
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Not Bound With Anyone

"So you saw an angel?" Damian said with a look that stared in disbelief at the figure of the man with the red hair in front of him.

Is Theo crazy, no Angel will show his form in front of humans like them. And Damian didn't believe what Theo was saying right now, even if he said it a thousand times he would still not believe it.

Because it's so impossible!

"But I saw him! And he doesn't seem like an ordinary angel!" Theo said again with a twinkle in his eye.

"Never mind I want to find food" Damian moved to his feet, choosing to ignore Theo's strange remarks.

After all, this was impossible and Damian didn't want to go crazy like that man. Stepping out of the cave calmly but his gaze immediately fell on the object that made his body freeze to death.

The memory of the dream seemed to come back like a broken record, pulling him in endless fear. It was difficult for him to blink, let alone move his body away from it. There was only fear with the same feeling as that day.


The figure laughed, it was obvious that he didn't care what he had to say. Meanwhile, Damian himself for some reason could only surrender to the man's mocking gaze directed at him.

"The more you try to change destiny, the more you will lose it all!"

After that, the figure disappeared in the bright light making him narrow his eyes. Withdrawing his right hand to use it as a protective eyepiece before he was startled by Theo's noisy voice.

His bead opened, blinking repeatedly before he fully regained consciousness. The first thing he saw was Theo's panicked face looking at him full of worry. His memory flashed back to when he came out of the cave and after that, he saw a strange light before a strange figure appeared from there.

"You are okay..?"

Damian's gaze returned to focus on Theo, ignoring the man's question and choosing to get up. Gazing at the spot where she saw the man before her head buzzed in pain.

"You suddenly fainted after coming out of the cave! Are you sure you're okay!?" asked Theo again hoping that this time he would get the answer to his question.

"Shut up Theo! My head feels like it's going to explode you know!"

This wasn't the kind of answer Theo wanted to hear, hah.. what he expected from a cold man like Damian. He'd better get breakfast ready for them before they head off again.

Theo chose to leave, leaving Damian still frozen in his strange memories. He was sure what he saw earlier was real, but why would Theo say that he was unconscious after coming out of the cave.

This is weird!

But he also didn't have any evidence to show that what he saw was real. If it was a dream then what he felt earlier was not reality, just a feeling of dread from a strange dream.

"Ah... I don't know!" shouted Damian stepping closer to Theo who was busy in his cooking.

He sat across from the man, watching what Theo was cooking before he heard a grunt from the man with the red hair.

Damian didn't answer, it didn't matter to him what the man thought of him. Because he knew that the man could never be silent for long. And maybe on the count of five then the man will talk to her at length.




"Tch!! What the hell are you! Don't be silent! Tell me what happened to you!? Then how come you were unconscious there! What did you see!? there's no improvement other than the fact that I'm the same as you!"

Theo's breath was chaotic, the man immediately said everything in one breath. Even Damian was taken aback by Theo suddenly saying such a thing. It was just the count of three, but this red-haired man in front of him immediately said what he wanted to say.

Of course, Damian knew more and more that the man wouldn't be able to stay still any longer than he thought. Yes, it was good enough for now, but she would get annoyed if the guy made a noise at the wrong time. And he hopes that won't happen.

"Hah.. hah.. you have a mouth, don't you! Quickly say everything I ask!!?"

Theo shouted again with his hands busy rolling their food with his gaze still fixed on Damian's eyeballs.

"Yes! Yes! I understand! But Theo did you think it would be that easy to get what you want!?" Damian said showing a lopsided smile at Theo.

"What do you mean! You don't want to answer my question!?" annoyed Theo, moved to his feet with a sharp gaze that aimed at Damian.

"You remember the man we met in the dream that day! I forgot his name, but he said that I can't change any destiny at this time! That's if I don't want to lose the people I love!" Damian voiced his gaze right at Theo's surprised bead.

"But sadly I don't have anyone I care about in this world, and the world before! Is that man insane by threatening like a child! What if we twist the facts. can do nothing about us!" Damian said again, showing a chuckle at the end of his sentence.

"Wait! Wait! I still don't understand what you're saying!?" Theo replied, showing a confused look at what Damian had said earlier.

Like there was something he missed and made himself not understand at all what the man was saying.

"The point is for the blue-haired man to know that he's been looking for the wrong opponent!" Damian said making Theo immediately come to his senses, nodding in the understanding of the man's intentions before he handed the rolled tusk to the man.

They began to eat together, silent with each other's eyes focused on their food. Without knowing that there is a man who is annoyed with their attitude. The man with the blue mane they were talking about, the man angrily glared at the two men before being startled by a hand on his shoulder.

"How? I told you not! They are not bound by anyone but themselves" said the girl laughing afterward, feeling funny at the fact that made the man angry.