
The Dragon's Fated Bride

Beware the betrayals of fate. —- Sterling’s blazing red eyes bore into Faye’s terrified gaze. “My little butterfly, don’t you understand? Once a dragon is gifted something precious, he will never let it go.” ---- Faye Montgomery is a young, lower-echelon noblewoman caught in a game of imperial betrayal and death. Soon after her mother’s untimely passing, Faye is informed by her drunken and depraved stepfather that in exchange for her family’s mounting debts, she is to be sold into a contract marriage. Her new groom is the most celebrated and fearsome knight commander in the Eastcarin Empire.... Duke Evan Sterling Thayer of Stanhall Lake. Upon her first meeting with the stern and icy warrior, Faye comes to understand her situation is far worse than she originally thought. She realizes she has encountered the Duke in the past. The young bride now believes death would have been preferable to being sold into this heartless union with her family’s former adversary and the man responsible for her current unfortunate circumstances. However, over time, even as she struggles to liberate herself from this abomination of a man, Faye discovers their red strings of fate are more closely intertwined than she once imagined. They both have become unwilling puppets of the empire. With the many hidden agendas and secrets of those in power surrounding them, they will have to put away their differences and form an alliance if they wish to survive. This novel was my entry into the WPC Contest for July 2023! The support everyone has shown to it is greatly appreciated. The story is full of unexpected turns that you are sure to enjoy! … {WARNING: Mature subject matter R-18} THE SEXY TIME STUFF STARTS AFTER CHAPTER THIRTY. Disclaimer: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. ALL NAMES, CHARACTERS, ORGANIZATIONS, PLACES, AND EVENTS ARE EITHER THE PRODUCT OF THE AUTHOR'S IMAGINATION OR USED IN A FICTITIOUS MANNER. Cover art is mine, so don't use it. https://discord.gg/YbbR2dK6 email: RoseandThornbook@icloud.com

The_Sweet_Sparrow · Fantasy
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390 Chs


Faye's eyes widened in horror, and her body went rigid as Helios, the Duke's colossal stallion, reared up on his hind legs. She could hear the horse's distressed whinnies as Sterling wielded his glowing red sword and yanked harshly on the reins to avoid getting trampled by the oncoming crowd.

When she saw the sight of the man and horse, her hands covered her mouth as if holding back a scream.

Faye's mind was a blank as her heart thundered in her chest, and she began to frantically wiggle and fight to free herself from Andre's grip. She could feel the sweat on her palms and the tightness in her throat when she gasped for air as panic engulfed her.

Andre's voice was barely audible over the commotion as he tried to soothe Faye. Then he reached up and attempted to place a firm grip on her.

"STOP SQUIRMING! I'm concerned that you might fall if you keep moving like this."

Suddenly, Faye's fear turned into rage, unable to get Andre to release her. She sank her teeth into Andre's hand. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as he reflexively let go. He dropped her to the ground, and Faye stumbled backward into the panicked crowd.

"MILADY!!! I'm coming to fetch you. Stay where you are!"

She ignored Andre's instructions and fought her way through the swarms of people. His frantic calls faded into the background as Faye ran away and disappeared into the chaos.

Faye's mind was swirling with terror as she followed the townspeople, who were retreating from the monster battle. The heart in her chest felt as if it would explode. She felt the familiar crushing pain in her lungs as they seized. Her vision dimmed as her body lost its oxygen.

She was trying to get away from the knight on the horse. The view of him evoked horrid memories of the day her father was murdered. However, the fear was causing her body to fail her. All She could do was surrender to the darkness that was overtaking her.

There was a loud thundering of hooves rapidly closing in behind Faye. Her eyes felt heavy, and she could no longer hold them open. She could feel her body going slack as she began to lose consciousness. Faye was on the verge of collapse. When she thought her feet could not make one more step forward, she felt her body abruptly lift into the air. Faye found herself atop the horse, in Sterling's brawny arms.

She watched as a strange flood of emotions flitted across his face. Faye saw something familiar in his ruby-hued eyes, and then his expression turned dark. He pulled her ragged body into the saddle against his powerful chest, nestling her against him. He leaned over and whispered into her ear. His heated breath was warm as it brushed her pale cheek. Making her shudder.

"Breathe with me Faye, follow the rhythm the horse and I set. You are no longer in danger. That's it sweet girl—breathe…"

Faye's chest rose and fell desperately, panting along with the sound of the horse's hooves, and she could hear Sterling behind her fall into the same pattern.


As they distanced themselves from the fray in the town and she regained her equilibrium. Faye's mind became more coherent, and she could not understand why it kept playing these awful tricks on her.

Sterling was her age. There was no way he could be the knight who slew her father.


Sterling slowed Helios' pace as they had traveled a suitable distance from town. Faye had calmed down, and her breathing was normal once more. Sterling was worried about her falling ill again with fire lung, so he wanted to prevent a repeat attack.

Her body felt good against his, and he felt her ass squirm in his saddle and a wicked heat race through his groin. He did not understand why her proximity brought out his sinful desires. They had just ridden through hell's gates, and all he could think about was taking her under him and screwing her brains out.

He swallowed hard, feeling his Adam's apple bob as he tried to bite back on his desire to throw his bride on the ground and take her then and there.

Faye could feel there was a tremendous amount of tension building inside Sterling. His muscles were hard and coiled, and his breathing had become uneven. Even with his armor, she could feel the heat of his body radiating over her. Faye was unsure, but it felt like something deep within him might erupt at any moment.

She heard his voice calmly address her over her head and could feel his warm breath at her crown.

"We must stop for a moment and let the stallion rest. He is overexerted."

Sterling lightly tugged at Helios' reins, and the horse halted. He was panting hard, and Faye could feel his flanks expand and contract between her legs with each sharp breath he took. Sterling was right, the steed's energy was spent, and he needed time to recover.

Faye felt Sterling stand in the stirrups and dismount from Helios. Then she was suddenly aware of his arms wrapping around her tiny waist as he gently lifted her from the saddle. He was shaking as he brought her close to him.

They stood on the road facing each other as Sterling embraced her in the tranquility of the woods.

The sun hid in the clouds. He could feel the dampness in the air as the rains were about to return. The day was quickly fading into night.

Sterling shifted his gaze from the sky to Faye's pure blue eyes. His heart raced with an unknown anticipation. His stomach was in knots. Seeing her in danger today made his world stop, as if it would end if something happened to this girl.

He felt like he was standing on the edge of an abyss, the heat from the flames lapping up against his skin like waves of electricity. Sterling was captivated, transfixed by the intensity of his emotions, unable to look away from the beauty of Faye.

Sterling felt as if all his insecurities and doubts about this marriage were burning away. He felt himself slipping further and further into the depths of Faye's innocent gaze.

The duke bent his head down and ferociously captured Faye's lips with his, taking her by surprise. Her eyes widened with shock as she stared back into his molten-hot gaze.

She could see from the passion this man was exhibiting, he was going to take her soul.


A/N: I will post two more chapters randomly today.

OH! Sexy time stuff is about to begin.

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