
The vilage

The two males turned around and started walking with Gabby following behind. Levi shoved his hands in his black jean pockets and quickened his pace so that he was walking ahead of Jay and Gabby. As they were making their way to where the leader of the village was supposed to be, Gabby decided to start a conversation with Jay. She looked at him unsure if it was a good idea, however she decided to speak anyway:

- So…um, has he always been this grumpy?

She asked without thinking, the question was clearly about Levi, but she thought that she might have crossed the line. However that thought left her mind in an instant, when she heard a little chuckle escape Jay's lips. Gabby turned her head to Jay, who just continued looking forward and answered:

- Yeah, that's Levi for you. He's the leaders' right hand man and that job doesn't just go to anybody. He is always very serious and as you say "grumpy".

Jay chuckled a little more and Gabby was chuckling as well. All you could hear from the man walking in front of them was a low "mph". As they continued walking forward in a rapid pace, Gabby was looking around at the familiar trees. Soon enough they reached a place that was surrounded with trees the houses that were in the center of it all modern yet simple. There was one house that was bigger and more modern then the rest. Gabby took a minute to process her surroundings. She kept following the two males to wherever they were leading her. As they passed the buildings Jay made some small talk with Gabby:

- Welcome to our humble village.

Jay turned to Gabby and smiled nicely towards her. Gabby looked at him and smiled back saying:

- It looks really nice.

They continued walking to their destination and as expected it didn't take long for them to reach it. They were standing in front of the biggest house, witch, honestly was no surprise to anyone, it was practically obvious that the leader would live there. Levi opened the door and stepped inside with Gabby and Jay following him. With just a few steps they found themselves in a big room there was a couch in front of a TV to the left and a kitchen to the right. In front of them was a staircase. As Gabby was looking around, Levi took his hands out of his pockets and crossed them over his chest. He calmly yet loudly called out:

- Ray!

The loud noise straddled Gabby a little, but she stayed composed. They could hear a door slamming shut from upstairs and soon enough a silhouette of a man appeared at the top of the stairs. As the figure took a few steady steps down, its appearance became clear. It was a man wearing a black t-shirt that was tucked in his dark blue jeans. His posture was straight and on point, his hands were in his pockets, his right hand wrist was decorated with a classic watch. He was tall, with a nice physique, blue eyes and a bald head. His tan skin was illuminated by the light coming from a window. He made his way down the stairs and was now standing in front of the group of people that intruded his home. He smiled sweetly at the girl behind the two guys.

- Well hello to you to Levi.

He said simply then turned his attention back to the girl, who seemed to grow more and more confused as time went by.

- And who are you young lady?

She returned the sweet smile and was about to open her mouth to introduce herself, however before she got the chance, Levi cut her off.

- She's Gabby, we found her and her friends settling in the old house near the border of our territory.

Ray seemed to be taken aback by the statement that just left Levis mouth. He turned back to Gabby.

- I'm surprised that you would want to live there. It's in rough shape and it could be dangerous. Not to mention that I was not informed about this, don't take me wrong I really don't mind but a notice would have been nice.

Gabby averted her eyes from the man in front of her and settled her gaze at the floor. Gabby really wasn't the sort of person to start conflicts nor did she like when they happened around her, so this situation made her somewhat uncomfortable, it also made her feel guilty. She settled her racing mind and finally spoke defending herself.

- Well I didn't know that this land was owned by somebody. I should have done my research, I'm sorry. However if you would be so kind and let us stay in the house we would be very grateful.

Ray was somewhat confused by Gabby's shyness and sincerity. He raised his hand and put it on the girls shoulder in a comforting way. Gabby looked up at the sweetly smiling man that had placed his hand on her shoulder in attempt to comfort her. Ray remover his hand from her shoulder and calmly said:

- No please, don't worry about it. All that matters is that you informed me now, however…

Ray paused for a second and the uneasy feeling in Gabby's stomach returned. A slight look of worry covered her face.

- However I don't think it's a good idea to live in that house. So why don't you and youre friends stay in one of the free houses in this area?

Ray finished his train of thought and as he does Gabby seems to relax once again. A big smile creeped onto her face and she beamed of happiness. She almost jumped from how happy she was. Gabby took both of Rays hands into her own and her blue eyes seemed to sparkle.

- Really? You mean it? thank you!

Gabby asked overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude. Ray simply chuckled at the seventeen year-olds childlike behavior and patted her head slightly before answering.

- Yes I mean it. Now Levi and Jay will help your friends with their things while I show you where you will be staying. Is that okay with you?

The smile never left Gabby's face as she answered full of energy and excitement.

- Yes of course. I can't wait.

Ray turned his attention back to Levi and Jay as he proceeded to tell the two what they should do.

- You two can go ahead and bring her friends as well as her things to the house by the lake.

The two simply nodded in agreement and started making their way out. As they did that Ray and Gabby followed suit on their way to the new housed. As they walked they met a few people who seemed to bow slightly toward Ray as if they were showing respect, Gabby didn't pay much attention to this since she thought it was a village tradition or something like that. As they were walking, Gabby decided to as a little about the village and the people there and since Ray is the head of the village he seemed to be the perfect person to ask.