
chapter two

    It's  2:45 and Marge is in the kitchen getting things cleaned up. When she noticed that her daughter wasn't home yet. she thought to her self that it was weird because Sarah would have told her mother if she was going to be staying late after school. Sarah wasn't in any sports. Maybe she stayed to study for a test or something, I am going to wait until 3 and if Sarah isn't home by then I am going to start calling around ." she thought.  So Marge starts with cleaning again. 3 pm comes and goes and still no Sarah , Marge is starting to get nervous and angry. Her daughter knows better  to call if she is staying  at school or someone house it didn't click in her head that some one could have taken Sarah.  Marge , her husband and her daughter live in  a friendly safe neighborhood  stuff like that doesn't happen. So Marge picks up the phone and starts calling around the neighbors to see if they have seen Sarah.  None of her neighbors has seen her. This is where Marge's heart starts to race and starts to panic. She picks of the phone again and calls her husband at work.  Her husband asked her if she called the neighbors and she said yes and they haven't seen her. " Well when I leave for work I will go and drive around to see if I can't find her." Henry said.  He said I love you to his wife and hung up. Both Marge and Henry 's hearts were racing they were so scared and nervous. But they knew that they were going to find their little girl.  Its around 5 pm and there is still no sign of Sarah. Just then the phone rings and Marge raced to the phone thinking it was Sarah . " Hello ." answered Marge. " Hey  Marge it's me Nicole is Sarah home?" Nicole asked . " She isn't home have you seen her?" Marge asked Sarah's best friend.

                     The last time I saw  and talked to Sarah was  at the end of the day and I told her I  couldn't walk home with her because I had swimming." she said . " Okay Honey you hear or see anything please let us know." Marge said heartly. When they hung up  Nicole remember something, she remembers Sarah telling her about the tan van that was following Sarah that morning. What if that driver of that van took Sarah.  No that was a crazy though things like that don't happen here they just don't .    Nicole wanted to call  back Sarah's mom but she knew what if they lines aren't open and Sarah calls . So Nicole decided to go over to her house and tell her mom in person.   Nicole gets up where is she sitting in the living room , writes a note to her mom telling her what happened and where she is going and what time she will be home , leaves it on the kitchen table and walks out the door towards Sarah's house. The whole way Nicole is praying and praying that nothing  bad happens to Sarah and that she comes home safe.

      Nicole gets to Sarah's house and she knocks on the door. Marge answers the door. " Marge there is something I forgot to tell you on the phone. All today in class Sarah was going on how when she was walking to school and there was a tan mini van and she said that the driver was looking at her and following her to school." Nicole said out of breath. " Did Sarah tell you what the driver looked like?" Marge asked ." No she didn't , I told her don't worry that it could have been one of the seniors messing with her." Nicole said as she started to cry. Marge looked at Nicole and gave her a hug . " Honey please don't cry we will find Sarah and whoever took her." she said .  Nicole looked at up at Marge and gave her a look of hopefullness . 


   Meanwhile Henry is clocking out of work.  He told his coworkers that his daughter didn't come home and him and his wife think that  Sarah is missing. " Henry I am sure that you will find her." Marcus said putting his hand on his shoulder . " And if you need any help or anything just give us a call and we will come and help. " his other co worker ken said. " Thank you ." Henry hugged his co workers and went straight to his car.   He opened the door and looked at his cell phone he had one missed text from his wife  .   Marge: Nicole came over and said that Sarah told her  that on her way to school a tan mini van was following Sarah to school . She didn't see the driver but when the driver drove by he started at Sarah and drove off.  Henry  still wanted to check out to see if his daughter was out there .  He starts the car and drives away.  Five mins later he is in his neighborhood and there is no sign of Sarah anywhere. So Henry stops the truck parks it near the curb he starts crying and praying at the same time praying that  somehow Sarah finds her way home and that she is okay.  After about five mins  Henry starts the truck again and heads home .