
The Differents: Partners in magic[BL]

2 Princes,2 Future leaders,2 Spiritual Masters. Both meet in a Annoying but Challenging way, as they go on a mission to find the root of a Mysterious and unknown Sect that has been the sources of Rumors all around the kingdom. And soon master the unknown Sources and become its masters ◇Book 1◇ ♤This is a No-Prologue intro story,It spoils the fun♤ All are pure fiction Disclaimer: the author of this story is not korean nor Chinese, I researched the things that I will be adding in the story before i wrote it

Hanzel_4reads · LGBT+
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17 Chs

The Emblem

[Sanwol pov]

I woke up early to do some routines for the Morning.

Never did anyone know.

That i have a especially Spiritual power that I inherited and learned from My Chinese Foster dads.

I cant control a cultivation Amulet.

Amulets and Any other Elements are known to be possessed with evil once it Lands on the wrong hands.

Like the Yin Iron and the Stygian tiger tally by the Yiling patriarch.

And those 2 are Elements of the Demonic sect.

But i still dont know what type of Amulet is this...

But it brings a weird Spiritual power that can be controled with Instruments and mainly by the use of spiritual Cores and in chinese cultivation...The golden core.

I once tried to manipulate it more...

But it drains my energy and weakens my foreign Golden core.

So i dont use it that much.

I ketp it a secret for so long.

I found this somewhere outside jeonju.

So i guess it came from that Chinese Clan that invaded my Kingdom.

I dont know why did they Invade Jeonju rather than invading Gwangsan...Or maybe its because my Clan was weak so it was easier to be invaded...

I admit that my family was into cultivation that They neglected physical strength to Defend.

But that Chinese clan was something...their Strength was Overpowering like something is controling their powers and strength.

In my observation...I guess they are under the power of a Gem...Amulet...or maybe the ancient Yin Iron or maybe this amulet that I picked up...

But as longer as i can recall.

I was walking outside jeonju and this was the time when we are going to attack and reclaim the kingdom.

I Saw this Shiny looking stone so i picked it up.

But as I picked it up.

There is this surge of energy.

So maybe this is a Spiritual amulet.


i looked at this Amulet like thing and it glows Orange and white with some red specks.

So i have to keep it protected so no one can see or get it.

I started to Meditate while holding the amulet like Stone.

It gives me chills and its Really exhausting my power.

And it burns

The burning sensation doesnt pain me at all i can feel flames in my veins but it does not hurt.

"This thing is powerful...But what about this thing?" I whispered as I took out another shiny stone that looked like an amulet.

It glows brighter than the other...

Its white and blue with yellow and light blue smoke.

Meanwhile this devil looking thing Has a Red and black and white fog.

The Brighter and Angelic one is easier to control and manipulate.

It brings a lighter feeling and i observed that it glows More if I play The Kumungo a korean Six stringed zither chordophone which has it roots from the Chinese QIN.

And it alsoglows when i play a Light melody and tune.

Meanwhile this Dark looking thing also glows while playing an instrument but does not react to songs.

But it acts weird when i played it in an actual QIN and a Flute.

"What is that?" A voice sounded somehwere that flinched the hell out of me.

I quickly hid the stones in the Bag and undrew my sword in a swift.

"Who was that?!" I said i Scanned my room.

"What was that shiny looking-"

I swung my sword and i swear i nearly sliced this person's neck.

"My gosh Xianye you annoying and creepy derp!" I growled and Sheathed my sword back ."Sorry...but what were those shiny and glowing things?,and why were you meditating to it?"Xianye said and looked at my bag.

"Nevermind those" I said and walked up to my bag to close it.

"Eh,i saw Red and colors with fogs Surrounding you, dont lie to me*tiptoes closer to Sanwol in a cute way*...Do you control Spiritual Amulets?" He said in a Cute manner.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeper.

"Its none of your business and stop stalking me" i said.

"Oh really...I like stalking you" he said.

I glanced at him and grinned.

I faced him and Stepped closer and gave a Mischievous expression.

"Since you like stalking me ever since yesterday and the day before...*Pulls Xianye's chin up*...Do you perhaps like me?" I asked in a deeper voice,i used this Sexy manner to Make him weak.

His face shows expressions of Shy and panic which makes me wanna Laugh and humiliate him...But crap he is looking too soft and innocent.

"What?!,n-no!" He said.

I smirked when this Weakling stuttered.

I pinned him to the wall and towered over him dominantly.

"Then mind your own business" I said in my deep voice with a Seductive Growling vocal fry.

"O-ok...I was just too curious" he said.

I stepped back

"I was just taking a peek cuz I want to know if your awake since...I couldnt sleep well and only for a few hours and woke up very early and decided to check up on you..." he said in his innocent self.

I softened my expression but kept a straight face.

"Fine then*takes out the 2 Stones*, you can have the Bright one then I will keep this darker one*leans closer to Xianye*,But keep it a secret and never let anyone see this...or else youll be screaming silently From sunset to sunrise" I said to him and Talked in the same terrifying deep voice.

He nodded then I gave him the Brighter amulet.

"That amulet...I just found it somewhere and it now Recognizes you as its new owner so better take care of it and use its goodly Power for improtant and Spiritual things and not let anyone see or suspect you mastering this amulet" I said.

He nodded and kept the amulet in his pocket.

"Also,It responds on Light and Happy Melodies and songs and when it is played in a Kumungo or a QIN, A kumungo by the way is a Korean instrument that has its ancestors from the QIN so it looks similar to the QIN" I said.

Then he nodded again.

"I actually dont know how to play a QIN well...im still a beginner" He said.

I took a few moments to think about it.

And i hesitantly decided.

"*sigh* ill teach you then...Since i learned it from a chinese cultivator" I said and sat down.

"Sure" he said and smiled.

I glanced at him and took out the Dark amulet with caution.

"Both of them react weirdly when they are apart,i tried to put them together and it sparked and both of it reacted angrily like they are enemies" I said as I looked at both the Dark one and the light one.

"But as of now...this darker one looked calm...maybe it is happy that its Rival stone has a different owner" I said as I Looked at the Dark stone.

"Does it bring any Bad things?" Xianye asked.

I shook my head.

"Even if it looked devilish...I tried multiple ways to master it and manipulate its power but it seems like its in good hands...which is me"  I said proudly.

"But im still taking cautions on controling this...it might unleash its Demonic power on me and Make me a new Demonic master" I said as I put the Dark stone back in the bag and placed the bag under my bed.

"Well...if It does then Should this Light amulet be the solution for it to be Controled?" Xianye said.

I shook my head.

"I still dont know...maybe this Demonic looking thing has its Master already or maybe Im just still learning how to master it even if it took me more than  2 years to learn...I was 16 when i found both of them"   I said.

Xianye nods.

"Well then...I think we have to go to the Dining hall now...breakfast is gonna start"  said xianye as he Walks up to the door.

I soon followed after him.

[The training Grounds]

[No ones pov]

"Today that we will be sorting you by your Grades" Said by the host king yuzhi.

"Starting from the highest grade...Grade A"

"Well...Me and sanwol Have a Big Grade gap..." Xianye Said,Feeling Disappointed in himself.

Xianye looks at his sword and the item in his other hand...He then smiles then smirks.

"Well...I guess i can use this" he whispers with a smirk by the end.

[After the Training]


I decided to walk down the Floral Gardens of the palace to get some eye Candy Scenery of the sky and nature and Brought out the things that makes me feel relaxed.

"My Brush and Canvas,dont forget the paint and ink" I said as I placed them on the right spot of where i want to paint.

I wore my Brown Apron to protect the white garment that i am wearing.

I decided to paint The Rose bushes and the Sky and most of all is the Sunset.

With Scattered Leaves on the green grass from the trees in autumn.

"Haaah...what i nice art..." I said as I felt so proud of my Masterpiece.

I placed the canvas aside to let the paint dry for afew more minutes and pack away the rest snd lay down on the grass.

The blue and Orange mixed coloured sky is so pretty that i wanna fly into it and make ripples like they are coloured water.

"I hope that the future generations can see How the skies are so beautiful that It can make you sleepy"i said as I shut my eyes and let the spirit of nature Untangles my Stressed Spirit.

With each breath i take,i feel so light.

The wind breeze whispering into my ear is just weirdly satisfying.

The Footsteps of a stranger-WAIT FOOTSTEPS?!.

I jolted upwards an undrew my sword.

"Who-" I managed to dodge the Flying stick and pointed my sword to whom it is.

"Nuce dodging skills,I dont know why you got a D grade by your own father-i mean...Your foster father,American" Said the guy in a red and black themed robe. Who had the audacity to Disrespect me.

"Who are you,Stranger" i Said as I kept pointing my sword on him.

"Oh...im a stranger...perhaps you havent known about me" This douchebag said.

"I dont really care who you are,But your way of Speaking is not kind,And nice,its not what a prince should act...or in short...A Wandering dark magic cultivator" I said the last semtence with a smirk as i managed to piss him off.

"Alright,you pissed me off,now let me show you to never piss me off!" The Moron said as 2 more boys popped out of nowhere

"They seem to be from a clan...A Demonic clan?" I mentally said as I kept my focus up.

I shut my eyes and opened my ears more.

"Get him boys" he said

I heard the charging sound then lured my sword to the nearest attacker.

With their sounds I managed to fight them off with ease.

Yeah my sense of heaeing is better, i cant focus well when my eyes are open.

Its a special trait of mine that i never show to anyone.

Then i heard another sword clashing into another one.

Then i heard a chargibg footsteps and clashed my sword towards it.

"Oh look its the Korean guy" I heard

As i heard the word i opened my eyes to see a tall man standing infront of ne facing the 3 guys.

"Hm?,prince sanwol?" I whispered.

"I may not be allowed to interfere,but i learned that  attempting to hurt a royalty in his own kingdom is against the law of royals and in cultivation and the law of the Huang clan" Sanwol said in a Intinmidating voice.

"And so?,i dont care,He has to know who i am and must get below me" The doo doo guy said.

"Oh no no no,mister Bad guy,Thats not how it works,You dont demand respect,you have to earn it,And you are in his territory,so you are the submissive,get it?" Sanwol said.

The Shitty mannered asshole undrew his sword but more men came and surrounded them...

"Sanwols's men" I whispered.

"Argh!" I heard the guy tantrumed

"Whats going on here?" We heard a voice and i immedietly Recognized it.

"GĒGĒ!" I yelled loudly as Zhangxe approached us.

"Prince sanwol,Whats the matter here?,and whats up with Xianye behind you?" Zhangxe said.

Sanwol directed his gaze towards the 3 guys.

Zhangxe took it as a direction and approached the 3 guys who are bounded by ropes.

"May you please explain what These 3 did to you Xianye?" Zhangxe Said in a angry manner.

"I was just doing my bussiness when these 3 attacked me and Demanded my respect to them,they also attempted to hurt me" i said.

Zhangxe drew out his sword and pointed the tip to the chin of the guy in he middle.

"Oh no,Sassy zhangxe is Comming" I whispered and chuckled.

"Respect should not be demanded but earned,Attemtping to hurt a royal clan member in his or her Own territory is illegal and should be compensated harshly,The Punishment of the rules and regulations of Fengjin huang clan for this Violation is immediate Kick out from the kingdom and shall be banned from entering" Zhangxe stated out in a Sassy way.

" now Attempting to hurt my Younger brother is the rule that you have broken,You an dyour clan shall be banned from our kingdom and Our clan and your clan's Connections will be damaged or permanently erased by this action" zhangxe said.

"Tsk,Rules" the guy said.

"Rules are rules,AND SHALL NOT BE BROKEN,YOUR ACTION IS UNFORGIVEN  BY HUANG CLAN'S LAWS DO YOU HEAR ME!" Zhangxe yelled loudly and intimidatingly at the 3.

"I will report this to my father" Zhangxe said and sanwols men followed zhangxe while bringing the 3 away.

But then zhangxe came back.

"Yah zhangxe-"

"I told you to stop painting and focus on your swordsmanship" Zhangxe said to me in a angry way.

Sanwol took a step away from us and left.

"Sorry,i was just trying to relax" i said and lowered my head.

"What if you get hurt?,your rand is a D,Xianye,Your safety is in the hands of your skills,now if you dont improve I wont hesitate to train you Seriously and Privately until you reach rank A" Zhangxe said in a Dissapionted tone

We saw Yuli approaching.

"Zhangxe Dont scold Jared for not improving he has his own ways of managing his skills,Xianye has a unique skill that he uses in swordsmanship but I wont twll you what it is until you understand him 1st" Yuli now scolded Zhangxe.

He looked at me with a dissapointed glare and walked away.

I started to tear up and picked up my stuff and ran back to my room.

"Ah-Ye!,wait!" I heard Yuli call for me as i sob and ran.


I hated those 3 bastards from the start of this event,

The way their aura enters Is weird and unsettling

Even their Manners and attitude are crooked.

I know its bad to eavesdrop but i just couldnt control myself.

Zhangxe is mad at his brother for not improving...Xianye has a special skill that should not be Revealed...I feel kinda bad for him...

He doesnt understand his brother 1st,Zhangxe has a great Swordsmanship skill he is in the same rank as me.

But for the fact that im kinda jealous of him is because he has siblings...

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