
Chapter 2 I, become a dragon!

Pain Pain Pain Pain, Unbearable Pain, Pain in Wanting Death.

As an ordinary person, Louis had never experienced the pain of tearing his soul and body to pieces in his life.

The human brain will cause consciousness in a coma under severe pain. This is a self-protection mechanism, but I don't know whether the lizard's body does not have such protective measures, or that the pain is beyond the instinct of the creature, anyway. Louis was unable to let his consciousness pass in a coma at all, and even because of this torn to the extreme pain, his consciousness became more sober.

Slowly, in this intense pain, Louis found that his consciousness began to break away from the body like sublimation. In the contradictory state that was still sober in the pain, Louis felt as if he had ascended to heaven. Or ascending into a fairy, the soul has undergone inexplicable changes.

His consciousness and soul have surpassed the limits of living beings, and he is watching the world from a 360-degree perspective, even his small body that is now a lizard, he can observe them all.

The pitch black in this weird hole cannot prevent Louis, who is now in a state of soul, from seeing Louis, and at this time Louis was surprised to find that the object he hit before was not a metal mineral, but a spaceship like a spaceship. Like an artificial creation.

It has a perfect and smooth appearance, the color of the exterior is indescribable, and the structure is flawless. The metal shell is like a whole body. There is no gap at all. Just a glance, Louis knows that this is definitely not a human creation. According to Louis's understanding of human technology, it is absolutely impossible to create such a nearly perfect metal shell.

This seemingly spaceship-like object is not big, probably about six or seven meters in length, but the length of six or seven meters is also a giant for a Jesus lizard.

Suddenly, a faint lustre flashed on the shell of this weird spacecraft, and a gap separated from the middle, dividing the perfect creation into two parts, and in the center, a crystal shimmering with multicolored brilliance slowly flew out.

The moment he saw that crystal, even Louis, who now exists as a consciousness and soul form, had an urge to kneel and surrender, as if it was not a suspicious crystal, but the essence of a god. , It is located on the top of all things, and is the existence at the top of all biological chains.

The five-color magnificent crystal Louis couldn't describe its shape. It looked like a rhombus, a square, a triangle, and an ellipse. This mysterious crystal could not be fixed, could not be explained, could not be explained in words, but this The world is the most mysterious existential and non-existent objects.

And when he saw this crystal, Louis's heart-piercing pain was also relieved a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Louis saw that this mysterious crystal, under the control of a certain force, leapt into the void and approached his small body as a lizard. As the crystal touched his body, the one that carried Louis's consciousness The body of the lizard directly became a mass of flesh and blood, covering the crystal.

The fear of death was shrouded in Louis's consciousness. The body was used as the carrier of consciousness and soul. When he saw his body die in this way, Louis began to wonder if he was dead now, but the soul and consciousness had not dissipated yet. .

But his thinking is too clear now, so clear that he doesn't believe that he is dead at all.

The crystal covered in flesh and blood seemed to have completed its mission and returned to the middle of the spacecraft again, but this time the crystal did not land back, but rose again from the spacecraft, which looked like a test tube. Things, through the color of the crystal, Louis clearly saw the bright red blood inside.

Along with the fragmentation of the crystal, the blood in the spacecraft merged with the crystal covered with the flesh and blood of the lizard. The blood and flesh quickly merged and turned into a peristaltic sarcoma, which is like a cell dividing. As the core began to grow rapidly.

At this time, the spacecraft flickered again. Under Louis's shock, the spacecraft changed from a solid to a liquid, and from a liquid to a gas, and finally turned into pure energy in the constant transformation. , Injected directly into that group of flesh and blood.

This time, with the injection of these energy, the flesh and blood began to grow wildly. The biological cells, nerves, blood vessels, muscles, bones and even deeper things began to split and replicate at a speed visible to the naked eye. The scene is extremely difficult. Accept it as if it was some kind of distorted monster in the movie.

But slowly, as more biological organs formed, the sarcoma also changed into a new form.

It has a body like a puma, two huge wings that look like bats. It has strong four legs, with huge claws on the four legs. On the rough and graceful neck is a majestic and terrifying dragon head. The tail is winding down, with thorns at the end, and a curved barb can be seen, and on the body of this majestic and terrifying creature, there are even thin scales, those scales flashing and glowing like gold.

Although Louis hasn't seen the real thing, he just saw the appearance of this creature, and he knew that this is not a creature that humans should live on on the earth, but a dragon that only appears in Western myths and legends. !

It's just that this dragon looks like it's still in its infancy, and its length is about four meters, but even so, it has a smooth and perfect appearance, which makes people imagine that when it grows up, it becomes forty. Meters, how majestic is even hundreds of meters.

The newly born dragon was breathing gently, and Louis only felt that his consciousness was being attracted by the dragon. He felt that his soul was quickly approaching it, and soon it was integrated into its body. middle.

At the same time, Louis only felt a burst of exhaustion and sleepiness. The pain that once made people crazy disappeared instantly. A powerful sense of strength filled his conscious mind, but the sleepiness was too strong. Louis's will could not be resisted at all, and he slowly fell asleep like a sleeping person.

In his dream, he dreamed that he had become a sacred ancient dragon, lying horizontally and horizontally above the earth, and countless races that only appeared in myths and fantasies were kneeling in front of him, and even the gods on that day were also creeping. On the earth, angels surrendered, and demons feared. He wears a crown on the dragon's head and enjoys the worship of all races!