
The Differents: Partners in magic[BL]

2 Princes,2 Future leaders,2 Spiritual Masters. Both meet in a Annoying but Challenging way, as they go on a mission to find the root of a Mysterious and unknown Sect that has been the sources of Rumors all around the kingdom. And soon master the unknown Sources and become its masters ◇Book 1◇ ♤This is a No-Prologue intro story,It spoils the fun♤ All are pure fiction Disclaimer: the author of this story is not korean nor Chinese, I researched the things that I will be adding in the story before i wrote it

Hanzel_4reads · LGBT+
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17 Chs



I sobbed in my room, feeling down and dissapinted of myself.

Painting is what I love to do,im just not good at handling swords well.

Im not good with hands.

But im good at stroking something.

They just couldnt understand because they have high standards...

I know im adopted but I wish that my real parents are still alive so they can support me with things that im interested at.

I just hate doing things im not interested in.

I dropped my last tear and layed down on the bed.

I wiped all my tears off with my sleeve and stared at the paintings on my wall.

Painting is my hobby,A paintbrush is my toy,a canvas is my paper.

I cant live with out them.

Fengjin is known for their unique art while huang clan is known for having unique styles of swordsmanship.

But im more on art,why can't they understand?.

The only thing I know about my origin clan is that we are known for Being a Air bender and Wind whisperer and We can control the winds and Whisper sounds using the breeze of the wind.

I wish I could learn how to do those...but zhangxe is super against it...The royal huang family doesn't know how to do it,but my Remaining Men can...but I don't know if there are still alive...since it's been years since me and them moved here.

Wind whispering Valley...my home place...my birth place...my origin place...they said that it was destroyed by another clan and killed my parents mercilessly,My mom was raped to death.

My dad was also raped to death by those women and tortured to death after .

Yeah it was kinda sexual but painful.

I hope they are in a better place now...

I cried again,Feeling the Painful nostalgia and got up and sobbed on my Terrace.

I kept sobbing hard until a Body wrapped around me.

"Dont cry,Stop crying"  I heard the voice.

"S-sanwol..." I whispered.

"Shush stop crying,I know no one understands you but i am hear the listen" he said.

I cried again as i got too touched by his words.

Im also schocked by how he was this stone cold person now he is this softie.

"Thanks..." I said and Returned the hug.

He tried to let go but i wanted more so i hugged him tighter👉👈.

"I just need this for a few more moments please" I said.

He then hugged me again.

'I just liked his Company and his warmth and his scent-Wait what,scent?'

I inhaled his scent...it smells good,like flowers.

I didnt know he likes flower scented perfume?

"Feel...better now?" He asked

"Yeah,I guess" I replied then let go of him.

"Didnt notice you earlier..." I said as I wiped my tears.

"I was just Walking pass by your room when you entered" He said with no eye contact.

I stayed silent.

"You know,You can come to me if you need Help or something,im not that Cold" he said.

I nodded and smiled.

He Looked at me and Nodded before he bid his Departure.

I went to my bed and Took out the Light glowing Crystal stone that he gave me.

"I guess im your new owner" I Said and petted it like its my pet.

It glowed bright,reacting to my touch.

"Oh your alive?" I said and giggled.

Then i searched for a Box to put it in.

I found one and it is an old luxury Box with a cusion for a Gem so i placed it there.

"There,Oh the box looks like you tho,Hahaha What a coincidence" i spoke to it and Then placed it in.

"I have to put you in here,Sanwol told me that I shouldnt let anyone see you or else im dead"I said then closed it and placed Underneath somewhere.

I Fixed myself and Went out of my room.

But as i exited my room,i bumped accidentally to someone.

"Oh sorry,I wasnt looking where i was going" The person said and Quickly apologized in a mannerfull way.

"Oh its ok,I didnt you either" I said.

I looked at the person,His outifit is weird, there are someparts that are revealing and and he is wearing a headband with Colorful things on it.

"Um,May I know from which clan are you?" I asked.

The Smaller guy looked at me and said,"Im from a Clan in Maharlika" He said in Said in english.

"Maharlika?" I asked. "Maharlika is the original name of my land,Philippines" he said.

Then I Said a 😲.

I didn't know that Philippines has a original name.

"And my Clan's territory is located by the Taal Volcano,In Maharlika" He said.

"Isn't it a Volcano in a lake but the Crater has  lake with a land in it?" I asked like a stupid philosopher I am.

He nodded and giggled.

"What Spiritual traits does your clan have?" I asked.

"Oh are traits are similar to all Other clans in the Philippines, we practice Spiritual Beliefs and Rituals and Charge Crystals and Natural minerals as  our source of power" he said.

I nodded and we parted ways.

I walked down the hallway and Asked permission to leave the palace.

I decided to Go to the Floral plains.

But on my way there i eavesdrop a little...Too much


"Hey dd you know that there was a Spiritual emblem that was spotted around our place and our kingdom?"

"What?,what type of spiritual emblem is it?"

"The rounding Cultivaters detected it but can't Tell if its Demonic or not,but it has a weird Aura and they say that it has a weird Pattern on it that is not native to our Spiritual emblems"

"Oh no it might be some trouble to our cultivation culture"

"Yeah it might Destroy our culture,its not native so it might be from another land"


A foreign Emblem?.

Might bring a Nightmare to the Chinese Cultivation culture?

Might be demonic?

And its around our kingdom...


"Are they talking about sanwol's Discovered emblem?!"I mentally said.

I walked passed them and looked like im doing my own business and acted like im doing nothing but walking.

"I have to tell this to him"i whispered and routed my way back to the palace.

As I arrived it was already nighttime soooooo i had dinner 1st before heading to his room but there are other distractions...



Like look at them,they are so cute and squishy and cuddly and just playing around with their small legs and BEING JUST SO ADORABLE THAT I CANT STOP PETTING THEM!!!!

Ok,ok,ok I have to get to Sanwol.

So I left the Garden and walked calmly to his room

It was already past 7 so i have to be sneaky and try not to get seen by zhangxe and Yuli,cuz they it when I sleep late.

So now i have reached his room.

"Is he asleep?"..."is this guy awake or what?"

So i tried to open the door it gapped a little.

"Oh its open" so i opened it a little more.

I checked the inside and it was just lit but no one is there.

"Hes not here?" I whispered

But as I turned around.

"What are you doing?" I heard his deep as voice behind me.

And yes i flinched and nearly screamed so i held my butt and stood my ground.

"Gosh Fairy goddess,Lee sanwol stop scaring me like that,jeez" i said and crouched lower to take deeper breaths to calm down.

"I wouldnt be scaring the Golden core out of you if you wouldnt be entering my room without my permission" he said in a cold tone.

"Whats with the cold tone?,you were not like that earlier,and besides your room is in the palace so i can enter" I said proudly.

"Dont forget that they arent related to you by blood" he offensively said.

"I-" I gave him a sour look.

'This snitch is pissing me off now?' I mentally said.

"What do you need by the way?" He asked.

"Well*rolls eyes* i was going to the Floral plains earlier when i...kinda eavesdropped and conversation" I said.

"And?" He said.

Then i opened the door to his room and Pulled him and shut it.

"It was a rumor about a foreign Spiritual cultivation emblem" I said.

"And then?" He said as he walked towards the tea table and gestured me to sit down.

"And they said that it was not native and it might be demonic" I Replied.

"And what about it?" He said coldly.

"And i think that they are talking about the emblem that you have" I said.

"Whats the connection between that rumor and the emblem that i found?" he asked in the coldest of his coldest tone possible.

"*sighs while rolling eyes*,You told me that you found the emblem near your kingdom and yeah its in Korea so its foreign and you told me that it is kinda demonic and you have it here so thats why I immediately thought about it" I explained.

"Why would it be foreign if that emblem was there during the time when the invader clan was there and they possibly threw it away cuz they benefited from its power,so its still native cuz that clan is chinese" he explained.

Then I oohed

In shock and in embarrassment

"Oh thats so.." I said and it went akward.

"But im kinda intrigued about that rumor" he said.

I looked at him and said "huh?"

"Im kinda into spiritual emblems and crystals,because my family used to own a Spiritual emblem and a crystal that we use for our protection and it was passed down to my parents and was supposed to be passed down to me" he said.

I nodded so he can continue his speech.

"And that mysterious emblem is gotta be something,And when its not native it can ruin the cultivation culture ,Right?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Then we must investigate it" he said.

Then here is me being an idiot I said "yeah" then "wait what no!"

" 왜?"he said in Korean maybe.

"What?" I said.

"Why?" He said.

"Why are we going to investigate about it?,we arent those types of Nighthunting cultivators" I said.

"Even tho,we have to discover it fast,before its too late" he said demandingly.

"My family has been learning on how to control and manipulate the power of a emblem and spiritually charged crystals since from my great great grandparents thanks to the Chinese clan that extended their cultivation to us and we Made our own way and culture of it" he said.

"Fine then"

"Let me guess that the lan clan went to korea to expand cultivation right?" I asked.

He shrugged and rolled his eyes.

'Maybe thats his own way of saying yes?'

"By the way what happened to the other Emblem,amulet and crystal like thing that i handed over to you?" He said.

"Oh yeah its fine,it actually responds to my touches tho" i said and smiled.

"So now it identified you at its new owner" he said.

"I guess so" i said.

"Well this Stubborn thing still doesnt let me know how to control it" He said while looking at the Stone that glows like a crystal.

"Well i think we should keep a closer eye on these 2 emblems,cuz i think they are one of the suspects of what those nighthunters are suspecting and sensing" I said.

He nodded and agreed.

I went out of his room and went back to my room.

I went to bed but awake.

I cant stop thinking about sanwol's Emblem.

What if it unleashes Its demonic power?

Oh no it wont, it needs an owner first.

But anyways i got it out of my mind and i finally can head to bed.

(*Next chapter*)