
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 2: An Ordinary Inn with an Ordinary People

"Pika! Pika!"

A yellow, mouse-like creature was running around while letting out a weird noise. Yes, this is none other than that creature, the "electrifyingly" cute creature known as Pikachu.

"Pikapi~!" Chasing after it, is a little girl wearing a Pikachu onesie, she was smiling widely as she run after the pokemon with the name of Pikachu.

Yes, this little girl is none other than the Yesod Fragment, Alice Gremory.

Watching them was Alex, while lying sideways on the floor, with his left hand supporting his head.

They are in the Inn's dining room, just waiting for dinner. Though it seems that only Alice and him are the only one in the room.

Since he literally has nothing better to do, he was watching his daughter play around with Pikachu with an amused smile.

But don't be fooled by this cute little fella, this Pikachu is a mechanized death god capable of even annihilating an entire Army and go toe-to-toe with a full power Sephira if only for half a minute.

It is equipped with countless Artifacts inside its body, which include a huge variable shield, gatling guns, a pile bunker, a small sunlight convergence laser, missiles, a super vibration death scythe with a large caliber shotgun attached, flying all range ordnances, etc.

How can they fit in that small body? Of course, due to Space Magic.

But of course, now it only looks a lot like a harmless creature and not the mechanized personification of death at all.

The sliding door opened as Alex looked towards it, he saw Lucifer and Hisui walking in.

Lucifer's eyes widened for a bit when he saw Pikachu, but quickly calmed down. If he didn't know how Alex seems to pick up a hobby of making things, he would probably already picked up the roundest thing he could find and threw it towards the pokemon.

Hisui, meanwhile, was just staring at the small creature with unblinking eyes. Pikachu seems to notice her stare as it stop and tilted its head, causing Alice to finally catch it and carry it on her arms.

Of course, as a Sephira, Alice's strength was too strong that she could probably compete with an ordinary grown up human.

That even in the manga, she tackled Gabriel through a wall, with a burst of magic.

And of course, for someone like her who has a mind of a two years old, she couldn't fully control her strength.

But Pikachu seems to not even feel a thing, as one couldn't even see a dent on its mechanized body. Of course, the surface is smooth and soft with a fur, Alex made it like that, no one would cuddle it otherwise.

"Eme-neecha?" Alice tilted her head when she saw Hisui looking at her, or rather, looking at her toy—a gift from her papa, intently.

She looked at her Pikachu then back to Hisui before extending her hand with Pikachu forward, "Eme-neecha, wanna play?"

Hisui flinched before she looked at Alex who just gave her a smirk, then to Lucifer who just shrugs before sitting at the corner.

He knew he will be forced out of his spot if he sat beside the table anyway, so he'd spare himself from getting kicked and just sit at the corner.

Hisui doesn't know how to answer her, even though she looked like a child she is already more than 20 years old, won't she lose face if she tried to take the pet of a two years old?


Fortunately, she was saved by the door opening again. Alice turned towards the door as she gave a bright smile.

"Mama!" She ran towards Emi who just arrived and threw Pikachu to the side as she hugged her mama on her legs.

Hisui sighed in relief and sat down next to Lucifer.

Emi smiled and picked her up before raising an eyebrow at the rather large yellow mouse looking at them.

Rika, who followed behind Emi almost choked when she saw the little yellow pokemon looking at them.

"P-Pi-Pikachu?!" She stuttered.

"Pi?" Pikachu turned towards Rika and tilted its head.

Rika couldn't resist the urge and crouched down to pet the little pokemon. Pikachu purred as it enjoyed the feeling of being petted.

Pikachu always feels the Death Hug of Friendship of Alice due to her rather strong strength, so getting petted softly like this is a new experience.

Rika turned towards Alex and muttered only a word, "How?"

However, before Alex could answer, the door once again slide open, and Ashiya walks in.

The Demon General was about to greet Alex when he noticed Rika crouching in front of him while petting a rather large yellow mouse-like creature.

"Miss Rika," he smiled at the girl, who blushed and quickly stood up.

"A-Ashiya-san, welcome back."

"Thank you miss Rika, though I must say, I was rather surprised to see you petting such...cute creature. I have thought of you as more of a cool, calm, and collected person. But I guess, as a girl, you also have a rather cute side on you."

"G-Gosh, y-you don't have to say that to me though. I-I'm not c-cute, o-or anything you know."

Emi rolled her eyes at her friend's behavior before she sat down next to Alex and put Alice on her lap.

Alex sat up and released a yawn as he asked Emi, "How's work?"


"Man, I sure am glad I became a stay-at-home dad. My money just keeps on flowing to my pocket while I do nothing but spend time with Alice, and of course stay at my workshop."

Alice searched Emi's pockets and took out her phone. Emi smiled and decided to open it and play the game that Alice seems to like before letting her play it.

"I wonder, just what is inside your workshop? You don't let any of us in there."

"That's a secret." He smirked.

Emi couldn't help but roll her eyes at his answer. Suddenly, Yaya, wearing her purple sleeveless hoodie and purple denim shorts came out under the table with a droopy eyes as if she just woke up.

Like a cat, she began stretching her body in all fours before sitting beside Alex, she looked up to him and said, "Mornin Alexander."

"Its evening."

"Hm," Yaya seems to act like she didn't hear anything and just greeted Emi and Alice before laying her head on the table.

At that moment.

"Hello~!" Nonko arrived, wearing only a kimono, she looks refreshed and looks as if she just came out from the hot springs.

Without waiting for any reply, she sat down next to Emi and greeted them before looking at the game Alice was playing.

"Guys I'm back~ and we've got a visitor!" Yuuna announced as she walked in with Urara following behind her.

"Heya~!" Urara greeted them before she lost her smile when she looked at Alex.

With a speed that should be impossible for her to reach, she appeared behind Alex and send a kick.

Though Alex just stopped it with a finger, before he looked over his shoulder and stared at Urara with a questioning eyes.

"You liar! The artifact you gave me doesn't work at all! Look at me! I look exactly the same!"

"Artifact?" Alex tilted his head in confusion before he suddenly remember it, "Ah, right, artifact, yeah, that."

"So its really not working?!"

"Of course its working," Alex sighed and stood up before he lead Urara at the corner of the room before wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he whispered, "I never go back on my words, the artifact will really cause your body to mature like Sagiri."

"But why isn't it working!" Urara whispered back with irritation.

"Okay, I'm sure both of us knew that you won't grow busty even after ten years later right?"

"Guh?!" Urara grasp her chest as she felt an invisible arrow hitting her.

"So, like, the artifact I gave you will slowly change your body, making it so that, ten years from now, you'll have a body similar to Sagiri."

"You mean to tell me that I need to wait for ten years?! That's bull!"

Alex shrugs, "Its up to you to believe it or not." With that, he walked back towards the table and sat beside Emi.

Urara grumbled before sitting next to Rika, who was sitting next to Ashiya, who was sitting next Yaya.

Rika and Urara already met once when they accidentally bumped into each other at MgRonalds, of course Sagiri and Emi are with them.

"Oh, and everyone, Sagiri-san said that she might be a bit late today." said Yuuna. "Apparently she has something to do so she stayed behind."

Alex raised an eyebrow, so he decided to search for her, but paused. What if Sagiri has some private matters to attend to? Won't that be an invasion of privacy?

After thinking about, he just shrugs. He'll just stop if it really looked private.

He used magic sense to search for her and his eyebrow shot up in surprise, 'Hmm, now this is interesting.'

------------Cut! Just an advance chapter cuz I might be late for posting a chap tomorrow-----------------