
Chapter one

Sarah Lou was your normal 17 year old. She lives with her parents Marge and Henry Franks. Her dad works in construction and her mother stayed at home and takes care of the house. Sarah is a junior at Fair Oaks high. She's a model student she doesn't go to parties , she doesn't drink.  Sarah usually spends time with her family or in her room reading .  When she woke up this morning she didn't know that afternoon her life was about to change .   Sarah got up ,  got dressed. She decided to wear a sweatshirt, tang top , leggings and flip flops.  Sarah got her bag and grabbed her book she was reading and went downstairs to have breakfast.

   Sarah went into the kitchen and saw that her mom was making her favorite pancakes and bacon.  She went up to her mother and kissed her cheek. " Good morning mother." Sarah said ever so politely. " Good morning sweetheart." her mother responded. " mother breakfast smells amazing." Sarah said with a smile as she sat down . Sarah is every parents dream,  She always listens to her parents and does what they told her to do. Sarah wasn't spoiled with things but with love. To Sarah that couldn't get any better.   " So honey did you study for that math test?" She asked her loving daughter . " Yes mother  I studied all last night I know that I will get An A . " She said. " Your a wonderful student Sarah I would hate to see you lose all your progress with failing the test."  her mom said serious. " Mother I know you and father  want me to get into a good college. Trust me I will." she said as she started to eat. 

     She looked where her dad sat and asked . " Mother where is father ?" she asked . " Your father had to go into work early I know he is missing on breakfast." She sounded sadly. Breakfast and dinner time was the only time that the family could spend together . With Henry working so much and with Sarah in  school there isn't much time.  " Mother will father be home tonight because I can't wait to share my day with him." she was hoping the answer was going to be yes. " Of course your father will be here." she said smiling at her daughter.  Just then Sarah looked at the clock  on the wall . " Oh Mother I have to leave I can't be late ." she said hurrying to get her things." Honey please be safe walking to school and do not forget to ask your english teacher for extra credit ." her mother said while hugging her.    Sarah was out the door and on her way to school. On the way to school she saw a tan  mini van that looked like the driver was looking at her.  She got scared and started walking faster . Just then the mini van drove past her while the driver was looking at her at her still. She thought to herself that it was weird. 

              She finally made it to school when she saw her friend Nicole waiting for her. Nicole was a lot like Sarah she was a loner didn't go to parties, she was a good student and  she reads a lot. Those two girls met each other in third grade and became best friends.  " Well hello Sarah." Nicole said hugging her. " Hi." Sarah said smiling back . " So the math test should be easy I studied all last night." Nicole said . " I did too ." Sarah replied looking over her shoulder to see if that van was still there. " Sarah why do you keep looking over your shoulder?" she asked ." Well when I was walking here some guy in a tan mini van was parked at the curb and was staring at me and then followed me until I got here and then he took off." she said still looking over. "  " Sarah I am sure it was a senior messing with you ." Nicole tried to calm Sarah down.

     The two girls walked into the school and straight to their lockers.   " Sarah did you read chapter 13?" Nicole asked ." Yes I did and  the book is amazing ." the girls got their books out that they needed for their classes and when to first  period which was also homeroom.   When they walked in they saw that they had a sub today. " Nicole I wonder why Mr. Miller isn't here today." Sarah asked while walking to their desk.  " Maybe he is sick." Nicole suggested .  Just then when Sarah looked out the window she saw that mini van again. " Look see Nicole that is the van that had the driver staring at me." she pointed to the van showing her friend. " Sarah like I said before it's a senior who messing with you , Sarah we aren't  what they call popular so of course they are going to mess with us ." The girls sat down  and started reading their books.

   Fast forward to the end of the day.

           It's the end of the day and the two girls got their things . " Sarah I can't walk with you home I have to stay after school for swimming." Nicole said hugging her friend . " Oh that is fine Nicole just call me when you get home." Sarah said ending the hug and walking towards the door. " Will do." Nicole said .  Nicole didn't know that this would be the last time that she would see her friend.   Sarah walks out the door and heads home.  About a 1/4 of a mile home there was this van the rolled down the window. " Hey do you need a ride home." The driver called out. Sarah's heart starts to race." No thank you." she said .  The driver wasn't gonna take no for an  answer. He puts up the window and starts the van and follows Sarah. " Come on little girl  you know you want a ride." The creepy man said . " No like I said before ." Sarah hearts contiunes to beat faster and faster . Just then the van stops  right next to Sarah. The creepy man gets out , Sarah starts to walk faster and faster and so does the creepy man behind her . Finally the creepy man reaches Sarah and grabs her. Sarah is trying to scream but the man has his hand over her mouth.  He carries her to the van and puts her in the van and closes the door and drives off.