
The Earth After Rebirth

Being a bottom feeder in society is an unpleasant experience. That's how Kiro felt after being left for dead in a back alley. Abandoned and disappointed by the 'work hard' ethic his parents left for him. 'At least the heavens are weeping for me.' As the light from his eyes faded, he declared as the last act of defiance. He awoke in a room he hadn't seen in ten years. Whether it was due to sheer luck or divine intervention, he was grateful. 'Through the VR game, Asgard, I'll become filthy rich in this life time.' Kiro was blissfully unaware that his return was a cry for something greater, for the underlying threats that hovered over his world.

Arrkein · Fantasy
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412 Chs

Earth Golem

Hubris slowed down and eventually came to a complete stop. It wasn't just the suffocating warmth anymore, the fumes alone were a choking hazard.

Kiro remembered a little about this, you'd have to fight and defeat the golems while in this hazardous environment for the path to be created for you.

If they went beyond the point they were rooted in, if they took any steps further they'd  either burn to cinder or choke to death. Kiro also noticed a hot spring nearby, he had to fight the urge to take off his armour and soak in there. 

Not so long ago it was raining but it didn't quite reach the surface of the space they were at, it evaporated before it could. They hadn't noticed it before but just at distance, there was lava.

It wasn't moving, so they weren't at that much of a risk as long as they stayed away. Neither of them had a skill that made them impervious to fire.