
The Devils Ritual-MHA Fanfic

Izuku Midoriya, the boy who couldn't accomplish his dream in entering U.A, so he'll set out to accomplish a new dream, of destroying U.A. the question is, is this his dream, or someone elses?

Daoist2DBvIf · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Blood Of A Devil

A blue flame launched out from Dabis hand. "Wow, that's impressive!" Midoriya said in amazement. "Thank you, thank you. But I was just showing you some of my power, yours is what really matters." Dabi said as he brought his hand down. "I forgot to introduce you to one of the members." Dabi pointed to a guy in a black suit who was leaning on a wall. "That's Twice. He's gonna make clones for you to use." Dabi said as Twice walked up. "Will my power work on clones? I mean, you said it's only because of blood." Midoriya asked. "The clones are still part of Twice, so let's hope it works. Alright, try to launch the clone." Dabi said. Midoriya brought his hand up and closed his eyes, he needed to focus. "Concentrate. Image throwing that clone into the air." Dabi said. Midoriya kept his eyes closed, then quickly opened them, raising his hand in the air. The clone raised up with Midoriyas hand. "It's working!" Midoriya said. "Alright. Now crush him into the ground!" Dabi said with a smirk. Midoriya quickly rushed his hand down, and the clone splattered on the ground, green goo pouring out. Midoriya smiled. "I did it!" Dabi chuckled, then Shigaraki came out. "How's it going, Dabi?" Dabi and Midoriya turned to Shigaraki. "He got it first try, the kid's a natural." Shigaraki smiled. "Good. Now try and teach him how to use his blood as a weapon." Shigaraki said as he went inside. "Use my blood as a weapon?" Midoriya asked, concerned. "Chill out. It won't hurt you." Dabi said as he grabbed a knife from his pocket. He handed it to Midoriya. "Cut your hand." Dabi ordered, and Midoriya listened. This time, he didn't wince or anything, he just cut his hand. "Concentrate on that blood. Try to form it into a knife just like the one that cut you." Dabi said. Midoriya closed his eyes again, and concentrated. The blood that had covered his hand started to move in an odd way. It gathered up in the middle of Midoriyas hand, then formed into a knife, it was exactly like the one he had cut himself with. Midoriya opened his eyes, then gripped the knife. It had formed into a solidified object now. "You're crazy good, kid!" Dabi said as Midoriya swung the knife around, just to test it. "Is there any other things I can do?" Midoriya asked. "I don't know, kid. Shigaraki is the one who knows how this works, not me. But we're taking a break anyways." Dabi answered as he led Midoriya inside. They both sat at the bar, where Kurogiri handed them both some wine. "I'm underaged." Midoriya said, refusing the glass of wine. "C'mon, celebrate a bit! You're a villain now, you know." Dabi said. Midoriya thought for a bit, then grabbed the glass of wine and took a sip.

Short chapter, but this was mainly to introduce two of Midoriyas powers. In chapter 5, I hope to show Midoriyas first mission!

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