
The Devil’s Fallen Angel

*This is an R-18 story. It involves foul language, sexual content, and violence.* Lucifer the Second, also known as Louie, is the only child of the Devil. His father is the notorious archangel who betrayed God, and his mother was a ruthless and powerful demon. Louie is a unique half-breed who's eager to step up and take over as the ruler of Hell. However, there is a catch. He must marry. But his future queen is not just one of the half-demons that populate Hell, but an angel. Unbeknownst to him, his father and grandfather made a deal when he was a child, and now he has to honor that deal if he wants to take the throne. Louie believes that his bride-to-be will be nothing more than a nuisance, but when she arrives in a fiery explosion reserved for those angels that have been cast out, his world is turned upside down. It doesn't take long for Louie to realize that his fallen angel is not what he was expecting. Fiesty, outspoken, and cute, he finds himself very intrigued by her and the secrets she holds. Follow Louie and his angelic bride as they navigate their unconventional relationship and embark on adventures in this slow-burn, spicy romance. Excerpt: "What do you propose then?" She asked, lifting her head off his leg and taking a drink from her glass. "You're letting me decide?" He smirked, putting his drink on the side table and leaning forward. "I didn't say I'd agree." She rolled her eyes before turning and leaning her back against his legs, placing her own glass on the ground next to her. Lucifer leaned back against the couch and stretched his arms across the back of it, "I was just going to suggest you make right on our deal from earlier." He proposed. "Ahh." She answered, tilting her head back so she could see Lucifer's face, which held an amused look and a genuine smile, "You really think you held up your end, huh?" She asked with her own smirk, once again letting her head rest on his legs as she looked straight up at the star-speckled sky. She was a wee bit tipsy, and maybe that had something to do with how she was feeling, but it really was a beautiful night. With the warmth of the little balcony playing alongside the moment of sharing their deepest pains with one another, She found herself not only feeling closer but also quite comfortable with her Devil. "Undoubtedly." He replied to her question, and she raised a brow, "Admittedly, there was a hiccup or two, but nothing that ruined the evening." He defended, "Plus, I resolved them, did I not?" "A hiccup?" She scoffed, looking as far up as her eyes would allow so she could see him, "Someone tried to kill me, Luce." Lucifer placed a hand on each cheek and leaned over her so that he stared directly into her eyes. Pools of blue looking down and sparkling emeralds looking up, "Tried." He said in almost a whisper. She felt his warm breath on her forehead while his hair tickled her face, "Didn't I protect you? Kept you safe?" "I suppose," She agreed, blushing as he shifted forward a bit more so that his lips were now just an inch or so above hers. "Then may I please have what you promised me?" Lucifer asked again. She swallowed and gave a slight nod.

TheYoungLadyL · Fantasy
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113 Chs

Lucifer "Artificial Flavoring?"

*Warning!* This chapter contains descriptive sexual content that is not appropriate for minors. Reminder: This is an 18+ story, and it will contain explicit content for mature readers only.*

Lucifer licked and sucked on his Baby Girls breast while one hand massaged the other, and his other hand was between her legs playing with her panty line. She writhed under his touch, letting out the sexiest little gasps and moans as he worked her into a tizzy. 

He rubbed his fingers over the thin material that separated his touch from her. He growled with lust as he realized how wet she was. He wanted to taste her, to know his Baby Girl on his tongue, but he needed to be patient. Lucifer needed to get her to the edge so they could fall over it together, but she was making it difficult. The way she lay there underneath him, exposed to him and only him. All the sounds she made, the way she reacted to his touch, and how she smelled! The cocktail that was his precious doll was intoxicating and nothing like anything he had ever experienced.

Lust, frustration, pleasure, arousal, and that one other thing he couldn't place. All of it filled every bit of the space around them, making him feel tipsy. He knew if he allowed himself to, he could cum right now just off of her. 

As he teased her through her underwear, she bucked against his hand, and he smirked, knowing she wanted him, wanted him to satisfy her needs. After a little more teasing, he worked his fingers under the soaked cloth, but just as he was about to touch her, a loud knock echoed through the room.

Lucifer released her breast and glared at the door, "Go away!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, Prince Lucifer, but your father has ordered you and the Princess's presence at breakfast." An unfamiliar male voice called back.

"The Princess and I are unavailable until this afternoon. Now, fuck off!" Lucifer growled, turning his attention back to his flustered wife and finally allowing his fingers to touch her wet folds.

His Baby Girl arched her back and bit down on her bottom lip to stifle a moan as he slipped just the tip of his fingers into her, but then there was another knock. This one was softer and more hesitant.

"I-I'm really sorry, Prince Lucifer, but your father said if you r-refuse to inform you that it is an order, and if you still refuse, he'll be, uh, forced to come get you h-himself." The boy informed in a shaky voice.

Lucifer growled while his Baby Girl groaned. The delicious aromas that she was emitting faded into annoyance while she wiggled out from under him, slid off the bed, and walked toward the closet, dragging her feet and grumbling something about needing a lock on their door or, better, a house of their own.

Still on the bed, Lucifer let his head drop before getting up and crossing the room. As he did so, he lifted the hand he had used to touch his wife and stuck his two, still wet, fingers into his mouth, savoring the juices she left on them, "He better be glad I don't know how to kill him." Lucifer huffed.

He approached the bedroom door and yanked it open to find a relatively short, slightly chubby half-demon standing on the other side. His mouth dropped open as Lucifer, who was still naked, stared down at him. The boy averts his eyes as his cheeks glowed bright red. Lucifer cleared his throat, forcing the boy to meet his gaze,

"You're new, aren't you?" He asked and received a nervous nod, "Tell my father we'll be down in twenty." The boy quickly and fearfully stumbled off.

True to his estimation, Lucifer and his wife stepped out of their room fifteen minutes later. Lucifer was dressed in pressed black slacks and a dark green long-sleeved linen shirt with a lace-up neck. His precious wife wore a cream-colored knit dress with long sleeves pushed up to her elbows, a high collar, and a hem that fell just above her knees. Although the dress was appropriate for the cool weather and seemed quite comfortable, the thick yarn and sweater-like nature concealed all of his Baby Girl's curves. It reminded him that he had been happily exploring those curves only moments ago. Lucifer let out another sigh of annoyance before he wrapped his arm around her waist,

"Calm down, Luce. We have all eternity with each other." She reassured, "He can't interrupt us every time."

"Please don't speak too loudly. If he hears, he may take it as a challenge." Lucifer grumbled as they began to walk.

She softly chuckled, "We could install a lock."

"You think a lock will stop my father?"

"Is there anything that can stop him?" She asked.

"High-profile social engagements," Lucifer replied, "He would do just about anything to get out of social obligations. For example, have a child he could eventually pawn off those obligations on."

"As social as you may be, my Darling, I don't think having a raging party in our room is the solution." She laughed.

"I don't know," He shrugged, "I mean, if it keeps him out. Honestly, I really don't care who's watching." He smirked, anticipating the shock and embarrassment that quickly permeated the air around them.

"Seriously!" She blushed, elbowing him in the side and causing him to laugh, "There are people around us that might be able to hear, you shameless Devil."

"Baby Girl, I just told you I don't mind people watching. I couldn't care less if they heard us discussing our intimacy." He explained.

Truthfully, he would never allow anyone to see his Baby Girl the way he had. In fact, he would gouge out the eyes of any man who dared to look at what was his. However, he couldn't resist the urge to pick on her. He loved seeing her rosy-cheeked and flustered,

"How am I ever going to survive an eternity with you?" She sighed.

"And you call me dramatic." He chuckled, but suddenly, he remembered something that had been nagging in the back of his mind, "Baby Girl, I have a question. Earlier, before we were interrupted, you were feeling something," Lucifer began.

"I was feeling a lot of things," She stated in a hushed tone as a servant quickly hurried past them with an arm full of towels.

"Yes, you were." He smirked, "A very delectable mix. Lust, desire, frustration,"

"Keep your voice down, will you? The whole castle doesn't need to know the details of what I was feeling." She hissed as another couple of servants approached on the opposite side of the hall.

Lucifer laughed, "So shy suddenly. What happened to my naughty little wife who shamelessly seduced me this morning by leaving her shirt unbuttoned so I could play,"

"I told you the buttons came undone while I was sleeping!" She snapped, her cheeks bright red as the two punished angels passed them with a side eye, "Will you get to your question before I die of embarrassment and then go back to heaven and have to explain to your grandfather why I died! Which will probably cause me to die again, which would make me double dead."

"Triple dead, actually. You already died once."


"Okay, okay, Baby Girl." He chuckled, "One of those feelings you were feeling I've never personally experienced with anyone except you,"

"Just one?" She scoffed, pressing her lips and glaring at him.

"Yes, just the one." He confirmed. He was lost in his thoughts and didn't pick up on her annoyance, "I've sensed it from you before. It started as little snips here and there, but recently, I've caught it more often, but never as strong as earlier." Lucifer pressed his lips, "I've felt a similar emotion from other people, but never towards me, and not as intense as what I feel from you. It's different, stronger, maybe, or more potent. I can't explain it." He let out a sigh.

"Artificial flavoring." His Baby Girl hummed and nodded.

"What?" Lucifer questioned, snapping his eyes over to his wife.

"My favorite fruit is peach. I love anything peach-flavored, but my favorite was a fresh peach. The artificial peach flavoring is fine but could never stand up to a deliciously juicy fresh peach." She explained.

"I have no idea what a peach is, but this explanation sounds accurate."

"This feeling you're talking about. You said you've only ever got it from me?" She questioned, and it was then that Lucifer honed in on his Baby Girl's emotions.

"Yes." He replied.

"Have you felt it before? Not just earlier or last night?" She questioned as the pink in her cheeks reignited.

"Yes, in small amounts, but tonight, it filled the air around us. It was there last night, too, stronger than it had ever been,"

"And before last night? Not in a," She paused, looking around, "Sexual situation?"

"Yes, but it's always been fleeting."

Her brows knitted together, and she took a deep breath before nibbling on her bottom lip,

"Do you feel it now?"

Lucifer paused, "Yes, very subdued but strong, as weird as that sounds."

"Well, shit." She finally sighed loudly and then let out an odd laugh.

"What? Do you know what it is?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do." She shrugged but gave him no more explanation.

They stopped in front of the doors to the dining hall, "Care to enlighten me?" He finally asked.

"No." She simply replied, "You'll figure it out eventually, and at this point in time, I don't want to talk about it."

"It's not bad, is it?" He asked in a joking manner but secretly worried.

"That feeling, do you like it?" She asked in return as they stood outside the giant wooden doors.

"Yes, very much." He nodded.

"Then don't worry, just enjoy it." She smiled and pushed the door open.