
The Devious King's Desire

Author: MayaKeiran
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 47.8K Views
  • 19 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is The Devious King's Desire

Read ‘The Devious King's Desire’ Online for Free, written by the author MayaKeiran, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, MAGIC Light Novel, WEAKTOSTRONG Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: [Warning: Mature content. No rape]"Across the past, present, and future, wherever you may hide from me, I will traverse ...


[Warning: Mature content. No rape] "Across the past, present, and future, wherever you may hide from me, I will traverse every single timeline to find you and ravish you." Princess Evangeline Whitlock - an alluring young woman with rare purple eyes and exceptional abilities in medicine. A life of simplicity was all she ever sought. But, unbeknownst to her, destiny had woven a tapestry of fate, gifting her with a power that could sway the very tides of her kingdom. Her life takes a tumultuous turn when she meets an accident and mysteriously travels back in time, only to fall into the arms of a man who soon refuses to leave her out of his sight. Would Eva succeed in breaking free from the clutches of the devious king, who would stop at nothing to conquer her heart, body, soul, and blood? King Maxen Regan - a ruthless, blood-thirsty man, whose mere presence was enough to instill terror in the hearts of his enemies and make them tremble in fear. But beneath his predatory allure lay a shattered and desolate soul, impervious to any efforts of restoration. And the only person who possessed the ability to heal his broken soul was - her. Unfortunately, his love was believed to be a curse, and those who dared to fall for him were destined to meet a tragic end. Could Maxen save the love of his life from the depths of his own torment? ________________ Excerpt: "Do you really think you can escape from me now, after what you just did?" his tone held a hint of mocking as he watched her nervously stepping backwards. Lowering his head, he shook it in amusement and his low chuckle echoed throughout the forest, "Where has the brave girl disappeared to?" Eva's heart lurched in her chest when she saw him closing the distance between them, slowly advancing towards her like a predator closing in on its prey, ready to pounce. "You have the nerve to make me beg you, but you are not brave enough to face the consequences?" his deep voice sent shivers running down her spine. She softly gulped before jutting her chin out, attempting to put on a brave face as if she was not afraid of him. However, her heart betrayed her, and a knowing smirk appeared on his face.  But in the next moment, the smile on his face vanished, replaced by an expression of hunger. And Eva took another step backwards, only to realize that she had nowhere to escape from this devil when her back hit the bark of a tree behind her. Her purple eyes closed instinctively when she saw him raise his hand. And her breath hitched as she felt him trace his knuckles across her cheek, before slowly trailing them down the length of her neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "Since you want to run away from me, I will give you a chance. You will run... and I will chase you. And if I catch you..," he breathed, leaning forward to whisper in her ear, "I will devour you little by little... until there is nothing left of you." She shivered, as his hand went to the nape of her neck and his fingers weaved through her midnight hair, causing a hurricane to stir inside her chest. He forced her to meet his gaze, curling his fingers in her luscious mane and tugging it enough to elicit a mewl from her lips. "Now, run, princess. Run as fast as you can and you better pray to god that I don't find you", a devilish smirk played on his lips as he loosened his grip on her. Something akin to a dark desire flashed across his deep red eyes as they slowly started to turn golden yellow, causing Eva's eyes to widen in alarm. A gasp escaped her lips and with her heart hammering against her chest, she swiftly turned around and fled from him.

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I do not exaggerate when I say that this is the best writing I have reviewed so far. The grammar, diction and language are perfect. The plot is good and the pace with which story progresses is also great. I have added it to my library and would be following through more. Please keep updating author. Love & support from this reader 💗


This is an honest review. The novel is very interesting , no doubts. The author has done a very good job in writing it and whoever passing by should definitely pause to read it. It will reach very far . Highly recommended


Personally, I find it quite hard to write romance in a novel. That's why I can't help but smile after reading how you wrote such plot and character development. Great writing quality! Can't wait to see more :D Kudos!


It's a really nice book, I love the plot and most especially character design. Nice work author


This writer is phenomenal. Firstly, I wholeheartedly appreciate the fact this woman’s first language isn’t English, yet her she took the time to make her flow and grammar astounding. This is different. Normally I don’t read books of young brilliant doctors, but I have given this book a chance and I don’t regret it. In the beginning the reader draws us in by not only telling us she’s the youngest doctor, but showing the struggles she deals with. Some doubt her. Others seem jealous of her, and she pushes through. I’ve only read four chapters and hands down, would read more. It’s about time light gets shined on detailed authors who has a knack for storytelling. It’s written so well I feel like I was in her shoes. Three dimensional, human thought process. Just amazing. Please give this a read, and thank you dear author for pouring your passion into each word of this story. I can tell it was something you needed to write and that you love writing it.


This story is very interesting compared to other story developments . I liked it very much . The characters are also very unique especially the mc


A book about a capable woman being transported to the past, meeting the (possibly?) love of her life. This has most of the elements girls looovvee to read: there's transmigration, period drama, mystery, action, vampires, handsome vampires, sexy vampires (lol), and a very capable FL. Anyway , just get in here and experience it yourself. 😂😂


I cannot believe this author's first language is not English. It's so very, very good - that she seriously writes better than some of my 9th grade students who grew up speaking English natively. The two female characters are a fresh breath of air from the typical cattiness a lot of people focus on - and the FL isn't bratty or unkind, so it makes her very likable off the bat. The friendship is believable, and reminds me of my own with my best friends. I'm loving the set-up, and have added this to my library to read. I HIGHLY recommend this piece!


I am really enjoying this story. I am not usually much of a romance fan. but the author is a true storyteller. Not only is there a romance element, there is a mystery in the background goading the reader to continue reading. This is definitely going in my library.


The book is fire 💯 glad I checked out the forum and i found it. 🤩


The book is fire. The background setting is unique and the writing quality is great. I can't get enough of it. nice job, author.


I just found this book and the summary alone is so interesting and exiting I would like to start this book right away!!PLEASE AUTHOR keep on writing this book so we all can enjoy and follow you on this exceptional story!!!


For a first-time writer, this is a well-done novel. The grammar is excellent. There needs to be a bit more description. However, the story is very interesting.


Got hooked at the first few chapters, at most one of the best writings I've seen so far. World building and character personalization just make the book a whole lot more fun to read. Expecting more intensifying chapters💜


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating