

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chp24: A Rageful but Sad Heart

Alright, guys here we go with another chapter. Also, many people chose both novels ATG and Unparalleled, so I'll do both in a different order.

Hope you guys enjoy this!


[Mountain Plains of Sakarr]

(Bruce POV)



After putting himself in between the two women, and temporarily ending the fight. Bruce looks at both of them, and seeing the damage to the surroundings he says to himself, "Good thing we got here in time."

Hulk agreeing with him says, "Yeah and from the looks of Wanda, she was getting to end this whole thing."

Bruce solemnly nods then out loud to Wanda he says, "thank you Wanda for minimizing the damage, we have much to discuss." Then looking at Betty and the flames getting brighter and hotter he says, "But I will deal with this matter myself."

 Wanda sensing Bruce's aura and the heavy natural pressure he is giving off.

Knows he is in an entirely different league right now and smiles while saying, "ok then I will go check up on the little one and get some rest."

Bruce hearing her say little one quickly says, "You found my son?"

Wanda seeing how happy he is, can't help but think of their own child. "Soon, soon you will be able to meet your family and have the normal childhood you deserve."

Coming out of her thoughts she says," Yes, we found him, als-"



The angry voice of She Hulk, and an implosion of orange red fire interrupts them.


The ground around them trembles with great velocity, as Betty's anger grows. Her body covered with her flames that is intensifying with every minute her anger grows, melts the ground within twenty feet of her.

Bruce seeing this is escalating looks at Wanda and says, "Go on ahead, I will deal with this."

Wanda seeing his serious face, nods and disappears in a red light.

Then turning back around to face Betty, Bruce is greeted with a large flame covered fist punching directly at his face.

Time slowing down around them, Bruce stepping aside from the punch just walks around Betty while thinking, "Should I take the hit?"

Hulk in his mind says, "Why not, even though we won't feel it at all." "Maybe it will help her calm down after fighting with us, then eventually we will be able to talk."

Bruce hearing this idea says, " Your right, I'll just move my body along with her attacks."

Then walking directly back to Betty, he steps back in front of her fist.

Time then resumes back to normal.

Seeing the punch coming Bruce moves his head to the left as it connects.


Following the punch, a massive shockwave erupts from the collision on Bruces face.

Betty feeling herself connecting with Bruces jaw smiles and grins like a feral animal. Bruce jumping away and playing along decides to rile her up even more.

Rubbing his jaw he says, "Wow what a weak punch!" "If that is all you have, you won't be able to even scratch Hulk." Grinning while he says it, Bruce notices that the temperature is rising exponentially. 

"Almost on Sentry's level," He thinks. "Need to push her even more and get her to talk as well."

Seeing Betty's eyes beginning to glow bright orange, Bruce decides to attack while antagonizing her.

Lowering his speed at a level to where Betty can barely keep up, Bruce jumps from his position to Betty while tapping her in the stomach, and with just enough force to hurt her but not seriously injure her.

To make matters worse he leaves his left arm behind his back while striking and saying, "I thought you were dead Betty, but here you are. "In the form you always hated about me, no less."



Red She Hulk getting angry at being called Betty again was about to yell and attack. But the hit from Bruce knocked the wind from her lungs. 

While getting knocked into the ground as well, creating spider webs in the ground the size trees.

Seeing stars while on the ground Red She Hulk is taken aback by the fact Bruce is the one fighting her.

First came sadness, then came overwhelming anger at the fact Hulk couldn't even be bothered to show up.

Bruce slowly walking over to where she is, thought to himself, "She isn't done right?"

As if to answer his question the ground trembles and a monstrous red flame erupts from where she was. The red flames spreading everywhere in a hundred-meter radius burning all it came in contact with into ashes.

Bruce looking at the damage thinks," I just had to put my foot in my mouth didn't I."

And from the center of the monstrous red flame came Red She Hulk. Looking at her Bruce notices she is a bit bigger and glowing bright red.

Her eyes fully orange and red, her hair lit aflame by her power. The she looks up at him and roars, " I WILL FORCE THAT GREEN OAF OUT OF YOU BANNER, EVEN IF I HAVE TO KILL YOU TO DO IT!"

Bruce unbothered by this, quickly converse with the Hulk in their mind.

"This looks like a watered-down version of our world breaker form," Hulk says in their mind. 

"Yeah, it does," Bruce says. Then seeing Betty melting her surroundings, causing even more damage to this part of the planet says," we need to end this, or she will get to a point where the planet will suffer." 

"And if the planet suffers, she suffers," Hulk said in their mind.

Bruce nodding decides to end this.

Looking at Betty he says, "Well come on then Betty, didn't you say you were going to force Hulk out of me!" "You're just standing there looking scared."

"I guess Hulk was right." "You are 'WEAKER' than we both thought!"

In response to that provocation, Betty just roars and erupts with even more gamma energy.



Moving faster than she has since she arrived on this planet Red She Hulk, surrounded in red flames leaps from the ground destroying even more.

Bruce with his glowing green, emerald eyes seeing her coming, although still to slow for him just says, "Bring it!"


[Royal Castle of Sakarr]




Over at the in the palace of Sakarr, we can see the entire castle is covered in a red thin light.

The source of this is sitting on the edge of the balcony, using her magic to play with baby Skarr.


Wanda watching Skarr fight the red construct she made with her magic laughs at his cuteness. She notices that he fights just like his father.

Punching, kicking, and of course,

"uga SMASHH!" Skarr yells out.


But his attention is drawn away by the vibrations and red flames flashing in the sky far way.

Wanda also noticing his attention lifts him up and says, "do you want to see you papa fight?"

As if he could understand what she said Skarr makes a fist and somehow makes out the words, "Papa" "fight" "Uhm."

Wanda smiling at his cuteness conjures up a spell for a mirror reflecting the ongoing fight.

"Oh, looks like it's about to end Skarr," she says. As she can she Betty crying while on top of Bruce punching on him with her fist. The punch soon turns into a grab from Bruce and picking her up.

Then with Betty grabbing him and kissing him!

"Oh Dear," Wanda said.

"Welp the shows over let's go get some food," she says waving her hands making the spell disappear.

While ignoring Skarr's cries of protest in wanting to stay and watch.

Soon the sound of Skarr's yelling echos, as Wanda has him floating in the air while walking down the hall of the castle to the food court.


[25 min Ago]

Back with the lover's quarrel, we can see Betty punching, kicking, and sending out energy blast trying to damage her target.

And Bruce is just dodging all of her attacks like nothing and directing the energy blast up into the sky.

Soon they just stand in front of each other staring. Red She Hulk in all her anger and frustration starts shaking.

And unbeknown to her, tears start coming down her face. But they are evaporated by her aura.

Bruce seeing her cry talks with Hulk. "It looks like Betty is waking up and their emotions are over lapping with each other."

Hulk hearing this gets an idea. "Why not let them beat us into the ground, then we can bring out her real emotions for us to hear." "And eventually her rage will simmer down."

Bruce hearing his idea, thinks it will work wonderfully.

Then looking at Betty he says," You know I thought you had died." "I was heartbroken ya know."

"SHUT UP!" She yells at him.

Bruce not stopping continues," I almost killed the avengers and other people, because I thought I had lost you Betty."

"I SAID SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Betty roared out while leaping from her spot she reaches him in no time. Punching him in the face.

Allowing it to connect, Bruce falls on ground not resisting at all. 

Red She Hulk thinking she finally got him jumps on top of him.

Then proceeds to beat the day lights out of him. But to Bruce, all the punches feel like a little massage. She doesn't need to know that though.




Punch after punch, Betty rains down punishment on Bruce. Making a crater with them in the center.

And after about twenty minute of her onslaught Betty's body begins steam and her red glow receding a bit.

Bruce still under assault, realizes he needs to keep her going and get all of her thoughts out so Betty can fully wake up and turn back.

Fake coughing Bruce says, "Come on Betty say what you feel!" 

"Scream it at me!" Yelling that last part with the Hulks voice. Betty overwhelmed with her emotions and punching Bruce screams,







And with one powerful punch on his face, she destroys the ground even more making the pit there in even bigger. She even made a minor earthquake happen for a few moments.

All listening to her Bruce is just silent as he realizes she was right. In his own selfness he kept leaving her again and again. All alone, then he would somehow try to make it right by promising things to her.

But like always his self-loathing made things worse instead.

After a minute he realizes she is not hitting him anymore. Instead, she is full on crying while talking.

"You were selfish never telling me things, always thinking I was some helpless weak woman!"

"Well look at me now Bruce! " I Am not that weak woman you knew anymore!"

Then all was silent. Until Bruce said, "You are right."

Betty taken aback from his words looks down at him and says, "What did you just say."

Bruce looking at her and even tearing up in his left eye a bit says," Your right, I always made a mess of things and then left you behind." "

"Always thinking you'd be safe only to be proven time and time again that I was wrong."

Betty was quite as this was the most Bruce had ever talked about his feelings. And he rarely did always make excuse as to why he was angry.

She was taken out of her thoughts when heard him says, "But you are wrong about one thing Betty."

Rasing her right eyebrow she asks, "Oh, wrong about what Bruce." 

"I never thought you were a weak and helpless woman." Betty was stunned quiet at his words. Not knowing her body was steaming and starting to shrink down.

"To be honest I always thought you were good for me and that I didn't deserve yo-"


He didn't finish as a slap to the face stopped him from stalking. 

Surprised from the hit and looking at Betty, he sees she is shrinking down to her normal state.

"Bruce, you don't decide if you're not worthy of me if you decide your good enough for me."

"I do!"

She says while getting up off him, but Bruce grabs her arm, stopping her in her tacks.

And maybe it was because of her inner persona of Red She Hulk. Or if it's just the high emotions she is feeling right now.

But Betty grabs his face forcefully and starts kissing him intensely. Bruce shocked at this new development just goes along with it.

And after some tongue from Betty, they part.

Then Bruce gets up from the ground and Betty seeing not one bruse or scratch on him gets annoyed and says," You didn't even try did you."

Bruce scratching his head smiles nervously and says," I just wanted you to get out all of the repressed emotions you had in you. "

"And I'm glad you did as we sort of reached a consensus."

Betty just snorted at him, but then she remembers something and asks, "By the way, what's up with you and Wanda."

"FUCK!!" Bruce screamed in his mind. "HAHHAHAHAH!" Hulk laughs at him in their mind.

Bruce seeing noticing the temperature rising around them quickly says, "I will explain everything with you and Wanda." " But we need to get to the castle, it's getting dark out."

Betty, although annoyed he skimmed over her question just nods and says, "Alright, how are we going to get back then."

Bruce just smiles and says, "Just leave that to me."


On a far-off place in the dark cosmos, In a darker than normal part of space. We can see an ancient gray planet.

This planet looks as if it has seen the ravages of time and destruction. 

On this planet, we come across an all-black mountain. Looking at this mountain we can see its blackness is not natural.

On the very top of the mountain, where most mountains are pointy. This one look's as if it was cut off and made flat purposely.

We can see the origin of the darkness that envelopes the entire mountain.

A pitch-black sword stabbed into the ground. And the weird thing is we can also see that from the handle of the sword, a wriggling black line is extending from it to person in an all-black cloak.

The person in question is a grayish humanoid and he looks to be resting, until a buzzing forms the sword causes his eyes to open.

"Hmmm, it would seem new gods have arisen." His old and deep voice like darkness, his speech self-sounding like multiple people talking at the same time.

"And it would seem one as if one of them deserves my full attention as well." The flashing images of a green monster appears in his mind.

Getting up from his sitting position, he opens his right hand seemingly reaching out for something.

The black handle stabbed on the ground moves like a blob of black water and quickly reassembles in the man's hand in the form of a long black sword.

Holding the sword, the man covered in black says,

"It's time to butcher some new Gods!" 



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Also, since a lot of people want the novels ATG and Unparalleled we will do both.
