

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chp21: Plans in the Dark & Awakening

Hey guys welcome back I can't wait for you to join me in this second volume. This second volume will focus more on Bruce and a bit on Thor. Also, Bruce will have his first travel out of Marvel with the ticket. 

You guys can guess where he will go as it will tie into him fully accepting his Godly self and the power it comes with. Also, can you guys give some Hax or resistances he can gain as he travels?

But other than that, enjoy this first chapter in the second volume. Thx



[Outside of the Nine Realms, Outside of all Realities]

(??? POV)

In a place devoid of light and color and the essence of a living realm. There lies a grand platform. It's color you cannot see nor describe as the darkness of this place consumes and invades all.

On this blacking platform lay five thrones. And on these thrones sit five shadow people in a circle. These people sitting are outlined by a whitish gray color.

It's as if something or someone drew them just enough to make out their forms. And the crazy thing is from the outline of these people we can see shapes of helmets and capes.

The outline of the clothes looks like Vikings clothes or better yet Asgardian armor.

As we move in closer, we can see the moving of hands and hear the voices of two the shadow people.

"He is getting stronger!" The shadow person of the left said almost sounding feminine.

"His fate is obscure to us, and we can't even control or direct it anymore!" A deep and masculine voice said from the right.

Both shadow people kept talking and arguing while the others just sat and looked on.

But then they were both silenced by a voice in the middle of the five.

"Arguing will not get us anywhere." A voice fill with power and majesty said. Then it continued by saying,

"Ever since Thor was banished it created a loophole and problems for us." "As we can't directly control or predict him anymore," the voice said.

All of them were silent for a moment. And then from one of the people, we see the outline of their hand raising.

"Yes?" The majestic voice asked.

"We all know we can't let this continue as it will eventually interrupt our feeding and expose our existence to Thor." "And we can't have that at all." The voice was then quiet for a moment.

Then it said, "I have an idea, if I may."

"Go ahead, "The voice in the middle said.

"Why don't we speed up Ragnarök and maybe when Thor is dead, we set things straight with his soul."

"Hmmm," The dark voice in the middle thought for a second.

As it was thinking another shadow person with a feminine voice said, " We also have to deal with this new person called the Hulk."

"With that creature's power on the Asgardian's side, it will be extremely difficult to deal with Thor," The voice said.

At the mention of his name the entire place went silent.

All of their thoughts went back to the fight with Dormammu. And even though Thor won. It partly thanks to the residing soul fighting back alongside him.

And now with this being on the verge of Godhood, things would be almost impossible if he was with the Asgardians.

"I have another idea that may get us all what we want," the voice from earlier said after a moment.

All of their attention was now on the voice that spoke. Sensing their attention the voice says, "we could use Surtur for Asgard and Gor the God Butcher for the green creature."

"Even if Gor doesn't kill the green one he should be enough to delay him for a good while." "And while that's happing, we influence the thoughts of Surtur to destroy Asgard."

All of the people we quiet until the one in the middle spoke.

"It is not a bad idea, but we would have to get the Eternal flame from the vaults of Asgard." One of them said.

While they were conversing one of them suddenly had a thought causing them to hurry and say,

" The Butcher is a very good idea, but his sword."

They all were troubled and quiet as they knew who made that sword and who it was linked to. 

"If the Butcher loses and the green creature is possessed by the sword it could spell doom for the entire multiverse and even us." The voice said after a moment.

"So, we should give the Butcher help, just in case," the voice finished saying.

"But who?" One of them spoke. 

"We can't pry into that green creature's fate or past at all." " If we could it would be very helpful," One of them said.

"It almost as if he has no fate and link tied to the multiverse at all." But they all banished that thought from their minds at once. 

As everyone has a link to this creation no matter how powerful, and no matter how small.

"I got it!" One of them suddenly yelled.

The rest surprised say in unison, "What is it?"

"Since we can't think of a person to help the butcher, what about an item of great power."

The rest taken aback by this idea are momentarily quiet. Not for long though as the one in the middle says,

"It potentially could work, but we have to pick carefully so we aren't doomed by our own actions." The rest nod and begin thinking.

But suddenly one voice who was quiet the entire time said, "these are all good ideas, but you all have forgotten one thing."

The others stopped talking for this voice all except the one in the middle. He looked directly to hi right at the person next to him and said, well what is it we are missing then."

Then the person on his right said one word, "Jealousy."

"Jealousy?" All of them said in unison.

Yes jealousy, think of it this way. Of all the Gods in existence the power, resources and worship are now very scarce."

The ones listening was quiet, taking it all in not realizing the fervor and joyful tone the one who is talking. And they all didn't see a red swirl like circle in its left eye.

It's presence so small that it would be easy to skip over and miss like piece of trash. Seeing them quiet the one talking smirked and continued to say.

"And this new creature who was already powerful in their eyes has now come in contact with the power of the divine." And if it becomes a God, it's power will eclipse most if not all of them.

"And who would be able to stop him if he decided to conquer and destroy the rest of the Gods," The voice finished saying.

"So, what are you suggesting?" One of them said.

Seeing their full attention of him the shadow continues talking.

"And since Asgard is in friendly relations with the green creature we can use this as if it has become a part of their pantheon!"

"Stoke the flames of ambitions from the old gods." "Involve their greed, use their lust and start a war." 

"We fan the flames of a new divine war!"

"And feed on all of the deaths from the destruction and chaos that has destroyed the universe!" Then the voice went quiet.

The shadow people were all quiet until the one in the middle said," this could work, and we can make it even better with more planning."

"And if we pull it off, we will become even more powerful and able to physically act on the mortal and divine plane!"

"Yes, it could work," another person said.

"I agree as well."

The rest of them also agreed. "Then its settled lets first send the Butcher to the green creature and help Surtur recover his flame."

"And even if they kill Surtur, the foundations of Asgard will be ruined, and they won't be able to defend against the onslaught of so many Gods and monsters," he said.

"I'll deal with the Butcher and all of you help with Surtur." The one who gave the idea suddenly said to all of them.

The others although confused as to why he would do it alone just agreed as Surtur is a handful. 

"Alright then we will leave it to you," the one in the middle said.

All of them nodding and disappearing, except for the one who started all of this.

Sitting on his throne the shadow person's body wiggles and vibrates like black go or water as he speaks in an almost animalistic tone of voice.

"Soon I will be free!"

"And I will have a new champion, one of great power far surpassing the ones in the past I have used."

"Then I KNULL, will finish what I started so long ago, and this universe will be one with the abyss once again!" His voice shakes the very darkness of this realm, making it almost alive.

Finishing his words, He disappears.

And so, the wheels of fate are moving, the shadows are upping their plans, and our MC will have to deal with his problems soon. Or he will meet his end at the hands of Gor the God Butcher and his sword the necro sword or better known by its creator The All Black! 

Or will he?



(Bruce Pov)

In the realm Eternal, at the palace of Asgard in the healing ward. There is a man asleep on the bed and his body is covered in a white light. The light moving all across the sleeping man's body like water does when you are submerged.

All is peaceful here and now.

But all of a sudden, as quick as lightning.

The man's eyes snap open, blazing green like torches.

And supreme like pressure full of wrath and power surges from his body warping the space around him.


The palace as whole trembles from its might.


The lands surrounding the palace rumble like an earthquake is starting. The people of Asgard are shaken from this pressure.

Some are flattened on the ground and others who are stronger are rooted in place. 

Odin and Thor who are in the palace discussing things are hit by it and although affected and surprised they aren't like the others who can't move.

"Looks like your friend has awoken and it would seem like he has gained something from his rest." Odins voice reached Thor who was up and looking at the northern part of Asgard where the healing chambers are.

"Aye, it would seem he has." Thor said, and if we look in his eyes, we can see an eagerness to battle.

Gripping Mjolnir so tightly that his hand looks white as is its not skin but bone holding the mighty hammer. Thor says, "Father I will go and meet with my friend who has awoken now after two months."

Not waiting for a response, Thor takes off.


Breaking the sound barrier as he does.

Odin seeing his sons fighting spirit just sighs and loudly says, "ahh youth!"

Back at the healing chambers, the pressure was growing stronger and stronger to the point the floors and the walls were cracking.


"Enough." A single word was all it took at the pressure receded back to the person it came from.

The person who just woke and said it was now looking around the area. Then at himself seeing fully at how he has changed.

Bruce getting of the bed, walks to the window where he can sense a powerful storm approaching.

"Looks like Thor is happy and itching for a fight to." Although Bruce said this like he was helpless his eyes tell a different story all together.

His now dark and light green eyes light up even more. Looking like magma run from his eye sockets as he says, "well let's not keep our buddy waiting."

Grinning as he says this, he moves in one full motion so fast it looks as if he faded out of reality. 

The ground and windows shatter as he breaks the sound barrier.



Flying so fast that all we could see was a greenish dark trail moments after he already past the area.

Thor ginning and already seeing him roars, "BANNER!!"

Bruce in return smiles as he roars," THOR!!!!"

And above the sky of Asgard they connect with nothing but their fists.


Destroying all of the clouds in a thousand-mile radius.

Odin seeing this from his balcony just shakes his head he says, "Kids."

Then he waves his hand and using his mastery of runes he puts of a golden barrier over the whole of Asgard and augmented by his power he comforts the people of Asgard and tells them there is np enemy just their muscle headed prince and his friend.

Then Odin goes to his study all while shaking his head the entire time.

The people of Asgard after being made aware of the situation, just smile and go on with their day like the fighting maniacs they are.



With the occasional trembling of the barrier from the fight.

This whole realm is just ridiculous.

Back with Banner and Thor after clashing for hundreds of rounds with nothing but their fist. Moving well beyond the speed of light.

So fast that if we look from distance, it looks like they are just standing in front of each other.

And with both of them just laying haymakers on each other's face. The sounds and impacts of it is like nukes going of rapidly.


After landing another punch on each other, they are both knocked back away from each other. After stopping their movement, they then catch themselves midair.

 Turning to look at one another. Both have wicked grins of their faces.


"You have gotten stronger Banner and this just your human body as well!!" Thor's laughter and voice yells to Bruce.

Bruce looking at him smiles in return and just says, "you have to my friend, you have to."

Both fighters have grown from their past selves in many ways.

"WELL THEN, WHY DONT WE TAKE THIS UP A NOTCH, EH BRUCE!" Thor voice reminiscent like thunder and his eyes erupting in blue lighting, as he speaks to Bruce.

"YES, LETS!" Bruce's and the Hulk's voice boomed out, as his eyes intensify looking like just pure gamma energy spewing like the sun does when it flares.

Both fighters' bodies erupt with their own power lighting from Thor and gamma with some red color in it from Bruce.

Then they blast of from their spots, moving as if the laws of physics and gravity don't mean anything and meet up in the void of space and Asgard.




I'm back guys and I have a lot of things planned for this arc to. Stuff is going to get crazy also I thought of an idea I got from playing spiderman 2 the new game and I teased it earlier in the story.

Any clue as to what?

Correct answers get their own character made and put into the story as reward.

Other than that, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I can't wait to see your reactions in the future of this project.
