
Chapter 2: Not An Ordinary Folktale

Once upon a time in the far north side of the Atlantic ocean, resided dragons on an island. There was also a princess who was beautiful, smart and strong such that every Noble man in the island wanted her for a wife. She was very unique from all the other royalties and she could talk to animals including dragons. The island was peaceful and unlike most civilizations, they lived harmoniously with nature until one day, one of the king's subject found a power unlike anything the world had ever seen. He discovered that dragon's eggs had magical properties and so he began to hunt them down. And in his quest for power, he began the dawn of a new era. The dragons couldn't let their babies be taken from them so they fought back and a war ensued on the island. The king's subject was turned against him and he soon lost the throne. Choas filled the island and the princess had to fly on dragon back to another island for safety. Many of the dragons left the island, but some of them refused to live the only home they knew.

The princess cried to the gods for help and the gods answered her prayer. She was given the powers of the dragon and she became the first human to be able to transform into one. Her nemesis however, had also gained control of some of the dragons as well as immense power. She fought the rogue humans alongside the dragons and eventually conquered all her foes. After freeing the dragons, she chased all humans from the island to prevent man from ever hunting for such power. The island was hidden from the world of man and till today legend believes she and some special others still live there. "Like the princess, you are special and you have a great destiny ahead of you. I know this and I want you to believe it too. " My mum said caressing my cheeks as I lay in the hospital bed. She had told me this story a lot when I was younger and even now that I was in a coma, she spoke the same words to me. Although I was unconscious and unaware of my environment, some part of my senses could pick up the words. Somehow it gave me hope, I just wanted to hug her and scream in her ears that I believed in myself. And guess what I did, "I believe mum" I said as I opened my eyes. She was surprised and happy to see me awake after three months. She gave me a warm hug and my friends too joined in the moment.

"It's so good to see you." Rex said. "yeah, what exactly happened that day" I asked. "It's been three months Christy and it's not something we talk about" David said. "Three months!" Christy yelled. "Yeah, the boys abandoned the project and let's all forget about the past. What matters is you're here now" Alex said. "Well then bring me up to speed on the latest events" I said and they all filled me in on the latest happenings. Time in coma, works pretty differently. It felt like I'd been asleep for only three hours and in those few hours I saw the destruction of the world. That didn't bother me now because it's all a dream, I'm alive and there's no way Zayn would jump off a skyscraper.

My life was back to normal and everyone was happy to see me. I quickly caught up with classes, the gist and everything that I'd missed the last three months. I told Zayn of my dream because It began to occur more frequently and he assured me nothing of the sought was going to happen. I took comfort in his words and forgot about the whole thing until one day our mathematics teacher called sick and was going to be absent from school for a while. Right there in the classroom, I had a short vision and i knew it was connected to my dream. "Christy!" Nicholas yelled bringing my senses back to reality. "Guys we need to meet at the lair after school" I replied as I got up from my chair. "Are you ok?" Rex asked feeling concerned. "Meet me at the lair after school, there's something I need to take care of" I said as I took my back and ran off.

The gang met in the lair and they wanted to know why I'd call such a meeting. "Ok Christy, spill the beans" David said. "What if, you guys didn't fail?" I asked. "You're not making any sense" Alex said. "The time machine" I said. "What about it?" Rex asked. "It worked" I said and they all burst into laughter. "I know it sounds crazy, but while I was in a coma, I saw the end of the world and by my calculations that's just about thirty years from now" I said. "This really amusing but you don't have to worry. I've got a zombie apocalypse bag pack for all of us in case that happens" Rex said and they laughed some more. "Guys, I'm serious. I didn't tell you because I thought it was just a dream but somehow I believe, I can project myself into the future" I said. "Ok let's say we believe you, how exactly can you prove this" David asked. "Our mathematics teacher is going to die of cancer, only it's not cancer but some sort of weird science experiment" I said. "Oh my God" Alex said. "She's gone delusional, it's not possible to project your consciousness into the future at least not in this age" Rex said. "Fine don't believe me but I know you will when this things happen" I said. " Remember our maths teacher dies in seven days, we get a new principal some days after, we lose the football championship for the first time in 10 years and Alex's boyfriend dumps her for another girl" I said out of annoyance. "Ok, don't bring my boyfriend into this" Alex replied. "We don't have to fight over this, time will tell the tale. In the meantime let's grab some pizza, I'm starving" Nicholas said and that's how our meeting was adjourned.

I knew something fishy was going on in school and if my dreams are correct, I can't let the world I know go up in flames and the only people who can help me, don't even believe me. I told my mum everything and she comforted me with this words; "Sometimes we don't make sense to the world but that doesn't mean the end for us, we just have to keep pushing and hope the world sees sense in what we do or say". She clearly did not believe me but she didn't discourage me or asked if I'd need to see a psychiatrist. I need to find out the events that lead up to the apocalypse and stop them. The only way I can do this, is figure out how to project my consciousness into the future and the only people who can help me is the gang. I have to be patient till my predictions about the future come into past and then we'll find a way to end the forthcoming apocalypse.