
Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell

Tears rolled down my eyes as I watched him jump down from the building. I tried to grab him but he was stubborn as usual and didn't seem to care anymore about this world. "Zayn!!" I yelled as I watched him fall from the fifteen story building. it was all my fault, I shouldn't have forced him to talk to her. Now he's gone and I'm going to make sure that bitch paid for breaking his heart. I held his gloves in mind as I gazed into the sky, tears streaming down my cheeks. Zayn was the only friend and family I ever heard, and now I'm all alone in this accursed world. I tried to pull myself together, and remind myself that he'd have wanted me to live my life to the fullest. "no! you're not going alone" I said to myself as I stood up. I ran with full speed like a racer about to cross the finished line and jumped down from the building. I had no idea what I was thinking but all I wanted was to be with Zayn, there's no way I'm letting him in hell all by himself.

The school bell rang and the students happily walked out of Mr. Allen's class. Nobody seemed to grasp what he taught and we all felt a huge relieve whenever the bell rang. It was a good thing, his history class were at the last period of the day, else the boring vibes we'd get from his class might envelope us the whole day long. "Need a lift" Zayn said as we walked towards the driveway. "I'm gonna hang out with the gang, see you tomorrow" I said hugging him as we parted ways. Zayn and I have been best friends since kindergarten and most people don't believe we aren't dating.

Westview High was one of the biggest schools in Small London and sometimes I felt a commoner like me shouldn't be here but my best friend Zayn thought other wise.

The sun was up and it's heat made me dehydrated faster than my mum could prepare a sandwich. I hate sandwiches but my mum makes the best sandwiches in the world or so Zayn says. I know you all are wondering what this whole story is all about and believe me you're in for a big surprise.

My name is Christy Jones and I'm not your average teenager, I live with my family in a city called Small London and I happen to attend one of the best schools in town. Small London was many things, it had the spoils of life, the New York vibes, thugs, gangsters and drug lords who battle for the streets, lots of tourist attractions and anything you can find in California. It was the perfect place to live in and I didn't regret coming here.

As a kid, a lot of people find my weird for a number of reasons but if you get closer to me, you'd know I'm a sweet little angel. My mum never failed to remind me how special I was. She'd tell me the story of the dragons wish. Her mother told it to her and her mother before that. Anyway it's a fairly long story and I'm gonna tell you about it some other time. My life was very much beautiful before all these began and now I'm fighting to get it back to normal. Don't worry, everything will make sense soon enough, just stick with me.

I went to hang out with my friends after school and the gang were all happy to see me. And by the gang I mean; Rex the computer geek, David the science nerd, Alex another abnormal kid who thinks he can see ghosts, Nicholas the sportsman and finally me the heart of the team. Truth is we've been friends since freshman year and we do a lot of crazy stuff together.

Rex's house was our headquarters, he's parents were rich not always around. Also he had a batcave underneath his room which he called the Rex Lair. We met in the Lair to discuss on our chemistry project and rather than dive into our purpose for meeting, we gazed at Rex's time machine. He was so obsessed with time travel that he'd come up with fifty four theories on how to actually go back in time. This was his seventh invention and I was waiting for it to end up in an explosion like the last ones. Little did I know that my whole world was about to change.

"it's beautiful Rex" Alex said observing the shiny lights the machine emitted. "How did you even get all the materials to do this" Nicholas asked. "the dark web and connections" Rex smirked as he pressed some buttons. "according to my calculations, we should be able to create a wormhole that should eventually take us forward or backward in time" David said. "that's what you said the last time, my jackets still with the dry cleaner and I had to pay a hundred bucks." I said. "Don't worry, this time, it's going to work." Rex said as he pressed a big red button on the machine. "Not the big red button" I whispered to myself. The huge machine made a whirring sound and before I realized what was happening, everything began to float in the air. "Rex!" Alex yelled. "This was amusing at first but I don't think your machine is supposed to do this" Nicholas said. "it's part of the process guys, I have it under control" Rex said. It wasn't under control, they were trying to figure out what went wrong and at this point all I wanted to do was to shut it down.

The machine started giving out electric sparks as it made some rumbling noise. "ok I think it's time we shut it down before it goes kaboom" I said as he moved towards the machine. I had enough of science for one day and I'm not about to pay another hundred bucks for dry cleaning. "Christy, don't touch anything" Rex yelled. "if you won't shut it down, I will" I said as I pulled the plugs that connected the machine to the power source. " what have you done" Rex said and before I realized what had happened, there was a huge explosion and a total blackout.

Smoke and soot filled the air and everything seemed blurry. I couldn't make sense of my environment; the sky was red, and asteroids were falling from the sky. I wasn't in the lair anymore and it seemed there was some sort of apocalypse going on. "Is this the future?" I asked myself.

"Christy!" a voice called out. It was Zayn and boy was I happy to see him. I ran to meet him at the edge of the building and I noticed he was different. He seemed old and there was blood on his face. Various thoughts ra down my head and for a moment I thought I'd been transported to the future."Zayn!" I yelled trying to reach hin. "It's over, we failed" he said. "what you doing" I asked as I ran close to him. "I love you" he said as he jumped down. "Zayn! no!" I yelled trying to grab him but it was too late, he was gone.

"what have I done?" I asked myself.