
The Devils Ritual-MHA Fanfic

Izuku Midoriya, the boy who couldn't accomplish his dream in entering U.A, so he'll set out to accomplish a new dream, of destroying U.A. the question is, is this his dream, or someone elses?

Daoist2DBvIf · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Villain, Hero Excercise!

"Bakugou! Where'd you go?!" A boy with red, spiky hair called out. They were running a training exercise. Two students pretend to be bad guys, hiding a fake bomb in a building, while two other students act as heroes and try to find the bomb. The boy with red hair was working with Bakugou as heroes. Kirishima, the boy with red hair, turned many corners, until finally finding his team mate. "There you are!" Kirishima said as he ran towards his companion. "Stop following me!" Bakugou yelled. "I can't stop following you! We need a plan, can't just attack the villains." Kirishima said, it was obvious that the blonde hair kid didn't care. "Let me do this how I wanna do this. I don't give a shit about a plan!" Bakugou yelled. "Why're you so hard headed?" Kirishima asked, but before Bakugou could give a response, the entire hallway was covered in ice. "What the hell?!" Bakugou yelled, startled. Kirishima shivered. "This is why we needed a plan." Kirishima said as a boy walked through the hall. He looked as if he was emotionless. "Who're you?!" Bakugou asked, grinning with excitement. "Shoto Todoroki. That's my name." The boy said as ice spikes rose from the ground, almost hitting Bakugou and Kirishima. Explosions came from Bakugous hands, launching him at Todoroki. Bakugou almost hit Todoroki, but Todoroki barely dodged. 'That speed!' Todoroki yelled in his mind as he sent an ice spike at Bakugou. Kirishima hardened himself, he was basically a rock. He ran at Todoroki. Bakugou had exploded Todoroki's ice spike and started running at him too. They were coming at him from both sides, in a narrow hallway. Todoroki sprung up an ice spike at Bakugou, then focused another ice spike at Kirishima, knocking them both back. Todoroki then ran. "Where does he think he's going?!" Bakugou yelled as he started running towards his direction. Kirishima grabbed Bakugou by the arm, stopping him. "Bakugou, we need to focus on finding this bomb. We'll handle him when needed." Bakugou stared at Kirishima before breaking away from his grip. "Fine. So, do you have a plan?" Bakugou asked. Kirishima chuckled. "Not exactly." Bakugou got irritated. "What?!" Kirishima put his hands up in front of his chest. "Calm down, Bakugou. The match started not that long, so I suspect that the bomb is on this floor. Since Todoroki was able to get to us so quickly. So, we just search this floor." Kirishima said, putting his hands down. "Alright then, we'll go from where he came from!" Bakugou said as he pointed at the direction Todoroki attacked them from. "Alright! Let's go!" Kirishima said as he started running in that direction, Bakugou followed.

Bakugou and Kirishima arrived at a room with a missile looking object in the middle. "That must be the bomb!" Kirishima yelled as he ran up. "Wait!" Bakugou yelled, but it was too late, an ice spike in cased Kirishima, leaving his head out. "Huh?!" Kirishima yelled in confusion. Todoroki came from behind a pillar, and then a girl came out from behind another pillar. "Your plan worked, Momo." Todoroki said. "So, you had a plan since the start?" Bakugou asked. Todoroki nodded. "You assholes." Bakugou said as he launched himself with an explosion, he grabbed Todoroki and threw him outside of the room. He then quickly blew up the ice trapping Kirishima. "What?!" The girl, Momo, yelled. Kirishima placed his hand on the missile, then a loud beep sounded through. "We won!" Kirishima yelled happily. Todoroki got up. 'He got rid of me and saved his partner in a matter of seconds. How is he that strong?' Todoroki thought as he watched them celebrate. Momo walked over to Todoroki. "The plan was so good. Maybe if I had thought of something else we could've won." She whined. "No. Even if we both came up with a plan together, it wouldn't work. He's too strong." Todoroki said as he walked out, Momo watched him with a confused look.

That's it for chapter 3! We saw a look of U.A High, but next chapter, we'll go back to Midoriya and his power training!

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