
The Disastrous Life of a Transmigrant!

Additional Tags: - High IQ, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Slice-of-Life, Magic, Superpowers, Urban. 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters may have a slightly different personality, as I will be slightly adjusting their backgrounds to fit my story. ---~Synopsis~--- Kamiya Yato, a normal person who died without even knowing what exactly killed him. His memories were completely erased by a Transcendent leaving only basic knowledge of life, hygiene and the world he was in, Etc... Being thrown into a world that he thought was just a game, Yato took advantage that that world still followed the rules of the game and took advantage of everything. But that wasn't all, Yato didn't know how long he was there, but he began to gain supernatural powers, such as Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, X-Ray Vision, Cryokinesis, Etc... Thanks to these powers he was gaining, he was losing certain emotions such as a sense of accomplishment, there was no sadness or anger, no happiness or joy. That was his current life. Even though this was so, he had no complaints. For him, living a boring life was not so bad.

Biggubosu · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 13

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And here is the chapter!

♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡


Finalizing the agreement between the two, Naomi and Yato went back to eating in silence. Yato really wanted to avoid having to hang out with Shima-sensei as much as possible, while Naomi wondered how many coffee jellies she had could she eat without getting food poisoning.

Naomi had quickly disappeared with the coffee jelly while Yato was still eating his share without a care in the world...

''Attendant-san. I would like to order another coffee jelly.'' Asked Naomi to Maid who was walking by.

''Right away, dear customer.'' Answered Maid, she turned to Yato and asked, ''Would you like anything else dear customer?''

''I'll have a medium size parfait and another hot coffee.'' Yato replied.

''Got it!'' Said the maid as she picked up the utensils on the table and placed them on top of the platter.

A silence eventually formed between Naomi and Yato.

''Ah.'' Naomi grumbled. ''Yato, you said earlier that you had made some games right? Can I borrow them?'' Said Naomi finding a way to create some subject.

''Yes, You can borrow them.''.'' Yato replied.

Soon the waitress came back holding a badeja, ''Here's a coffee jelly, a size parfait and a hot coffee.'' Said the waitress, she continued, ''Have a good appetite, dear customers.''

Quickly the waitress left the two and went to serve other customers.

Yato and Naomi began to feast.


Due to unknown reasons, Yato and Naomi began a competition of who could eat the most...

In the end, the two were asked to leave " sympathetically", so as not to cause further damage to the establishment.

Of course they had to pay, Naomi only paid for the coffee she drank and Yato paid for all the coffee jellies Naomi ate.

''I think I ate too much...'' Naomi said putting her hand in front of her mouth to prevent anything that went in from ending up ''coming out.

''... Naomi, you ate too much. Are you going to be okay?'' Yato asked.

''Let's get you home before something worse happens.'' Said Yato, he really didn't want her to end up throwing up in the street, then approaching Naomi's ear and he said softly, ''Do you want me to heal you?''

Not caring too much about the closeness of his face, she eventually backed off a bit so that ''things'' wouldn't end up getting weird, she then said, ''No, you don't have to, besides, don't bring your face close like that out of nowhere... it's disgusting.

''Right, sorry...'' Yato replied, it felt like an arrow had hit him right in the face. ''Could words hurt that much?'' Yato reflected.


In the end, the two walked back side by side without caring about what had just happened.

''Let's take a different trajectory.'' Naomi said suddenly.

''Huh? Okay.'' Answered Yato, using some of his power to know why, there was a Nendou and Kaidou passing by that street and if they had to keep walking down that street, they would end up meeting Nendou and Kaidou face to face.

Taking a slight detour from the original path, Naomi asked a question that had been on her mind since they were walking back together.

''Why are you following me to my house anyway?''

''Following you? Mm... I have to pick up Cookie who ended up staying with Kurumi-san, and going to my house is very close to yours too.'' Answered Yato, well, pretty much the house or rather had to go through two trees for him to get to his house.

( Cookie is a girl. )

''Did you happen to rent a house near mine? Did you know that this is considered stalking?'' said Naomi.

"I'm not stalking you. Well, I don't rent any houses, remember? I'm from another world. I have everything in my house and I didn't want to just leave my stuff behind, so I made a way to teleport without having to use my powers to do it every time.'' replied Yato.

''That sounds pretty boring, so I won't ask how it works,'' Naomi said.

''Okay.'' Yato smiled.

Because of the different route the two of them had to take, it only took a few minutes longer for them to arrive. As Naomi opened the door to her house, she said, ''I'm home!

"Welcome!". Kurumi said, ''Coming from the kitchen.

''Kyun! [Yato! You're back!]'' Cookie was super excited to see Yato.

''Oh! Welcome back Yato-san.'' Kurumi said upon seeing Yato.

''Hello Kurumi-san.'' Yato replied, ''Did she behave herself, Kurumi-san?''

''Yes, Cookie-Chan was a good girl.'' Answered Kurumi smiling.

Kyun! [ Of course I behaved, who do you think I am?'']

''A big glutton...'' Laughed Yato.

''Kyun! Kyun! [I'm not a glutton! Yato bad, don't talk to me anymore]''

''Too bad... Phew... I was going to let Cookie eat everything she likes today, but since she doesn't want to with me anymore, I think I'll let her eat only potatoes and carrots." Said Yato looking at Cookie out of the corners of his eyes.

Kyun! [ I love you, Yato! ]'' Cookie began to jump for joy.

'You love my food.' Yato thought.

''You two get along very well.'' Smiled Kurumi: ''You two even seem to be father is daughter.''

Yato nodded, ''Mm, I've been taking care of her since she was born, so she can be considered my daughter.'' Yato replied.

''While you two are talking, I'm going to go change my clothes.'' Naomi said, ''I'll be right back.

''Alright, come back soon, I bought some coffee jellies for you two.'' Said Kurumi.

''... Grr, I don't think I can eat any more coffee jellies today.'' grumbled Naomi.

Apologies for the chapters that are coming out late, but I was spending most of the early morning writing another one and it wasn't giving me any time to play what I like.

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