

full of horror

kelvin_chris · Others
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lost in the forest


Simon ran with full speed,dragging up his saggy trousers as he ran he looked far trying to find traces of his ball ,He had kicked his ball far into the forest and now he could no longer find it ,he stood akimbo looking confused as he trampled on the dry leaves in the forest.

"I AM THE DREADED GHOST"A Scary voice interrupted ,at first he tried to think positive, it might be someone I know trying to play a prank on me he thought.He stood his heart pacing a bit,as he tried to suppress the fear of seeing a beast,then it occurred to him that all was not well when he heard another roaring sound of the assumed beast.Fear embraced him and he felt as if his legs were a log of wood because he was not running as fast as he ought to, obviously the weight of fear had slowed down his steps,he however managed to increase his pace when he heard the steps of a running feet,but when he looked back he couldn't see anyone, it didn't seem funny to Simon,"are all this just my imaginations?he thought,but no it wasn't he heard the voice loud and clear,he thought as he ran with fear suppressing him.

Simon stopped at a point trying to catch his escaping breath ,beads of sweat rolled down his jaw as he wiped his teary eye,using his nose to take His catarrh in,pleasing his itchy nose.

"SIMON"A familiar voice called ,fear gripped simon he thought it was the "DREADED GHOST"But he sighed in relief when he saw a fearful looking peter.

He ran towards peter with joy in him ,with the looks on peter fact he knew Peter also experienced the same ordeal as him,perhaps even worser than what he experienced,but there was no time to ask questions as he ran following Peter. Peter knew better than simon so he took him to a place in the forest where he was sure no one would find them.

While they sat at the back of a tree,Simon recalled a dream similar to what he experienced,he had been asked to pray about it but he cared less,Simon shrugged off those fearful thoughts after all he had escaped from the grip of the beast.

Let's play a game peter suggested ,Simon knew Peter's personality (a playful person)in this game I'll ask you to close your eyes then when I ask you to open it I'll surprise you,then you'll repeat the same process for me peter concluded.

Simon agreed closing his eyes expectantly waiting for the order to open his eyes ,after waiting for a minute Simon started becoming impatient, but his feelings of impatience were replaced with that of great fear when he felt a large hand tighten his neck,he opened his eyes in sheer horror ,the ugly face of the monster sent shivers down his spine,"I AM THE DREADED GHOST"He said grinning.Once again tears filled Simon eyes catarrh dribbling their way down his lips as the Dreaded ghost placed a shiny cutlass on his neck.