
The dragon king’s journey

Writing mostly for myself. Don’t like it? Don’t read it! Simple as that. English is not my first language. This is a crackfic with a degenerate bisexual MC! Chapters are released when they are finnished.

MrTacoCat · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Ch 1

"Where am I? What is going on?"

He looked around, finding himself in a white room, empty except two comfortable looking chairs. He looked around again, trying to spott something else, when he saw what was supposed to be his body. He lifted his hand in front of his face and stared in a mix of shock and wonder. His arm from fingertips to shoulder was a mix of ever changing colors. Looking down he saw that the rest of his body was the same. He also saw that he, for some reason was completely naked.

He continued staring in curiosity untill suddenly, he heard an amused voice making him look up in surprise.

"Welcome! Pleace have a seat." There, sitting in one of the previously empty chairs was a woman of great beauty, motioning to the other chair with her hand.

Taking a second to calm down, he looks at her for a moment before moving forward and taking the offered seat.

After sitting down, he looks at her again, studying her. Her pale face is beautiful with calm amber eyes sparkling with amusement, a small cute nose and full pink lips slightly upturned in a small smile. Her head is topped with wavy golden hair, falling freely down her back. Looking down further she has big breasts, a smooth stomach, a thin waist and wide hips. She is dressed in a thin, white dress letting him see her nipples and the outline of her areola.

Looking at her, he can only think one thing.


She lets out a small giggle before she starts to speak.

"Thank you."

"Huh? You heard that?"

"Well, yes it's difficult not to hear your thoughts when you scream them like that." She replied, smiling in amusement.

"You can hear my thoughts?" He asked, shifting slightly in his seat.

"It comes with the territory I'm afraid." Was her only reply.

"Territory?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I guess explanations are in order." She replied, her smile back to being calm.


"Well, to begin with. I'm Althea, Goddess of Origin. You are currently in limbo, the realm between life and death." She began.

"Limbo?! I'm dead?" He exclaimed in shock.

Not minding the interruption, Althea continued calmly. "The reason you are here is because you have been chosen."

"Chosen?" He mumbled in confusion.

"Please, let me finnish." She chuckled in amusement.


"You have been chosen to be allowed to be reborn with wishes."

"Why? I'm not a good person!" He exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter." She replied.

"What if I refuse?" He challenged.

Her only reply was a single raised eyebrow and a slight smirk, while looking him straight in the eyes, sending mental images.

"Y-yeah… I think I'll accept." He replied with a nervous chuckle.

"Good. Now, let's start with the wishes." She said with a chuckle.

"How many wishes do I have? And what are the limits?" He asked.

"You can have as many wishes as you want. As for limits, you can't wish for godhood or the three big O's." She replied.

"What about where I'll be reborn?" He asked.

"Your choice." Was her only reply.

"Ok, I want to be reborn as Harry Potter on his first birthday."

"Granted. Your wishes?" She asked.

"Hmm… yes lets start with this:

1. A custom system.

2. A Omniverse store with an 100% discount.

3. The ability to travel between worlds.

4. The ability to make changes to worlds before I go to them.

5. An inner world that grows with me.

6. I want to have limitless potential and growth.

7. The ability to evolve.

8. All I eat and drink will be turned into pure enegry so I don't have to piss and shit.

9. I want to stop ageing when I turn 25 years old.

10. And finally I wish for you, Althea Goddess of Origin to be my loyal and devoted wife." He finnished with a smirk.

"Wh… I… You… I *sigh* I'll have to ask my m…" She started before being interrupted by three words of pure power.


"*sigh* What have I done? How could I forget something so simple? *sigh* Granted." She muttered before granting all his wishes.

He smirked in triumph when he felt something change in him, so he decided a small test was in order.


"Yes love?" She replied with a loving smile, making his smirk even bigger.

"What do we do next?" He asked.

"You should start by making your system. Then make changes to the wizarding world if you want to change anything. Then I'll send you on your way." She replied in pure devotion.

"You are not coming with me?" He asked.

"Complete the system and changes first, then I'll explain." She replied with a hint of sadnes.

"Fine. Lets start…"


"*phew* Finally finished!" He exclaimed.

"Well done love. Now let me explain why I can't go with you. It's simple really, I am too powerfull." She stated sadly.

"Hmm… What if you were in my inner world?" He asked, trying to find a sollution.

"IT WILL WORK." The powerfull voice spoke again.

"Perfect! Thank you Mother!" Althea exclaimed in joy. 'Can you show me how?' She asked silently.

The reply came in the form of mental instructions that she would have to follow, step by step.

"Can you do it?" He asked.

"Yes. It will take time, but we should be able to be together by the time you begin your third year at hogwarts." She replied, smiling radiantly.

"Good. Is there anything else before I go?" He asked.

"Only this." And then she kissed him with a hungry passion while strenghtening his soul.

After a while she ended the kiss, and with flushed cheeks said. "Goodbye my love, I will talk to you when I'm able to." And then she carresed his cheek before snapping her fingers.

The last thing he saw was her with tears running down her beautiful face, and then he was gone.


This took me 5 hours to write, hope it isn't sh*t.

MrTacoCatcreators' thoughts