
The Devourer of Life

Seion Curatonia was born with a frail body. He was not able to do things a normal kid does. As a teenager, he is only at house spending his time on watching dramas, anime, and reading books. He wanted to take on an adventure, climbing mountains, road tripping, and many more. He was not able to these things until the day has come where he reached the end of the line and he died. His regrets filled his heart but something happened that gives him hope to fulfill his dreams, he was transmigrated in another world. He inhabited a boy in the same name as his. He was really happy because the world where he resides is filled with fantastical things that he dreamed about. But a problem hindered him from doing it all. He only has 6 months left to live because of a fractured life-gauge. Can he find a way to fix his life-gauge where it is said that it was impossible to cure? Will he be able to fulfill his dreams? Follow Seion in his journey in this newfound world!

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4 Chs

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Sheena was still holding Seion's hands as they go downstairs. They reached the kitchen in no time and she saw eggs and slices of bacon in the table. Then she subconsciously said, "Ohhhh, it is really an actual food."

Seion has a conflicted expression in his face. He didn't even know if it is a compliment of an insult. But knowing that it came from an 8 years old little girl, she couldn't get angry at all.

Seion and Sheena gloomily ate their breakfast. The incident was still fresh from their minds. Sheena only ate a small amount of food and she said that she was full.

This made Seion worry even more about Sheena's mental health.

"I should ask Mr. Arnold for some help." Seion was planning to bring Sheena to a psychologist and help her to move on from what happened. The only problem he got is he lacks the money to pay a doctor so he will ask Mr. Arnold.

Since Mr. Arnold is the leader or commander of the guardians he also said that he would help Sheena if for her needs.

After eating his breakfast, he watched the dishes and then took a bath. He also told Sheena to take a bath because they will go outside. Sheena didn't ask why but she took immediately took a bath.

"Are you ready now Sheena?" Seion asked Sheena who is still changing her clothes. Seion was already waiting outside the room for Sheena to finish fixing herself up.

"Yes Kuya, I'm done." Then Sheena came out of the room. She wore a floral dress with her ponytail. She was really cute in that dress but her gloomy expression disrupts the happy theme of her dress.

"Come, hold my hand, and follow me." Then without hesitation, Sheena holds his hand and then walked with him side by side.

Seion called some taxi and then one came. They entered it and the driver asked Seion, "Where are you going?" then Seion replied, "At the ArHum Branch office." Then the driver looks at them with some confusion but he refrained from asking questions about the matter.

Soon, they finally reached the ArHum or the Armaments of Humanity Branch office. It was a 3 story tall building with a large name engraved on it, "Armaments of Humanity".

Seion and Sheena stood up outside the building. Then Seion grabbed her hand and started to walk towards the entrance.

Then before they could reach the entrance, the guard already stopped them. "Where are the two of you are going?" The guard asked.

Then Seion answered, "We are here to talk with Commander Arnold, is he here?"

One of the guards frowned and then said, "And what are the reason you are looking for commander?"

Seion knew why the guards are acting like this, ages below 16 years old are not allowed to enter here if not for some special occasion or business with the ArHum.

"Have you heard about the family of three where the mother and father are killed by the Brain-sucking spider last night?" Seion asked the guards.

"Yes, we have heard of it." one of the guards answered.

"This little girl is the only survivor of the family. Mr. Arnold said that if we needed anything, we can ask him. I need something to ask him regarding my little sister's condition, are we allowed to enter?" Seion explained.

The expression of the two guards suddenly changed when they heard Seion's explanation.

"Please wait here for a moment." Then the guard picked up his phone and talked to someone. Then he put it back to his wallet and said, "Please follow me."

Seion followed the guard while holding Sheena's little hand. Seion was amazed when they entered the building. It was a large plain building without too many intricate designs; it was really suited for office works.

They entered the elevator and the guard pressed the button for the 3rd floor.

"I am Ferdie one of the assigned guards in the ArHum branch office entrance. I heard about the incident last night, condolence to the bereaved family." He said as he took off his hat and placed it in his chest and then bow sit head slightly.

Sheena didn't respond so Seion took the initiative and said, "Thank you."

"What is your relationship with the family? I heard there are only three of them and only this little girl survived?" the guard asked Seion.

"I am just their neighbor but we are as close as a family because I was orphaned at a young age and the looked after me until now." Although Seion inherited this world's Seion's memory, he does not feel anything towards Sheena's family because it was not his own memory. He felt he was just watching a movie about the past of this world's Seion.

"Ohhh I see." Then they heard a *ting* indicating that they reached the third floor.

Ferdie started walking and they are now in front of a large door. The guard knocked and then they a voice from the insides saying that they could enter.

"Sir, I brought them here. I'll be taking my leave." Then Ferdie bowed and walked away.

"Seion what's the matter?" It was Mr. Arnold who is inside the room. Aside from being the Guardian's commander, he was also the Branch Manager of the ArHum branch office.

"I would like to ask for help. I would like Sheena to get checked by a psychologist and put her in a psychotherapy so at least she can move on by what happened last night." Seion said.

"You're really an interesting man. It was as if you're not a mere 14 years old kid because of the way you're thinking." Mr. Arnold smiled at Seion. "I'm glad you asked for my help. I have a friend who can help her and I will come with you to her clinic." Then Mr. Arnold stood up and walked out of the door and Seion and Sheena followed him.

They entered Mr. Arnold's car and they're now headed towards the said clinic.

They have consulted the doctor and she said that Sheena should enter a psychotherapy program. Seion agreed with it and Mr. Arnold said that the Armaments of Humanity would cover all of the expenses.

The therapy lasted for 5 months with a total of 20 sessions, 1 session every week. By this time, Seion helped her by avoiding things that will remember her about the incident. They played a lot and now Sheena started to smile.

Within this time, Seion didn't have a chance to kill or absorb the life energy of any monster because he used all of his time taking care of Sheena. He only got a month left on his life span.

He already told Mr. Arnold about his condition and asked him if he could take care of Sheena if he dies. Mr. Arnold felt sorry for him and he promised that he would adopt Sheena if that day will happen.

"Haaaays, my days are numbered and I won't live long. It is maybe the time to try if my hypothesis is wrong or right, I need to hunt for some monsters." Seion said as he lied down on the bed. Sheena was still on his side and currently sleeping soundly.

"I need to make preparations starting tomorrow and plan how to get out of the city without getting caught." Then Seion clenched his fists. He still wanted to live the second life that was given to him. There are so many things that he wanted to do and to experience.

Since Seion was still 14 years old, he was not allowed to go outside of the city without any adults accompanying him, and hunting is really impossible for him.

So his plan is to escape the city without getting seen by anyone. If someone saw him and tell the authorities about him escaping the city would bring him great trouble.

His situation right now is to do or die. If he didn't do it, he will die and even if he will do it, he might still die but he got no choice but to gamble his remaining life.

"Taking risks is better than doing nothing" Seion consoled himself and then he fell asleep after a couple of minutes of thinking how to escape the city.

It was now morning and Seion already took his bath and he already cooked breakfast for them to eat. It was also Sheena's first day of school after 5 months of treatment.

"Sheena, come here downstairs and eat your breakfast or you will be late," Seion shouted from the kitchen towards the second floor where Sheena is.

"I'm still changing into my uniform!" Sheena shouted back and Seion heard something fell. 'She must be excited to see her friends' Seion said to himself.

Sheena came downstairs after a while and both of them ate their breakfast. Then after happily eating their breakfast, Seion and Sheena came out of the house and now headed to Sheena's school.

There is only a single in the Wind city and that is the Hunter Reserve Colleges. This school accommodates elementary up to college. Seion also studied here and he excels in his class but he suddenly dropped without publicizing his reason.

Based on his memories, when he dropped out, the only one who knew the reason is his principal. The principal is an old man and aged over a thousand years.

The principal feels sad for his condition and said that he should enjoy his remaining life not waste it in studying because even if he continues studying, he will not reach the day he will use what he learned.

Seion called a taxi over and he said that the destination is in the Hunter Reserve College.

On their way towards the school, Sheena was trembling slightly. 'She must be a little bit nervous about this.' Seion said to himself.

Then he pats Sheena's head and said, " It's okay Sheena, just calm down and everything will be okay." Sheena looked up to him and she smiled and then she calmed down a little bit.

Then they reached the school. Seion and Sheena get off the taxi after paying.

Seion was surprised; it was his first time seeing what a school looks like. It was bursting with students of different ages and it really looks fun.

Back when he was still on earth, he didn't have the chance to enter a school because of his special condition. All he did was homeschooling and he feels like he was imprisoned.

Seion was still admiring the scenery of the school when he heard someone from a distance talking at him, "Ohhhhh, isn't it the idiotic weakling drop out Seion? What in the world are you doing here? Wanting to come back to school? HAHAHAHHA"