
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Since when did Vampires Play Basketball

The state inter high school basketball competition finals. This was an annual competition organized by the state government to search for potential, young basketball stars. Not only that, the competition also paved way for the production of the next biggest high school team.

Thirty two local schools had battled through thick and thin to get the trophy but i two had made it to the finals.

West Brom High and Avalon High School.

Now, West Brom was one of a kind. If not for Avalon slugging it out till the finals, West Brom had the greatest high school team.

The team was made up of strongly built up muscled boys who were definitely made for sports. Basketball was their calling.

West Brom had managed to paralyze each and all of their opponents on their way up. The score difference they always put up was enough to send shivers down the spines of future opponents.

Meanwhile, Avalon on the other hand, had managed to reach the finals with a thin line of luck.

The only strong to reckon with on their team was their captain and point guard, Ray Albion.

His speed, strength and precision were more than normal rivaling even some professional players.

Besides him, every other person on the team was basic.

Pitting these two teams against each other was like matching a fly against a dragon.

Can the fly beat the dragon?.


" Alright you idiots, this is it ", it was Coach Billy addressing members of the team in their dressing room. " This is what we've all been practicing for. Our biggest shot .

We can't and must not afford to lose here, we've come a long way to just lose to those West Brom punks. Y'all can do this, what do they have that you don't ?".

" Errrmmm... Muscles and pacs ", Leo raised his hands.

" Shut the fuck up Leo, no one told you to continue skipping diets till you turned this thin ", Coach barked " Of course, they've got muscles but do you think that's all, no , you also need brains to play basketball ".

He lit a cigarette.

" That's right, brats , y'all need brains to play and I don't think those West Brom pricks got that ", he looked around observing the room. " And where the fuck are Ray and Elisse ?".


Somewhere else, on a basketball practice court, a tall blonde haired young man was tossing a ball into a net. A large box filled with basketballs stood by his side.

Ray Albion.

The ball hit the edge of the net and rolled around the top before finally falling into it.

" Are you just gonna keep throwing balls or are you getting ready for the match ?", it was a black haired young man with brown beady eyes. Elisse Rover.

Ray didn't reply immediately. Instead, he picked up another ball and threw it into the net. Then he walked towards Elisse and held him by the shoulder.

" It'll be fine, I've got this ", after saying this, he walked past Elisse.

The black haired young man just watched the figure of the leaving man, then sighing to himself, he whispered,

" I hope so ".

He suddenly grabbed his stomach.


Meanwhile in another dressing room, the players of West Brom huddled together, their coach admonishing them.

He was a surprisingly thin man with an oddly shaped feature.

" Although the players of Avalon are weak, we must not underestimate them ", he was saying " We must not hesitate to crush them all........ this cup belongs to us ".

In the darker part of the room, three boys sat together.

" I want to see what Ray Albion has turned out to be, specially ", the voice was thin and crackled.

The next man smirked.

" I'll prefer to crush that brat ".


The stadium was packed full with spectators who had come excitedly to watch the match.

Amongst the large crowd sat Victoria, Julia and Juno. They were cheering loudly as the Avalon team took the sidelines. All in all, the boys who were seated on the sidelines were ten, plus the coach. But normally they were supposed to be eleven.

" Hey, where is darling ? ", Victoria wondered aloud " Isn't he supposed to be playing the game ?".

Coach Billy himself looked agitated.

" Where the fuck is that Elisse kid, I'll smithe his fucked up ass if he arrives later than this ".

The other members of the team looked at each other anxiously.

" I left him on the practice court, he is supposed to be here by now ", Ray replied.

" Criggley, you take the kid's place for the now, when he comes, I'll sub him in ", Coach Billy told a tall boy with freckles on his face.

Criggley stood and nodded.

Ray looked into the crowd into the eye of Victoria , he could immediately tell something was wrong.

What was it ?. The feeling under his skin was unsettling. A vampire's natural instincts.

But all his fears were confirmed when he turned towards the sidelines of his opponents.

A tall young man with purple hair and dead eyes with red irises stared back at him with a wide grin on his face.

He motioned his lips into a tiny ' hello'. Another man walked towards him. This one had black hair with a large scar under his left eye . Their pale skins were visible.

' What the fuck are they doing here ? ', Ray wondered.

Since when did Vampires play basketball ?.