
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 3: Raccoon?!

Sagiri was jumping from rooftop to rooftop following the traces of the Spirit Line which was about to vanish.

Her speed was much slower due to Chisaki hanging tightly on her waist, but even so, Sagiri is still fast enough to outrun a car.

Then, a hundred meters away, she saw a person wearing a jacket with a hood with a mask covering their face.

Sagiri took out a kunai and threw it at the person with speed that would put bullets to shame.

However, her aim was a little off and only cut a part of the hood of the person, causing said person to stop from running.

Taking this chance, Sagiri increased her speed and caught up with the person in almost an instant.

She stopped just a few meters behind the person, before taking Chisaki's arms off her waist.

Chisaki immediately crouched at the side with green face. All that jumping and running in fast speed really made her sick.

"Who are you."

The hooded person remained silent and just took out a leaf.

'Leaf?' Sagiri frowned. "I don't know who you are, but since you didn't really physically harm a normal human, I might let you off with a month to Chuuma Dungeon."

Chuuma Dungeon, a place where criminals in Supernatural Side where being kept. Chuuma Ninja may not have any Transcendental, but they still have several strong people.

In the Supernatural side, they are the Police who maintained the Peace and Order, so that no one from supernatural side may harm ordinary people.

Their organization was spread all over Japan due to their custom of marrying to men from different clans and races with strong Spirit Powers.

(AN: For those who don't know, the Chuuma Ninjas are a group consists of only women)

Rumors has it that they began to spread overseas.

No one can afford to Offend the Chuuma Ninjas, not because they are strong or anything, but because they are connected to one of the Hexagram, the Gotei 13.

The current matriarch of Chuuma Ninja, Shigure Ameno, the grandmother of Sagiri Ameno, is the wife of the current Captain Commander of Gotei 13, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, and he is also known as one of the only three heroes currently living in Japan.

Back to the story...

The hooded person just scoffed, "Don't talk big just because you have a little bit of Spirit Power, my abilities, are still much better."

The person threw the leaf they are holding, and with a puff of smoke, it transformed into a three meter tall humanoid-bull-like creature holding an axe.

"Minotaur?!" Sagiri exclaimed in shock. Its really no surprised for her to be shocked, because Minotaurs are a beast one wouldn't usually see.

They lived on their own sub-spaces that can be found on some mountains or forests. They are incredibly ferocious, with a strength matched only by their appearance.

Each of them were born with spirit power of a hundred, but as they age, they also became even more stronger, reaching a Spirit Power of a hundred thousands in their adulthood even if all they do is eat and sleep.

If they put an effort, they would even be able to reach a Transcendental level. Though, their only weakness is that they are a beast.

They only have instincts and with a little intelligence, they couldn't even talk.

"Tsk." Sagiri clicked her tongue and planned to retreat. There's an ordinary human with her, and Chisaki might be injured, or even die if a fight break out.

However, just as she was about to do that, she noticed that the Minotaur was just standing there and glaring at them with a vicious grin.

'...that's odd.' Sagiri jumped back, confused. As far as she knew Minotaurs immediately attack if they saw anyone not of their kind, so why was it just standing there?

'Don't tell me...' Her gaze went towards the hooded person.

Testing her theory, she took out a kunai and attached an explosive talisman on the handle at the same time.

Without hesitation, she threw the kunai. The minotaur moved and tried to deflect the kunai with its axe, but the instant it did, the talisman on the kunai glowed before releasing a powerful explosion.

Sagiri blinked and immediately retreated and grabbed Chisaki and carried her on her arms as she jumped to a tree.

"E-Eh~?!" Chisaki blushed in embarrassment from being princess carry by a girl, and her classmate at that!

Sagiri just stared at the explosion with a blank look. '....This explosion, isn't this a mid-level Explosive Talisman? Isn't that very expensive?! I hardly have enough money for this month due to the lack of good paying missions! And I wasted an expensive mid-level explosive talisman on this?!'

As the smoke from the explosion dispersed, there was now a small crater found on the place where the minotaur stood, and with the minotaur being nowhere to be seen.

The hooded person was now on their butt, staring at the crater in disbelief.

Sagiri returned to the ground and put the blushing Chisaki down to the ground.

"T-Thank y-y-you!"

Sagiri nodded at her before glaring at the hooded person, "....If you had just remained silent and obediently followed me then you would be fine. But attacking me and an ordinary human? Now, that can't be forgiven."

A trace of killing intent flashed through her eyes as she said that. Sagiri may not look like it, but she had killed people before.

Her first human kill is an Evil Exorcist who are using his ability to kidnapped and defiled women before killing them. It was actually some sort of graduation ceremony for Chuuma Ninjas, where they will be sent on a mission and they have to kill their targets.

She threw up after she did that, she couldn't even eat anything aside from herbs for a week and wouldn't leave her room for several weeks, after all she was only 13 at that time.

If it wasn't for her grandparents, and parents helping her, who knew what might happen to her.

And now, though she was still very uncomfortable with the thought of killing, she wouldn't hesitate to do it, especially if her opponent is someone who treats lives as if it was a pebble they can just kick and throw around.

Gripping her katana and pointing it at the person, she stated, "This is your last chance to surrender, if you still wanted to attack....well, this time I won't just be exploding that cheap imitation."

That was just a threat. Sagiri really wasn't someone who can just kill that easily. She doesn't even know this person, so she really doesn't know if this person has done something that deserved death, she will probably just beat this person up before throwing them to the dungeon.

"Hiiiee!!!" The hooded person screeched in fright as their eyes began to tear up. "Sor-Sorry! I was wrong!"

With a puff of smoke, the hooded person vanished and replaced by a young girl with raccoon ears and tail, she was crying.

"I-I'll..hic..apologize..hic..okay! P-P-Please don't..hic..hurt me..sob.."

Chisaki covered her mouth with her hand as she stared at the girl in shock.

Sagiri blinked her eyes in shock, "A girl? No, a Bakedanuki? I see, that's explains the leaves."

The Bakedanuki is a tribe of Raccoon Youkais who lives in a secluded villages on some mountains. They are a famous tricksters and likes to play around with humans.

Nukida Family, the leader of the Raccoon Tribes, is a vassal tribe under the Tenko Family, one of the Three Great Families and a member of Hexagram.

They are also a tribe that are rather famous for making a top-class Talismans so they are also rather rich.

Though, they also have a tradition that at the age of ten, they must leave their village and can only be allowed to return when they have a certain level of achievements.

Sagiri sighed, no matter what, she really doesn't have it in her to hurt a child, much less a crying one.

"A-Ameno-san, its a child! A raccoon child! I-Is she Youkai?! They are real!?" Chisaki questioned as she stared at the raccoon girl worriedly, as if she couldn't help but want to pet her.

But she just can't help it, Chisaki Miyazaki is a sucker for cute things.

Sagiri stared at the crying at the child and sheathed her sword before she walked towards her and consoled her.

A few weeks ago she might not know what to do in this situation, but she spent enough time with Alice that she picked up a few tricks to console a crying child.

After a few moments, the raccoon girl finally stopped crying as she stood up, still with red eyes.

"Alright, how about you tell us your name?" Sagiri smiled as Chisaki nodded behind her, looking at the raccoon child.

The raccoon girl sniffed before nodding, "M-My name is Koyuzu Shigaraki, a Bakedanuki, a type of Raccoon Youkai. I just left our village a year ago and haven't return since."

"L-Left?! Why?! You're still a kid!" Chisaki exclaimed in shock.

The raccoon girl, Koyuzu just shook her head, "No, as a Bakedanuki, we are already considered an adult when we become ten. And then, the elders will have to send us out of our village and can only be allowed to return if we have some sort of achievements."

"B-But how about your parents?!"

Koyuzu shook her head, "I don't have one. The kind grandma from the orphanage is the one to take care of us."

Before Chisaki could say more, Sagiri opened her mouth and asked, "So where do you live Koyuzu-chan?"

"I...since I couldn't find a place to stay since I'm not very proficient in transformation spell, I was living in an abandoned temple somewhere in the mountains. I'm a raccoon so it didn't bother me anyway."

"...Alright," Sagiri sighed, "I will hold off the question why you decided to play a prank on Chisaki Miyazaki, for now I'll bring you back to my place."


Alex was just watching everything with an amused smile, and when Sagiri suggested to bring Koyuzu back he couldn't help but grimace.

He remember that this little raccoon girl is obsess with boobs as much as a certain brown-haired pervert with god-slaying artifact...that was very specific.

Speaking of said God-slaying artifact, Alex wondered if he can make that? Isn't that just Evolution magic with a fancy name? He'd try that later.

"Alexander, you okay?" Emi asked as she looked worriedly at Alex who was staring at an empty space with a weird expression.

Alex snap out of his thoughts as he smiled at Emi and nodded, "Yeah, I just remember something interesting. I might stay on my workshop all night after this."

Emi just raised an eyebrow, and when she was about to ask more, Chitose, Suzuno and Yuuna came inside the room holding trays of food.

Emi sighed and took her phone from Alice's hands. She almost gave it back when Alice looked at her with her big, round, teary eyes. But stilled herself and shook her head.

Alice pouted before turning her head away as Nonko just laughed besides them.

Alex spoke up, "Umm, Chitose, can you guys make more food? Sagiri is about to return and she brought some guest with her."

Chitose appeared confused for a moment but ended up nodding her head with a smile, "Sure, no problem."

Nonko looked at Alex, "How do you know?"

Alex smirked, "The same reason as to how I know when you are about to sneak up on me."

She pouted. She always hated it when Alex spoiled her fun, and ruining a cliché move of covering a boy's eyes from behind then asked if he knew her.

Alex rolled his eyes, he understood what was going on her mind so he just sighed.

"Whatever...let's eat."


AN: School's back....yaaay, tho we only have a face-to-face class every monday, so that day may be the day i will update late and possibly only one chap

Also, for those who play legend of zelda, breath of the wild, how do i pull out the sword? just increase my hearts? or is there a quest? i tried pulling it and Link almost died if he wasn't stop by that tree