
Chapter 1 Jesus Lizard

"Buzzing buzzing--"


   A mosquito-like insect was flying around among the luxuriant leaves. Suddenly, an earth-yellow lizard sprang out of the soil, opening its mouth and rolling its tongue at a speed that only high-speed cameras could capture. He ate it in his mouth, and then quickly went back into the soil, using his protective color to hide it, waiting for the next big meal.


   The lizard smashed his mouth, swallowing the food in his mouth, feeling the deliciousness conveyed by the taste and the feeling of fullness in his stomach, and sighed very humanely.


   The lizard's name was Louis. It used to be a social animal just two years after graduating from Shangjing University. Then when he woke up after a certain sleep, he turned into a lizard somehow.


   Regarding that he became a lizard, Louis did not have much emotion. Anyway, he has no father and no mother, and he is just an orphan. Even if he suddenly disappears and died, no one cares. Even the corpse may be rented. I spent a month in his house, only to be discovered because of the smell.


   Therefore, he accepts his current situation openly. Anyway, even if he continues to be a human being, he will only become a mediocre screw of society, until finally the decay and rust gradually age and become a piece of no one. Know the dust.


   'Human resilience is really strong, I can accept insects. '


   After eating an 80% full, Louis continued to bury his body in the mud, squinting his eyes and taking a nap, trying to prevent himself from too much activity. This is the skill he has learned since the time he became a lizard, except In addition to reducing the energy consumption of the body, it can also avoid being discovered by some natural enemies, and use protective colors to protect yourself.


   In the beginning, Louis found out that he had become a lizard, but everything else was acceptable, but he could not accept that he needed to eat insects to fill his stomach. As a human consciousness, he felt that eating insects was a disgusting behavior, but Gradually, as his stomach became more and more hungry, his desire for insects became stronger and stronger, and Louis couldn't help but caught the first insect to eat.


   At that time, Louis discovered it, perhaps because his body is now a lizard, which is completely different from human taste ability. When he tasted insects, he unexpectedly felt delicious. That is to say, since then, Louis has accepted that he is now. As a result of a lizard, he began his life as a lizard.


   Inheriting all the abilities of the lizard and possessing a human mind, he has lived in this rainforest temporarily and happily, and his life this month has been easy.


   Louis himself doesn't know where this rainforest is, and whether it's still on the earth is even more unknown. Because his body is a lizard, he can't sense the humidity and heat through the external temperature, but it's all tropical rainforest from here. Can roughly guess that he is within the range of the equator line.


   'Hey, if you can be a lion and tiger, you can also dominate the grasslands, mountains and forests. Even if you are not a lion and tiger, it's good to be a panda, so you can sell cute and live a happy life for a lifetime. '


   Louis, who was lying in the mud, was thinking wildly.


   He is now a lizard, and it is a very small lizard. Even when he was looking for a water source to drink, he recognized his species from his instinct.


   Jesus lizard, also called Christ lizard, is a very tall lizard, but Jesus lizard does not have any particularly powerful power at all. It is higher than those insects in the food chain of nature. The reason why it is called Jesus lizard is Because this lizard has the ability to run on the water with two legs.


   In the "Bible" records, Christ can walk on water, so the lizard with this ability is named this way, and the reason why Louis knew this lizard was because he happened to quit his job and rest at home before crossing into a lizard. When I look at the animal world, pay attention to all kinds of beautiful female creatures in the animal world, and it happens to introduce this wonderful animal in it.


   It is precisely because Louis discovered his running instinct near the water source that he determined his own kind.


   But even so, Louis felt that there was no use for eggs. Is there any greater significance to running on the water besides escaping his life? Or is it that other creatures worshipped when they saw that he was able to meet his head, calling him 'God'?


   'The body is still too small, and there are so many natural enemies that it's difficult to live here. What should I do next? '


   Louis frowned, if he still had a frown.


   After becoming a lizard, the freshness of more than a month has passed. Now facing the tropical jungle where life is in danger at any time, Louis only feels that this is more like a door to hell, and a demon may jump out at any time to kill him. It is difficult for a creature at the bottom of the food chain to live freely. He must be careful everywhere in case he loses his life.


   Especially after becoming a lizard, Louis has one more thing to fear-


   That is how long can the Jesus lizard live?


   It seems that this is not said in the animal world, and according to the size of this lizard, Louis does not think that his life will be very long. If he is really a lizard, it would be okay. It will not produce who I am. I wonder how long I can live, but tragically, his mind is a real human being.


   With modern medical technology, the life span of human beings is still no problem for 60 to 70 years. Louis, in his twenties, feels that he should have at least 40 to 50 years of life, but now he is a lizard. I feel that I can really live for 40 to 50 years, especially in such a tropical rain forest environment, it is estimated that it is difficult to live to the end of my life.


   The horror of death enveloped Louis's heart, making his heart anxious, but now as a lizard, he really didn't know what to do and how to do it.


   Suddenly, the lizard's instinct made Louis aware of the danger, and his slender and erect pupils quickly looked to the place where the danger was perceived.


   The lizard's eyesight is not good, but the lizard is very sensitive to moving creatures, and in that vague sight, Louis perceives what the danger is coming from.


   On a branch not far away from him, there was a snake right there, spitting out its letter, and its cruel eyes were watching Louis.


   'Oops, it's a snake! '


   Louis's upside-down pupils shrank a bit. A lizard of his size is a good food for snakes, and with his physique that a human being can trample to death with a single foot, it is impossible to defeat a snake.


   Escape, this is the only way that Louis can think of to get rid of the current predicament.




   As a lizard with a human mind and soul, in addition to the instinct of a lizard, Louis also possesses human wisdom. He has always been close to the water source when looking for habitat, so that he is afraid that if he encounters danger, he can be the first Time to escape.


   Why would he be discovered by snakes? Louis is too lazy to think about it. There is never a foolproof protection in nature. Even a chameleon can be found. His earth-colored appearance is absolutely impossible to protect him from being hunted forever. I found that, not to mention Louis remembered that snakes didn't seem to rely on their eyes to find prey?


   Just when Louis was thinking about it, his body's instincts made him rush out in an instant, running towards the source of the water at a super high speed, the snake froze, as if he didn't expect his dinner to run. So fast, followed by walking in the grass and chasing him up, unwilling to let his dinner escape easily.


   Louis' limbs were running wildly among the grass, and at this time, a faint sadness and fear flashed in his heart.


   This was the first time he was found to escape by a natural enemy after he became a lizard. After the freshness of becoming a lizard passed, Louis finally felt the most terrifying place after becoming a lizard, that is, the great horror of life and death. A lizard, just an ultra-small Jesus lizard, he is basically the prey of countless animals in this tropical jungle. It is extremely difficult to live here.


   Running swiftly among the grass, feeling that the snake behind him has not given up but is still chasing. Louis's inner fear is even worse. If he is a human now, it is estimated that his heart is already beating and will pop out of his throat, whether it is As a lizard or as a human being, for Louis, he definitely didn't want to die like this.


   There are insects flying around. If it is normal, Louis might find a way to have a good meal if he sees these insects, but now he dare not have so many ideas. If he runs a little slower, I am afraid he will become a beast. Great meal.


   Under this fear, Louis pushed the speed of the lizard to its limit. After jumping over a bush, he saw the flowing water in front of him, and his inner ecstasy speeded up again.


   When he ran to the water source, Louis's instinct as a Jesus lizard played a role. He changed from running on all fours to hard on his lower limbs, and then kicked on both legs quickly in a very inelegant posture, using a trick. The lost light skill floated on the water, and in the blink of an eye, he ran long distances on the water.


   When the snake ran to the shore, he could only watch Louis stepping on the water while spitting a letter, and ran a long way out in the blink of an eye.


   At this time, Louis's heart relaxed a little, knowing that the snake should not be able to chase it, but Louis did not dare to stay, and continued to run hard on the water. As a lizard, although he could swim, he was so small. His body is more dangerous in the water, and he may become a fish's dinner if he is not careful, so he can't stop and must run to land before he runs out of energy.


   Suddenly, Louis's eyes lit up. He saw that there was an island in the middle of the water source of this river. Of course, the island was called a small island only in terms of Louis's size, but for some people. For large animals, it may be just a big rock.


   But for Louis, this'island' is a good place for him to rest. He quickly ran to the'island'. As a little lizard, he could not continue the'water drifting' for too long. The physical strength of the body is extremely exhausted, and with this small island as a resting place, as long as the physical strength is restored, you can continue to run on the water and return to the land.


   When he ran to the'island', he still didn't dare to stay too much. On this kind of open and bare rock, he would be easily spotted by the birds. If he was accidentally eaten by a bird, he would have nowhere. Cry.


   As a creature at the bottom of the food chain, Louis's life is so sad. He has too many natural enemies. In addition to bullying and bullying those smaller insects, Louis really can only run away in the face of slightly aggressive animals. .


   He used all fours to search for this 'island', hoping to find some rock crevices and the like, where it is relatively safe for a small creature like his.


   However, he searched for a circle and did not find a place for refuge on this 'islet', but he found a crack in the crevice of the rock.


   The crack is dark and deep, and you can't see the bottom at a glance, as if it connects to hell, but this metaphor is only for a small lizard like Louis, and for some large animals, it may be just an ordinary rock. crack.


   Louis stood in front of the seemingly deep crack and hesitated for a moment. He carefully compared whether it was safe to get in or out, but soon he made up his mind and went straight into the crack.


   Looking at the size of this crack, even if there are other creatures in it that are about the same size as you, then you can still fight, but if you stay outside and be spotted by a bird, then he may be cold, even if he It can float on the water lightly, but the birds can fly!




   After drilling into the crack, Louis walked a little bit forward. The crack is extremely narrow, about a few centimeters wide and ten centimeters high. For Louis's size, it can only be barely penetrated. , But in the deepest part of this crack, he suddenly saw a light.


   "What it is?"


   Light is not produced by itself, and the fleeting light just now is very dazzling. It doesn't look like a product of nature. After Louis hesitated for a moment, his strong curiosity still made him impulse and move on. Crawl away.


   In this way, he climbed a distance of more than ten meters, and suddenly his head bumped into something, and there was a sound of metal.


   "It's the end?"


   He knocked on the barrier in front of him with his claws. Hearing the sound, it should be a mineral metal.


   "Is this the thing that shone just now? Could it be some rare and strange mineral?"


   Louis thought this way, but he was rather disappointed in his heart.


   He is just a lizard now, let alone any rare metal minerals, even if there is a hundred tons of gold in front of him, it is of no use to him as a lizard.


   Just when Louis felt a little boring and was about to climb back to the entrance of the cave to take a good rest, and leave here after his physical strength recovered, the thing that seemed to be metal lit up again.


   When he got closer, Louis discovered that the light was so dazzling. His erect pupils shrank sharply, and it was as if blinded by the stinging eyes, except for the dazzling light in his sight. There is nothing outside, and there is even a faint feeling of being surrounded by light.


   At this moment, a voice that he didn't understand, but understandable, suddenly appeared in his brain.


   "An unknown creature was found, request a search..."


   "The search is successful, the soul and the body of the unknown creature have differences, which is suspected to be a product of the Tyronn civilization..."


   "According to the "Intelligent Life Act" of the Tyronn civilization, the highest intelligent creatures with special missions will be allowed to use'survival' as the first criterion, and we now request a genetic comparison——"


   "Request for genetic comparison..."


   "The gene comparison is over, and the genetic fit rate of unknown organisms is 82.6%. According to the first criterion of survival, I now request the start of the'God Creation Project'..."


   "The request is successful, and the species transformation begins..."


   "The target of species transformation, the magical creature of the world of St. Solon-the dragon!"


After hearing these words, Louis realized that he had fallen into a coma. Before he fell into a coma, there was only one 'fuck' he wanted to blurt out.