
The devils world

The world has been living in terror because of the massive battle between Gods and devil's. Today after the battle the Gods went to a deep sleep after being defeated and the devils are the new ruler of the world. Will the world live in peace during the devils reign or will it completely be destroyed by the devils. Will the humans live in peace or will it be their bad days.

Evans_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Sarah's POV

I had gone to meet an ancient devil who was thrown out of hell because of eating demons and few inferior devils but he once ate a superior devil. The devil was a vampire lord and his name was Cain. Vampires used to live along devils and witches in hell but one day they ate the devils superior who was my grand father, Abel. My father, Lot then took inherited his throne and became superior. The vampire king and his people also ate inferior angels and this angered my husband, god Jack and he planned a master plan alongside my father King Lot and they were successful. The two kings chased the vampire king and fought him. The two won the battle and as a result Jack asked my father to give me in as his wife but he denied. We however got married and had kids together. Cain was sealed in the tunnel of Razor located between earth and hell. The tunnel was a deadly site made of razors that could kill a mere demon or angel. No one can escape from there without the help of the superiors if the devils and gods .

This thought made me panic but I knew my son will be my saviour and salvation. My husband would never help but will be glad that I am captured. The vampire king was said to be an immortal but it was believed a half devil and half god could kill him with a single slay of the sword. Only my son, Evans stood a chance against him. One thing bothered me, my son's powers were sealed in a mountain called Olive and only he could unleash them.

A thunder was heard and suddenly a young man carrying a sword appeared it was my son, Evans. I quickly screamed "Unleash! your godly power"and suddenly a ray of light was seen and my son became the historical creature a half god and half devil. He shaved his sword and slew the vampire king. Cain fell to the ground bowing to my mighty son. "He died just like that" people asked each other and started mourning their king. Evans and I then teleported to hell, I was proud of my mighty son that day.