
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

USJ p.2

Damien and the class walked outside towards the busses. The class was lined up and the class president and Vice President were asked to do attendance. After that was done they settled inside and began talking to each other. Damien sat with Jackson while David sat with Momo.

During the bus ride Damien and Jackson were talking about new ways to use their powers(will explain them after the USJ during the week off and the additional two weeks off). Before they could come up with more ways to use their powers Aizawa interrupted them "ok be quite now we're here".

The class then got off the bus and walked inside. Damien was shocked to see how huge it was. He was not the only one who was surprised as both Jackson and David couldn't believe they had a facility this huge. The class then met the pro hero 13 who has a black hole quirk. Damien was impressed at how strong it was and wondered what he would be able to do if he had her quirk. Damien believed he could still kill her by teleporting but he knew 'without being able to teleport she would be able to beat/kill anyone'.

Just as he was thinking about this a portal suddenly opened in the middle of the field. Damien knew this was an attack but before he could jump down and kill them Aizawa spoke "Damien watch your classmates and make sure they're safe". Aizawa then proceeded to jump down and beat the villains that were running towards them.

A portal suddenly opened below the students and they all fell through. 'I could just teleport out but what's the fun in that' Damien thought as he was intrigued by where they would end up. When Damien finally got out of the portal he saw that he was in an area of water. Damien noticed he was on a boat and before he could do anything two more of his classmates appeared.

"You're here too huh Tsuyu" Damien greeted her.

"Ya I guess were safe with you here" she said with a smile.

Damien looked at the other student. He had green hair and looked like someone's bitch. "Who might you be" he asked the boy. The boy was surprised as he was one of his classmates but brushed it off and responded. "I'm izuku but people call me deku". Damien widened his eyes as he remembered Bakugo screaming at this boy. "Oh no wonder why I didn't know you. You're the weakest guy in our class right. The one Bakugo always threatens" Damien said. Though he did know about deku and his secret before this, he wanted to put deku in his place and point out that he is just someone's bitch. The reason didn't like deku was because Damien didn't like how deku viewed the world. He always heard him spout nonsense about protecting everyone and about how he wants to be the number one hero. There's is no way one person could save everyone. And to Damien a rank doesn't matter and shouldn't as at the end of the day they are all supposed to save people and a rank only down plays low ranking heroes risking their lives to help others.

Hearing this deku was heart broken but that didn't stop him as he responded "ya but I'll become the number one her-" before he could finish he saw Damien grab Tsuyu and fly away with wings made of his darkness. "Why are you leaving me here!" deku screamed.

Damien then realized but it was already too late he was already more than half way across. "Fine" Damien said as he made a darkness beam and shot it in the water crippling all the villains and having some die. Deku sewing this was horrified but before he could yell at him Damien was already gone.

Damien appeared in the middle with Tsuyu. He then saw Stefan fighting a big bird looking animal while his teacher Aizawa bleeding out as he was about to fight the group of villains charging at him trying to finish him off. Damien then disappeared and appeared in front of Aizawa. He then picked him up and appeared beside Tsuyu handing him to her. "Watch over him" he said as he disappeared and reappeared in front of a villain. Damien quickly unsheathed his sword and cut the mans arms and legs off. He then put darkness around his wounds to make sure he doesn't die.

Damien then appeared in front of a women who was about to rush at Stefan and cut her head off. "Shit. That wasn't supposed to happen" he cursed as he quickly used his black flame to burn the body to ashes. he then proceeded to finish off the small group by cutting off their limbs.(he did use darkness to make sure they don't die)

Shigaraki seeing this immediately frowned as he started muttering "not fair, not fair. You fucking cheat,kurogiri send the rest of the low lives out". Kurogiri heading this responded by saying "Shigaraki they were meant for backup against All Might. Are you sure". Shigaraki immediately responded by saying yes. Damien watched as twenty villains rushed at him from the portal. Damien didn't want to waste more energy so he decided to deal with them in one attack. "Dark slash" he muttered as he sent a slash of darkness at the villains which cut their legs off making them all scream in pain.

(Bakugo POV)

Bakugo, Todoroki and deku all reaches the middle to a horrifying site of the villains without any legs and blood everywhere. "What happened here" Bakugo asked. Deku hearing this pointed at Damien who was standing infront of the villains with his katana out. "What the fuck" were the words Bakugo said realizing it was Damien who caused all the damage. 'Wait but they're villains who came at us with the intent to kill so at least he didn't kill them. But damn why is he so strong' Bakugo thought.

Todoroki seeing this acted no different and said "they are villains. There are some pro heroes who do this". Hearing this deku nodded but still couldn't forgive Damien for being this ruthless.

(Normal POV)

Damien then watched as Stefan was fighting the bird who was named Nomu. He saw Stefan struggling and was about to walk away until he heard Shigaraki speak. "Haha look you're walking away you scared bitch. This is Nomu and meant to kill All Might. Hahah pussy ass hero bitch". This angered Damien as Shigaraki stomped on his pride. Damien disappeared and reappeared in front of the Nomu who was about to punch Stefan and caught its fist. When he caught the fist a big gust of wind flew passed him. Damien then went into assault mode version one and punched the Nomu making it lose its lower half. He thought it was done but it quickly regenerated . Damien thought for a second before unsheathing his katana and cutting the Nomu in half spliting the brain and using his black flames to burn it to ashes.

Shigaraki seeing this ran at him but before he could touch him, Damien cut his legs and an arm off and before Damien could kill him kurogiri teleported away with Shigaraki.Then suddenly the doors flew open as All Might walked through saying "I AM HERE".

(Five minutes earlier)

All Might was sitting in his office at UA. He decided to call 13 telling her he would show up earlier as he was bored. He called her but she didn't pick up. He kept calling for another two minutes before he got worried and rushing to the USJ. When he got there he opened the doors and said his famous catch phrase "I AM HERE".

What he saw shocked him. There were bodies without legs everywhere and saw Damien his student with his katana unsheathed. He put the clues together and I'm radiating yelled. "DAMIEN EXPLAIN"

(Normal POV)

Hearing All Might scream his name like he was going to do something made Damien a bit angry but before he could say something Jackson and David appeared beside Damien and put a hand on his shoulders to calm him down. "Where were you guys" Damien asked them. Both looked at each other and Jackson said "we were watching from the distance. We didn't want to interrupt the fight". Damien sighed but again before he could talk All Might rushed to him while saying "DONT IGNORE ME".

Damien sighed and looked at All Might Who was now standing in front of him and looked at the students who were looking at what happened. Deku immediately ran to All Might and said "A-All Might, Damien crippled all of the villains". Bakugo shook his head and so did Momo, Tsuyu,and Mina because deku snitching would not turn out good for him. 'May god be with you' they thought in unison.

What will happen do the bitchboy deku after saying this. Find out next time on The devil inside.

Hey guys hope you liked it. I didn’t kill Shigaraki because I have plans for him not cause I care about canon. Though I will follow it, it will change drastically.

How did u like the chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it and have a goo night.

Would you like Damien to travel the multiverse? Lmk ur thoughts.

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