
The Devourer of Life

Seion Curatonia was born with a frail body. He was not able to do things a normal kid does. As a teenager, he is only at house spending his time on watching dramas, anime, and reading books. He wanted to take on an adventure, climbing mountains, road tripping, and many more. He was not able to these things until the day has come where he reached the end of the line and he died. His regrets filled his heart but something happened that gives him hope to fulfill his dreams, he was transmigrated in another world. He inhabited a boy in the same name as his. He was really happy because the world where he resides is filled with fantastical things that he dreamed about. But a problem hindered him from doing it all. He only has 6 months left to live because of a fractured life-gauge. Can he find a way to fix his life-gauge where it is said that it was impossible to cure? Will he be able to fulfill his dreams? Follow Seion in his journey in this newfound world!

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4 Chs

It's do or die!

Then Seion looked at the direction where the voice came and he saw a bunch of kids around his age.

Based on Seion's memory, they were his classmates when he was still studying and the one who is leading the group and also the one who insulted him is Kyle Dridds.

Kyle was always bullying Seion because of his dumbness. Seion of this world is not an intelligent person. That flaw of his is what Kyle is using to bully him and embarrass him to his classmates.

Based on Seion's memory, they were always getting in to fight because of how Kyle bullied him.

"Come, Sheena, let's just ignore them." then Seion started to walk away from them while holding Sheena's little hand.

"Hah! Cowards like you only know one thing, running away! HAHAHAHAHA" then Kyle and his buddies walked past away from Seion and Sheena.

"Are you ok Kuya?" Sheena asked with worry in her eyes. Seion smiled and pats her head and said, "I'm fine Sheena and after all, they didn't hit or punch so there's no harm done."

Sheena also smiled knowing that her beloved Kuya is just fine. Even though Seion didn't have much life encounters because of his condition back on earth, he knew that holding back is the best thing to do as long as he was not hurt so badly or his friends and family are fine. This was one of the lessons he learned from watching television dramas and Japanese anime.

Seion and Sheena were headed to the principal's office and talk to Principal Rod about Sheena going back to study.

Since the school was big, it took them 15 minutes to reach the 4th floor of the building where the Principal's office is.

Seion knocked on the door and then he heard a response from the inside telling him to come.

When they entered they saw an old man sitting on the chair with his clenched hands resting on the desk. (I don't how to explain this properly but it's like doing holding hands with your gf or bf but you did it with your own two hands and placed it on the table. Just like how the professionals do.)

Then Principal Rod saw who came and he smiled. "Ohhhh Seion! It is nice to see you again. Come and sit."

Then Seion and Sheena took their seats. Then Seion asked principal Rod, "Did Mr. Arnold already told you about Sheena coming back to school?"

"Yes, he explained everything to me and you don't have to worry a single thing about Sheena's study." Principal Rod said as he looks at Sheena with pity on his eyes. "At such a young age she saw some terrifying scenes and I'm sure it will become a great factor in her personality development." Principal Rod added.

"But I hope I can see what she'll become in the future," Seion said as he looked on the ceiling to hold his tears back. Even if its only 5 months that Seion and Sheena were living together, he really treated her as his own sister.

He loved her with all of his heart. He wanted to see what she would become in the future and he wanted to guide her to the right path but doing so seems like an impossible dream for him.

His life would end by the next month and there is no sure way to treat his fractured life bar.

Principal Rod's eyes looked at Seion with pity and he said, "Don't worry Seion, Arnold, and I will make sure that Sheena will have a good future ahead." Then he stood up and patted Seion's back.

"Thank you, Principal Rod." Seion stood up and bowed to him as thanks "Just follow my assistant Bert and he will guide you to Sheena's classroom. Cherish your remaining days young man."

Then his assistant Bert who is sitting in the corner came to them. Seion didn't notice that there is another person here aside from him, Sheena and the principal.

"Please follow me, sir." Then Bert opened the door and Seion and Sheena followed him.

While walking, Sheena asked Seion a hard question out of nowhere, "Are you leaving me Kuya? Are you tired of taking care of me? I promise you that I'll help you at home. Just don't leave me Kuya!" Tears were about to fall from her tiny round eyes.

Seion was taken aback by her question and he didn't know how to respond. Then he stopped walking and then kneeled his right foot and faced Sheena while holding her shoulders, "No, I'm not leaving you, little girl. There are just things that I needed to go to another city to process some important things so I can be with you forever." Tears fell down on his face while hugging Sheena tightly. Sheena also hugged him back and she cried while saying, "Thank you so much Kuya."

"Come classes are starting and we are also wasting Mr. Bert's time," Seion said as he stood up and wiped the tears in his face.

"I will help to keep her safe while you are away. Mr. Principal told me about you and I felt sorry for your unlucky condition." Bert said as he comforts Seion by caressing his back.

"Thank you, Mr. Bert." Seion thanked him. He now felt assured that there are people who will look after Sheena when the time comes and he will leave this world.

Soon, they reached Sheena's classroom and Mr. Bert already bid his farewell and said there are things he still needed to do. Then Seion thanked him for guiding them to Sheena's classroom.

Before Sheena enters her room, Seion gave her an instruction, "Sheena, when you come home after class, call Mr. Arnold and tell him that you need to give him something important from me and when he arrived at the house, give him this letter for me." Seion said as he pats Sheena's head. Then he handed a white envelope to Sheena. Then Sheena kept it into his bag.

"Are you going to another city?" Sheena excitedly said. She believed that Seion was going to process some things in order for them to be together forever.

"ohhhh, yes, yes. I'm going to another city to process some things so I can be with you forever." When Seion is saying these words, his voice cracked because of holding himself not to cry.

Sheena laughed because Seion's suddenly cracked out of nowhere. (Pumiyok)

"Enter your classroom now, your teacher must be waiting for you. Goodbye Sheena." Then Seion kissed her forehead.

"Goodbye, Kuya!" then Sheena waved her little hands at him as she walks towards the door of her new classroom.

Sheena's goodbye was just about parting ways for the meantime but for Seion, it is a goodbye for eternity. The chances that he'll die is almost a hundred percent since there is nobody who was able to fix their fractured life bar.

Then Sheena entered her classroom. Seion waited until she introduced herself before leaving. This might be the last time they are able to see each other.

Seion gloomily left the school and since the classes already started, he didn't bump into Kyle again.

Today was the time he will leave the city based on his plan to hunt some monster and absorb their life energy and make it his own energy. This was his hypothesis and it was not yet proven so this action of him was just a gamble. His life and future are at stake in this gamble.

Either he will live or he will die. Even if he just stayed with Sheena he will still die so at least he will gamble everything even if the chance of success if below 0.1%.

After leaving school, the first place he goes to is a store selling hunting necessities. Since he was still a minor and he is still not a hunter, his alibi is that his father told him to buy those things for him.

The sales lady didn't ask about the matter any further because there are no cases reported about a minor who escaped the city just for the sole reason and that is to hunt monsters.

Well, after Seion accomplished his plan, there will be a single case about this incident and he was the sole violator.

After buying the things he needs like a hammock, instant foods, and other things, he immediately went back home.

His plan is to hunt at the nearby forest where the danger level is only 1, which means it has the safest place to hunt especially for those newbie hunters.

The only weapon he will use is the shotgun that he used when he killed the Brain-sucking spider. The shotgun can kill level 2 monsters at most.

Then he packed his things and was now ready to set off and then he said to himself "Its do or die!"