
The devils world

The world has been living in terror because of the massive battle between Gods and devil's. Today after the battle the Gods went to a deep sleep after being defeated and the devils are the new ruler of the world. Will the world live in peace during the devils reign or will it completely be destroyed by the devils. Will the humans live in peace or will it be their bad days.

Evans_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Evans ' POV

After spending a lot of time in heaven I went in search of my mother, Sarah who was long missing. Many rumours about my mother being attacked and captured by vampires had spread like veld fire.

I decided to go on an encounter in search of my mother. I woke up very early in the morning and bid goodbye to my brother and father. It was amazing to spend time with them but now it was time to go.

On my way to where my mother was located in the tunnel, Razor, I encountered a masked fighter. One thing about the masked fighter worried me much. He had the same height as Lucifer, his powers were the same and he also had the same voice as him. His hair was purplish and long just like Lucifer's. From the look of things it was my evil uncle, Lucifer. I roared at him "Lucifer! Remove your mask" but he just gave me a mocking look and just smiled.

He challenged me to a brow and I had no other choice but to agree. I needed to show this devil where he belonged, at my feet. I quickly rushed at him and strikes fists at him but he dodged them but then I managed land one on him. The punch did not have a single effect on him and this made me angry. I transformed into another form called the violent form. I quickly changed my costume and my eyes turned red. A harmer appeared in my hand and then I moved swiftly and punched Lucifer to a rock, I gave him more than fifty punches in a minute. He also entered his form called destruction form and he became all brown. He punched me but I continued dodging and and then I hit him with my harmer made of endless fire and he quickly retreated. The harmer could kill a devil if the devil was not careful. Before he could vanish I hit him again and he screamed and immediately vanished.