
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

USJ p.1

[quick recap- Damien destroyed Stefan and All Might got angry at Damien when he made fun of his 'father' who was all mights friend and attacked damien out of anger. Damien then went on to beat the shit out of All Might and threaten the class so that they would not speak about the incident]

The next day Damien woke up and got ready to go to school. He took a quick shower and put his uniform on. He tied his long black hair into a loose bun(https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/716002040727435614/).

When he was done getting ready he went to have breakfast like usual. After eating he teleported to school by himself as he noticed Nemuri already left. He made it to the front door of class 1A and walked in. As soon as he walked in everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at him in fear.

Damien ignored this and walked to his seat. Not long after Damien arrived his two friends walked in at the same time. The students again looked at them but not with the same fearful face they had when they saw Damien. It was understandable as Damien was the one who did everything and the two only defended their friend.

They walked closer to Damien and greeted him ""Hey/what's up"". Damien responded "hey guys not much. What about you guys". They both answered the same as Damien and went on to talk about the movie Jackson watched with Yu.

Aizawa then walked in shortly after and started with the roll call. After that was done they went on to do the same boring things they would do in middle school. This included math, science, and English. The period before lunch was English and aizawa told them "it will be a study session and we have a trip tomorrow. Quickly talk amongst yourselves and figure out who the class president will be".

The students were quite and looked at Damien. "I honestly think Iida or Momo should be president. I definitely don't want to and I would not take it seriously so leave me out of it" Damien said to the class. When he said this Iida got a better impression of him. 'Wow means so much to me. Even if he threatened us he still decided to step down even when he has the power. *nods* definitely isn't a dictator. Damien I won't let you regret your decision' Iida though while having a tear drop from his eye.

Damien who saw this could only sigh and hope that this wouldn't bring trouble in the future. While this was happening Stefan was looking at Damien and wondering why he turned out to be so villainous and wondering how he should make him realize that he should change his ways.

One person in the class was too clueless about what happened to the class as it was more lively before today, but he just brushed it off and went on to talk to Uraraka. (This was deku and btw deku and Stefan,Alice don't know what happened to all Might and the rest of the class)

After deciding that Iida would be class president and Momo would be Vice President they went on to work on a study sheet they got for an upcoming English test. After studying the bell rang and they all went to the cafeteria. Damien and his friends went to sit at an open table and started eating. While they were eating momo and Mina walked up and sat with them.

When they did that everyone from their class(the ones who were there)looked at them with one thought 'fearless'. "Do you mind if we sit here" Momo asked which Damien said "no we don't mind" while glancing over to David. David noticed the glance and just smiled as it was nothing to get embarrassed about. They then started eating with them. Everyone in their class(last time I'm saying the one who were there)was shocked that nothing happened.

"So Damien wanna be friends" Mina said in a cheerful manner. Damien was surprised as he was the one who threatened them but nonetheless he accepted. He accepted because though he is cold, he wouldn't mind having friends or acquaintances.

When he accepted Mina smiled and started to ask him questions. "What's your favourite game" Mina asked. Damien then responded "mortal kombat X". Mina immediately smiled and responded "no way me too". They continued to talk about their favourite anime's and different topics such as brands and who tattled his hair.

While they were talking momo and David were hitting it off. The only person who was alone was Jackson. That didn't last long though as Tsuyu walked to their table and started talking to him. The rest of the class was shocked to see the boy who was like a demon and was the one who threatened them acting friendly and seemed like a regular student. Them seeing this confused them and changed how they saw him a bit, not a lot but only a small change.

Damien and Mina were talking about shoes and if he could think of a hair style for Mina to wear for a day. Damien was about to answer as the intruder alarm went off. Everyone except the six who were talking started to panic. This was because they knew if anyone attacked them the three boys with them could definitely defeat them. Damien knew it was probably reporters as they most likely found out about All Might so he knew one of them got passed the gate. 'It's gated but the question is how they got passed it'. Damien was suspicious but the noise died down shortly after as Iida explained it was just reporters.

After eating lunch the group walked back to class and school ended like always. When Damien was about to go home Mina, Momo, and Tsuyu walked up to him and asked for his phone number as they explained they already have Jackson and David's numbers. Damien gave it to them and said goodbye and teleported home. When he got home he did the what he always did. Take a shower, cook dinner, wait for Nemuri to have dinner,watch a movie afterwards, but one thing did change. Nemuri got drunk and fell asleep on Damien's shoulder during the movie. Damien waited until the movie was over as he was very interested in the movie and when it was over he picked up Nemuri and brought her to her room.

When he got to her room he dropped her on her bed and was about to walk out until Nemuri grabbed his arm and pulled him into a cuddle position. Damien found it hard to get out without waking her up as her leg was over him. '*sigh* what am I going to do. I could just sleep with her but this isn't comfortable and I don't want to be the little spoon' Damien thought while Nemuri turned around. 'Perfect now I could be comfortable' he thought while cuddling with Nemuri and drifting off to sleep.



'What the fuck. Why does she snore so loud' Damien thought waking up in the middle of the night. 'Guess I have to make earplugs'. Damien then created earplugs made of darkness and placed it in his ear and once again drifted off to sleep.

Waking up Nemuri was in a very comfortable position and when she noticed Damien was asleep cuddling with her she blushed. 'Did we do it last night. I'm too hungover' Nemuri thought bright red imagining what might have happened last night. "*yawn* oh good morning Nemuri" Damien said getting up from the bed. Damien then stretched and headed to the washroom. Before he could leave the room though Nemuri stopped him "did we d-do it last night". 'Oh my perfect material' Damien thought. "Huh don't you remember. It was wild last night. You were so loud even our neighbours could've hear it last night" Damien said to the now blushing Nemuri.

"W-WHATT" she yelled. "Ya I never knew you could be so loud" Damien continued to tease her.

"*sniff*sniiff* I w-as *sniff saving it until *blush*" Nemuri said having tears in her eyes. Damien feeling bad decided to end it. "Ya honestly I never knew you could snore so loud" as he said this Damien could see a black aura around Nemuri. "Ara ~ deciding to tease this beautiful women with something so important. I guess I have to teach you how to teach your elders" Nemuri said grabbing a nearby lamp and running after him.

After a couple minutes she calmed down and they both got ready. Damien wore the same hairstyle as yesterday and teleported to school with Nemuri. When he walked into class the stares weren't as bad as the day before but he still saw the fear in some of their eyes. He went to Jackson and David who were talking to Mina, Tsuyu, and Momo. He greeted them as Aizawa cam right as the bell rang indicating the start of school.

"Ok kids get in your hero costumes and come back here" Aizawa said.

Damien and the rest of the class got in their hero costumes and walked back to class. Damien now had his long hair flowing while wearing his black and red yukata with his katana strapped to his waist.

"Ok kids let's go to the busses and go to the USJ".

I’m back. I hope you liked the chapter.

Please let me know how my writing is. Is it boring. Does it lack emotions. How is the romance part of the story? Please lmk and I do hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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