it was separating the Earth from the outside of the universe.

The earth was in a separate dimension, and from what she could magically sense. The magic told her that Strange and another sorcerer made this dimension.

'Doom,' She thought.

 Sense her transition from mortal to God, a numerous of abilities and knowledge was opened to her.

Her arsenal and power have greatly increased. So, she could see and do many different things now.

It was also how see could see pass the barrier and could see the earth. And could tell that doom and strange made this barrier.

One of the abilities that she has gained allows her to see the echos of a person's soul in their magic.

You see people who use magic leaves imprints in the magic that they cast.

And Wanda with her newfound power can see the imprints in the magical forces of the universe.

This is how she could tell that Strange and Doom worked together to make this barrier. She knows why they made the barrier, her husband.

'Can't really blame them, my Bruce did do a number on the planet and the surrounding area the last time he was here.'

But honestly if they thought that they could hide from her husband then Doom has let his ego go straight to his head and Strange still thinking being the sorcerer supreme makes him righteous in any endeavor that he does.

Then they have another thing coming.

"Enough of those petty thoughts, it is time I do what needs to be done." Wanda spoke into the cosmos.

Her gaze penetrated the barrier and landed on Earth. She scanned the entire planet for a certain object she needed.

Soon her sight landed on a certain country.

 "Abysmia." She spoke as her alluring green eyes brightened.

Her magical power passed deep underground under that country. And soon she came across the aura of evil and insanity.

"There you are." She spoke.

Wanda's body was then illuminated with a red color of chaos. Then she rose her left hand and it lit ablaze with a bloody red flame as she a summons the object she needed.



The rules of reality cracked as she spoke that word.

On earth, the entire region and the kingdom of Abysmia began to rumble and shake like it was an earthquake of biblical proportions.



The mountains of the region began shifting and the entire clouds began to darken like an apocalyptic storm. The dark clouds started to crackle with lighting and a whirlpool began to form in the sky in the center of the region.



Soon in the center of the region, under the kingdom of Abysmia a pillar of black magic erupts from underneath the kingdom.

The magic drove the human nearby who wasn't dead insane.

The black magic pulsed and shot off into the whirlpool in the sky leading off into the atmosphere.

That pillar of black magic shot outside of the earth and soon it pierced the barrier separating the earth from the outside.

Wanda watching all of this smiled and caught the object in her hands.

"I finally have you, the real you, DarkHold."

What Wanda summoned was the real Darkhold not the other one that she had in the pass. That one was made up of some of the spells inside if the real DarkHold and other dark magic practitioners.

But it wasn't the real book, nor did it have the full spells and knowledge of Chthon like the one in her hand.

Wanda was ecstatic as this was one the ways to defeat Chthon or control him. She wanted to do something else entirely with Chthon though, something that would make her even more powerful and able to help her Husband.

She could sense that he was concerned about something, so she wanted to be able to help if the need ever arises.

Plus, it was thanks to the knowledge of Vhaalku and the coven of witch's that served her, she knew all of what made Chthon ticked and how his magic functioned.

And this book was the only way to enter the realm of Chthon.

So that was another reason to get it, plus she could also put this book in her library with the rest of her magical collection back home. 

Holding the book in her hands she was about to open it, but paused as she looked over at the barrier.

"What the both of you want, Strange. I'm busy at the moment."


Coming through the barrier was nonother than Dr. Strange and Doom himself.

Strange in all of his power felt the sheer power coming off of Wanda and chose to humble himself lest she kills him brutally. He was about to speak but Doom and his ego spoke first.

"Doom suggest that give Doom that book, from your pass experiences we all know that you cannot handle it."

"It would be best that you quickly hand it over, lest you are prepared to make an enemy of Doom."

You would think that Doom in all his genius would have the same mindset as Strange, but no his ego didn't let that thought cross his mind and he arrogantly spoke to the God in front of him.

Wanda simply stared at Doom.

And her magical aura began to crackle around her in response to her rising annoyance.

Strange sensing an aura of approaching death was about to try and mediate before anything bad happens. But he couldn't as Doom said something that sealed his fate completely.

"Doom knows that you have a child, right?"


The power of Wanda slightly exploded around her and pressed down on Doom.


Doom felt his entire armor begin to compress tightly around his body. His body twisted and turned like he was a puppet.

All of his blood was on fire and the pain he felt was like no other.

His blood even began to leak from his eyes.

Doom couldn't try to defend himself as Wanda blasted him back to the Earth, while simultaneously making him fall into an illusion of his mother in hell.

It was a bitter fate she gave him; his armor would squeeze slowly, and his blood would burn his organs to goo. All while he witnessed his dead mother in hell being tortured and having all kinds of horrid things being done to her.

Back with Strange, who was a white as a ghost, he looked over at Wanda who was also looking at him with an annoyed face.

Strange just said, "Please don't let whatever it is your about to do affect the Earth. That's all please, I beg of you."

He cupped his hands as he pleaded with Wanda. Wanda looked at his aged appearance and thought, 'Bruce must have really broken you.'

She wondered if Stark was the same.

Then she said, "I promise."

He nodded and quickly left her alone.

Now that she was alone with her destiny, Wanda opened the book.

And it immediately began to try and drive her mad with its whispers of false promises. It also tried to invade her body with the evil of its aura, trying to all it could to possess her.

But Wanda simply pressed her divine power on it, making it quite down.

Smiling to herself, she began to recite the passage need to open the door to the Flickering Realms or known as Chthon's heart.

"Ba'al Set Elianath!" 



Reality cracked opened and orange red color flooded the universe.

Wanda sensing the Dark Magic steeled herself and her resolve. Then she flew into the realm to settle this once and for all.


[ Flickering Realms, the Dark Heart of Chthon]

Once she stepped into the realm of Chthon she saw a deserted city like area, it was covered in orange flames. The entire realm oozed of magic and manipulation.

She could sense the deception in the air.

There were small creatures flying in the sky or sitting on the broken buildings. She could tell that they were all watching her.

Wanda ignored them, this is where her master over magic and energy control came into play. She secretly controlled her power to make the most miniscule of it leak out of her body.

So miniscule in fact that the creatures watching her couldn't tell nor sense what she was doing floating in the air.

Wanda let her power over depravity and chaos merge into the realm secretly warping the realm to allow her full control.

This was the first step of her grand plant to defeat Chthon.

Once she was satisfied with the amount of power she merged, she flew closer to the center of the area where she could tell that the magic was the more heavily centered.

Once she came to what she thought was the center, she saw a purple pool of magic.

She wasn't but maybe a few thousand feet away from that pool.

But she wasn't focused on the pool, but rather on the pink bed with the little red headed girl crying on it.

The little girl was crying very hard like she was hurt. And then the little girl stopped crying as she looked up at Wanda.

It was like looking in a mirror, the little girl was the child version of Wanda from when she first awakened her powers.

And the time when Chthon had gifted her a link to Chaos itself.

It was a scary time for her as she didn't know what was happening.

Wanda looked at it for a second, then she snorted and said, "Petty parlor tricks."


She blew it up with a red blast of pure chaos magic. 




The surroundings cracked like a mirror once she did that, revealing the real person there. 

And standing in the center of all of the purple people of magic was nonother that huge form of Chthon himself.

He was smiling as he saw Wanda's annoyed face.

The landscaped around them changed to a rocky mountainous form and the land was filled with blood everywhere.

Chthon was standing on a mountain, behind him was an active volcano erupting with lava. The clouds above him thundered with lighting.

He stood with his chest and stomach bare. Only his arms, waist and legs were covered in what Wanda knew was dark magic.

The armor was a dark red color.

He had a very long red cape that was flapping in the air.

Chthon stood tall looking at the once fragile woman who he blessed with the gift of Chaos.

"Look at how far you have come little Wanda, all grown up." His dark and raspy voice echoed into the realm.

Wanda still floating in the air landed on another mountain a few hundred feet away. Still looking at him she said, "and look at small you have become Chthon."

That worked as he frowned.

"Falling so low as to use a small demon to mark my son. All because your scared of my husband."


This really poked a nerve as his magical power began to swell all around a body shaking the mountains nearby.

He was mad as he couldn't deny what she said. 

It was the honest truth.

You see Chthon may not be the most physical fighter, but he excels in magic. And way back when Wanda was on earth and was pregnant, he tried to send his servant to capture her.

But when he was casting his magic, he felt a huge hand begin to squeeze his heart. It was death he realized, he knew that if continued his death would come right then and there.

So, he stopped, the aura of that power still lingered on in his mind and when Vhaalku released his presence when Wanda was coming to face him.

He felt that exact same aura coming from the one he remembered. Although the one in his memorious was leagues more powerful and horrifying to even him, he still felt that same fear.

And so, what Wanda said to him now just poked a nerve.

Wanda seeing his silence kept going.

"But you got one thing wrong Chthon." She spoke.

"It is not him you should be afraid of...."

Wanda's aura and form took a drastic turn.

Her skin became even more paler till it looked like she was glowing white. The white of her eyes filled up with a blood red color, while her green became purple, they shined with a chaotic light in them.

Her lips became pitch black, and her dark red hair turned completely white. She grew much taller than she was before. Her red dress became black and elongated pass her feet.

It was like black smoke was on her body.

Wanda's face was cold and unfeeling.

Chthon, as he watched Wanda transform felt his skin crawl like insect's were climbing his body. He quickly circulated his magic power to comfort him.

Wanda's magic and divine power made the area above, beneath, and behind her warp into a sea of red and black blood.

"But Me!!"

Her power exploded from her body like a sea of red water and a huge bloody white and black moon with a hole in it appeared up above her.



The release of her divine form made the entire realm on her side shake like it was being destroyed.

Wanda was floating off the ground looking at a dumbfounded Chthon with a scary calm gaze.

Chthon just realized he miscalculated; Wanda was not that same gullible women he could manipulate in the past.

And he also felt a touch of death.


He just realized he could die here today. He knew that he needed to go all out to have a chance of survival. And maybe if he got lucky, he could consume Wanda and all that power would be his.

He grinned as this thought entered his mind.

Then he looked at Wanda and said, " Well you have certainly grown in power young Wanda. But this is my realm!"

After he said that, his entire left arm erupted into black magical flames, and he made a throwing motion towards Wanda as he said,


From above him a huge black magical fire ball the size of the planet earth formed and shot towards Wanda at impressive speeds.

As that happened, he casted another spell summoning the orange lighting around him into one gigantic bolt of lightning and directed it at Wanda.



Wanda sensing all of his attacks responded in kind.

She rose her pale hand and huge black hand extend from the sea of black and red blood behind her, it grabbed the fireball and squashed it.


The she twirled her hands making the area in front of her begin to twist like it was water. The huge lighting bot was swallowed up inside of it.

And above Chthon who was looking at this, the twirl formed, and the bolt of lightning slammed down on him.



It blew apart the entire mountain that she stood on into smithereens.

Chthon reappeared of in the distance, thanks to teleporting he avoided the damage he could have received if he had been struck.

"Hmmm." He squinted his eye at this.

'Time to up the scale of power.' He thought.

Flying up into the air he spread out his arms and conjured up a huge red array of magical weapons in front of him.


They all aimed at Wanda who was still looking calm.

The weapon conjured ranged in the thousands, each one of these weapons if fired upon a planet would be enough to erase that planet.


The weapons released a cry as they formed, Chthon satisfied fired them all to Wanda.


They treaded through the air like a laser, eviscerating any mountain or rock that was in the way.

Wanda flew up high as well, then she conjured up a huge red orb of magic that released a gravitational pull.

She then pushed it forward to the vicinity of the weapons.

The weapons when they got close to it were like butter, they all melted and were sucked into the orb.

Wanda clenched her hands together, and made the orb turn into a red flaming spear.

All of this happened in the span of twelve seconds, and she blasted it towards Chthon.


Chthon knowing this would badly injure him, conjured up the power of the Darkforce and made a huge sword appear.

He rose it up and brought it down upon the huge orb of chaos magic.


Both him and Wanda were blasted back from that attack. 

That attack leveled the area around them for miles and blotted out the sky. A huge pit was formed in-between the both of them.

But they both rose back up to continue the battle.

Chthon amped himself up even more with his magic and used his power over reality for his next attack.

A black flash went across the realm and the ground beneath Wanda shot up like rockets and at the same time a huge brown serpentine snake formed above her.


The ground hit Wanda hard and pushed her close to the snake.


The mouth of the huge snake opened looking to swallow her whole.

Wanda warped reality and turned the snake into a little worm, a worm that she caught.

Then she threw it back to Chthon and mid-way when the worm was close enough, Wanda warp it and made it a huge monster like worm.


 It was too late for Chthon to react, so the worm with its mouth opened slammed on top of him.


Wanda not wasting anytime conjured up a black drill like wind and also with her warping reality, she made it as heavy as a twenty thousand planets.

It came down with such force that it made the realm wail and form cracks.


A second before that though, Chthon used his magic to cut the worm into pieces, just in time to sense another attack and look above to see a huge wind drill coming down on him.

He could only make a magical barrier to block try and block the attack.

But what he didn't account for was the pure blunt force of the attack.




That attack drug him like a ragdoll across his realm, it dragged him through every volcano and mountain in the realm.

Obliterating the terrain for miles.

Wanda's attack slammed him in the ruined buildings that were on fire.


Everything was destroyed by him crashing into it, until he finally slowed down and stopped.

After a few seconds of silence and Chthon laying under all the debrie, his thoughts took a angry turn and he felt humiliated.

Squeezing his fist tight, his power erupted.


He roared as he blasted the rocks and lava off of him.


Angrily looking up he spotted Wanda off in the distance looking down on him. This further enraged him to point of losing all common sense.


His power exploded off of him like a black super nova, and he roared with such madness that he warped all of the area behind him into monsters and an inferno of black flames.

There was an ocean of monsters behind him.


They were flesh abominations, and the mangled corpses of undead creatures.


And the inferno was everywhere around him killing the monsters and burning the landscape into a black charcoal area.

The sheer magical aura coming off of Chthon was making the entire realm tremble. The magic coming off him was causing the orange sky to rumble with thunder and lighting.



Wanda off in the distance seeing him go mad and get lost in his own anger began to prepare for the next phase of her plan to commence.

Seeing him get lost in his anger made her realize that her plan was coming to fruition, and she knew that she had him and this battle.
