
The walk around

Gavin removed his arm from Jay's shoulder and turned to walk back to Gabby. Ray, Jay and Levi started walking out, but before Levi exited the house he shot a glare at Gavin. Gavin was now helping Gabby with some boxes, as he picked one box up Gabby picked up another one.

- Alright, the biggest room is mine.

Gabby exclaimed while rushing up the stairs. Ace and Eve started running after her like a bunch of children. Gavin wasn't too far behind Gabby, but unlike her he wasn't running up the stairs, he just climbed them at a faster pace than usual. Suddenly Gabby's foot slipped, luckily Gavin was right behind her. He thought fast and dropped the box to catch the girl that was falling. He caught her swiftly; however they had to collect the things that had dropped. Gavin gently set her down.

- You should be more careful. I wouldn't want you falling all the time.

Gavin said with a corny smile on his face. Gabby blushed slightly from embarrassment. Nana came up next to them and crossed her arms. Gabby immediately knew she was going to get scolded for her reckless behavior.

- Now did I or did I not tell you that you shouldn't run up the stairs.

Gabby looked down because she knew better than to argue with Nana even though she didn't actually say anything.

- Actually Nana you didn't say anything when we started running up the stairs.

Ace said while standing in the doorway of the room he chose to stay in. That's Ace for you always quick on correcting people even though it could get him in trouble, just so he could feel like a smarty-pants. Nana was now glaring up at Ace

- Oh really? Well I shouldn't have to that should be common knowledge.

She turned to continue up the stairs to settle herself in a room before all the good rooms were gone, not that there any chance of that happening. She went in the nearest room, in the mean while Gavin and Gabby had finished picking everything up and heeded upstairs, carefully this time. They soon reached a room that was really big but not significantly bigger than the other rooms. They set the boxes down

- Wow your room is way bigger than mine.

Said Eve who was standing in the doorway, because she wanted to check out the room where her best friend was going to stay. Gabby and Gavin turned to look at her

- It's not that much bigger, it only seems that way because you're sharing a room with Ace.

Gabby said and crossed her arms as if teasing her best friend. Ace and Eve have been together for two years now, so it isn't strange that they want to share a room. Eve simply let out a sigh.

- Yeah you're right, can't complain about it now.

She said when she turned away and started to walk back to her room, so she could finish unpacking. Gabby started unpacking and Gavin helped. While they were unpacking they started up a conversation.

- So how long have you lived here.

Gabby asked trying to make some small talk while they were getting her things out of the box.

- Not that long actually, only a month.

Gavin replied in a happy tone, then looked at gabby and smiled sweetly.

- I noticed that you guys don't have many things, why is that?

Gabby was looking down putting her shirt on the bed. True they didn't have that many things just a few clothes and necessary things. Gabby smile faded and she looked somewhat sad.

- Yeah we don't. We basically lived on the streets, going from place to place trying to stay alive. We might look presentable, however that is only because we took baths in rivers and washed our clothes as well. Eve tough we can't afford anything we try and make the best of what we have.

Gabby explained, Gavin looked down with a sad expression.

- I'm sorry I didn't know.

He apologized for bringing the topic up. Gabby looked up at him and smiled sweetly

- Don't worry about it. We're alright now.

She looked back down and continued to take out the remaining items out of the box.

- Honestly I was surprised when Ray offered us, complete strangers, stay in his village.

Gavin snickered to himself and looked at Gabby.

- We are naturally welcoming and not to mention that ray has the ability to tell between people. He knows who is good and who is bad. It's kind of like a superpower of his.

Gabby laughed slightly and looked at Gavin smiling. At the moment they were putting everything in its rightful place. Gabby put down her hairpin on a table and turned her attention back to Gavin.

- Well then it's a good thing that he acknowledged me as a good person.

Gavin turned around from the cabinet, in which he was putting Gabby's clothes in, and turned to look at Gabby with a smile.

- Yeah it really is.

Gabby blushed slightly and looked away, while Gavin let out a chuckle.

- You know what, why don't I show you around the area?

Gabby turned her head back to look at Gavin, her smile grew wider and her eyes sparkled with joy.

- I would love to do that.

Gavin smiled brighter and started walking towards her.

- Shall we?

He extended a hand to Gabby, gesturing for her to grab his hand, but she didn't, she just smile up at him.

- Yes we shall.

She said with a little giggle and started walking. This confused Gavin, why wouldn't she take his hand? But he just shrugged it off and started walking with her. Once they were downstairs they saw Nana and the others go into the kitchen.

- Nana I'm heading out, Gavin's going to show me around the area.

Gabby shouted in the direction of the kitchen.

- Alright, be careful.

Nana shouted back from inside the kitchen. As soon as Gabby heard this response she started walking again. She and Gavin made their way out of the house and started walking around. Gavin led the way, while Gabby was following. Gavin stopped in front of a house and said

- This is where you can get some supplies like food or mouthwash.

Gabby looked at the building and it looked like an old-school shop. Initially I did look like a normal house, but it had a sign, that said "welcome to Willies, we're open", on the front lawn. Gabby looked back at Gavin

- Alright.

She simply said and the continued walking slowly. In the mean time Gabby started a slight conversation with Gavin.

- So why did you move here?

She asked Gavin casually.

- I was recruited by one of the people the Ray had sent out. Unfortunately that person didn't make it back.

Gabby's smile faded from her face, she looked down.

- I'm sorry. Do you mind if I ask how it happened?

Gavin, who was looking down, looked up at Gabby.

- I don't think that's a good idea, maybe later. Let's just enjoy the walk for now.

Gavin started smiling again and that made Gabby smile as well. She simply nodded in response and kept on walking. Shortly they found themselves in the woods near the area. Thy found a big rock that was flat enough for them to sit on, so that's what they did. When they sat down they looked around briefly.

- Wow it's really beautiful here.

Gabby said while looking out deeper into the woods. Gavin looked at her and gave her a cheeky smile.

- Yeah it is, but not as beautiful as you.

Gabby looked at Gavin with a slight blush and started laughing hysterically at Gavin's silly attempt at flirting. Gavin looked at her and blushed ever so slightly out of embarrassment.

- Really? Is that how you flirt?

Gabby said in between gasps for air, which she needed form laughing so hard.